Chapter 9

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Guys this one is kinda a....sin😜 pls if you don't feel comfortable don't read. I don't want comments saying omg your gross or anything like that. This is why us people who write sin sometimes say READ AT YOUR OWN RISK And enjoy😏

We skated for a few more minutes and went back inside the change room to change out of our skates.

"So you guys wanna come to my place?" Will asked. "Sure!" Me,Kin,and Auston said at the same time. We laughed and went out of the arena. "I'll call Mitch and tell him to bring the rest of the gang." Will said. He went aside and phoned Mitch. "You need a ride?" Auston asked me and Kinsley. "No I can drive us there." I say. Auston wrapped his arms around my waist and looked at me with puppy dog eyes. "Pwetty pwease?" He said in a baby voice. I look at Kinsley and she nodded. "Ok fine." I say, running my hand through his hair." "Mmmm that feels nice." He said bending down so I could have more access to his super soft hair. I rubbed his head more and whispered, "this is for what you did to me in the change room." "Okay so we're even." He chuckled.

Will got off the phone. "Mitch is bringing the gangs over. He's letting them know now." "Okay I'll go with Auston in his car and you and Kinsley can go together in your car." I told him. "And what about your car?" He asked. "I'll leave mine here and we can come get it later." I say. "Sounds good. well see you guys in a bit then." Will said and took Kin's hand and lead her towards his car. (Car below is wills)

Man! That's nice! "Ready to go my lady?" Auston asked kissing my hand

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Man! That's nice! "Ready to go my lady?" Auston asked kissing my hand. "Yes. Lead the way!" I giggle. "Wow now that's a beauty!" I ran up to the lambo that rested in front of us. (Car below is austons)

"Thanks, been saving up to buy this bad boy

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"Thanks, been saving up to buy this bad boy." Auston smiled. He opened the passenger seat door for me. "Thanks." I say as he settles in the drivers seat. "You gotta let me drive this baby someday." Auston chuckled, "whenever you want....bebe.." I blush and he laughs.

Auston rests his hand on my thigh and rubs it as he drives out of the arena parking lot. Then he started to get a bit antsy. I saw him look at me from the corner of his eye. He moved his hand to my crotch area and rubbed there. I moan accidentally. I quickly cover my mouth. I see Auston trying to hold in a laugh. "Relax Bebe were almost there. Put your head back and close your eyes." He says in a huckey voice. I had to admit it did feel kinda nice but I knew he was doing it to have me O him something.

I did what he said and leaned back, closed my eyes and let him do his thing. After a couple minutes he was brave enough to slip his hand into my pants and rub my crotch through my panties. "OOOO Auston mmmmm...." I moaned. He chuckled. "You like that babe." His voice husky again. "Mmm." Was all I could say. Then he slipped his index finger into my panties and massaged my Clit. "Auston!!" I screamed, "Don't fucking stop!!"  "Wasn't planning to." He said.

How long is it to wills anyways I thought. Auston added another finger. "Mmmm, why are you so good at this?!" I moaned. Auston was a true god.

Then he took his hand out of my pants. I whimpered  for more. I watched him lick the juices of of my womanhood off his fingers. I couldn't find the strength in my body to sit up so I stayed leaned back in the car chair. "Are we at wills?" I asked out of breath. "Yup were parked on his drive way actually and he and Kinsley are coming."  "What?!"  "Relax I got this." He said. Will knocked on the window. Auston rolled it down and I closed my eyes praying Auston doesn't tell them what just happened. "You guys coming inside?" Will asked. "Not yet, the lady needs a moment." I feel my face turn red. "What happens is she okay??" Kin said worriedly. "Oh yeah she's fine, just feel asleep." Auston said. I smile I have the best boyfriend ever. I hear Auston roll up the window so I open my eyes.

"Look Allison I'm so sorry for what I did I didn't mean to do this here." He said. I giggle, "don't apologize that was amazing." "No I should have never done that." Auston said. He looked like he was about to cry. I touched his face and pressed my thumbs against his cheeks. "Hey it's ok." I say trying to calm him down. "You hate me now don't you." A tear streamed down his face. I wipped it away with my thumb. "I could never hate you." I said pressing my lips against his. We break apart and I smile. " now be happy, will is going to have one heck of a party!!"

Wow almost 900 words!!
That was a little taste of how I write sin or lemons maybe I'll do more in the future 😉

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