Chapter 39

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The next morning, I'm awoken by Auston kissing my forehead lightly. I look up at him and smile, "Hey pretty boy." "Hey sexy lady." he smirks. Then he smacks my butt under the bed sheets. "Hey!" I giggle. He chuckles and gets out of bed. I do the same and we both get dressed. Aus takes my hand in his and we walk to the kitchen. Matt and Sydney are already up. Awwwee, good morning my adorable couple!" Syd says, coming up to hug both of us. "Good morning!" we say. We're about to eat some pancakes Matt made for breakfast, when suddenly my phone dings signaling I got a text. I look down at my screen and my eyebrows fix together. "Who's that babe?" Aus asks. "It's a text from Stephanie...she wants to meet up with us." "Maybe it's time you two figured things out." Syd says. I shake my head, "No...I can't." Sydney places a gentle hand on my shoulder, "Come on Alli, it's been about a week since you seen her." "Shes probably gonna make fun of me for nothing again!" I say raising my voice. "But you don't know that." Sydney says. "She made Auston cheat on me, practically bullied me, and posted bullshit on instagram about me and you want me to meet up with her again?!" I huff. Syd shrugs, "Well maybe she'll say shes sorry." I roll my eyes, "And why in hell would she do that?" Syd shakes her head, "Just see...please Allison. We'll all be there with you." I look at Aus who's nodding his head. I sigh, "Fine."

Stephanie texts me that she wants to meet at the arena, since it's equally close to both of us. Me, Matt, Syd, and Aus pile into Matt's truck and drive to the arena. I'm a bit nervous to see steph again, we didn't exactly leave off on a good note. Auston kissed and nips at my neck. "Mmm." I accidentally moan. Sydney turns around from the passenger seat and gives us a smile. We finally pull up to the arena and hop out of the truck. Auston takes my hold of my hand again and we walk inside. Stephanie and Kinsley are standing at the entrance. I stop and stand still. I should have known Kinsley was going to be there to. Auston tugs at my hand, signalling me to go to them. I just stare at him blankly. "Babe, come." He whispers. I sigh and let go of his hand. I walk up to them and wait for them to say something. "Allison...we're so sorry." Steph says. Kin nods, "Yeah, I don't know what we were thinking." "We took that stupid instagram page down." Steph says, "And I'm sorry I blamed you for what those kidnappers did to us." I smile and nod, "It's okay." The three of us hug. "Hey did you hear about the party Babcock is throwing?" Kin asks. "Babcock is throwing a party?" I say. They nod, "Everyone will be there you all should come." I nod, "Sure, sounds like fun." Kin claps her hands, "Yay! See you tonight then!" Her and Stephanie wave goodbye to all of us and walk out of the arena. Aus, Syd, and Matt come up to me. "Hey, what'd they say?" Aus asks. I shrug, "They just apologized and wanted us all to go to some party Babs is throwing." "Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you guys he emailed me a few days ago." "I don't know if I want to go..." I say. "Why not? It'll be fun." Aus says, wrapping his arms around my waist." I smile, "Okay....maybe." He smiles and pecks my lips, "I'm taking that as a yes." "Awweee!!" Sydney gushes. "Hey we still have to figure out what we're wearing." I say. Everyone nods and we decide to go back 'home' and figure that out.

We pick out our outfits early so we're not rushing to do so later. I take a seat on the couch in the living room and decide to just relax and close my eyes for a bit. Not to long into my relaxation, I feel a strong hand placed on my thigh, very close to my butt. I smile when the person kisses my cheek. "Can I join you?" Auston asks. I open my eyes, "Of course." I get up so he can lye down first and tug me into him. We get so comfortable that eventually was fall asleep...

"Hey Allison! Auston! Wake up!" I hear Sydney say. I feel Aus's arms tighten around me. "I don't wanna." He moans. Hotttt. I stretch as much as I can, considering Auston. I face him and play with his hair, "Time to get ready Ausy." His eyebrows fix together and he lets out a low grunt. "Come on babe." I say softly. He grunts again but releases me. "Thank you." I say and ruffle his hair one last time. I go to the guest room and change into the ripped jeans I bought and a tml sweatshirt. I'd say I look pretty decent for a party. Suddenly the door opens and Auston walks in. He hugs me from behind and nibbles at my neck. "You okay?" I ask. "Yeah, just tired." He yawns. I giggle, "You like my outfit?" He lets go of me and looks me up and down. "Yeh, I like it a lot." He smiles. "Good now I'll leave and you get changed." I say kissing his cheek on my way out.

As I'm walking to the living room, the phone rings. "I'll get it!" I call, since everyone's busy. "Hello?" I answer. "Hello, this is toronto york police, we're calling because we have found your missing item. Drop by when ever you get the chance beep." It was a audio message. I hang up the phone and place it in it's holder. I take a seat on the couch and wait.

Syd's the first one to come out, "Hey Alli who was on the phone?" "It was a voice message from the police station. They said they found your missing item." I say. Sydney gives me a confused look. "I don't remember losing anything when we were at the station." I shrug, "But hey, nice outfit." she laughs, "We're twinning!"

Then Auston and Matt come out with there new shirts and some jeans. "We styling!" Aus says walking up towards me. "Yeah, we all styling!" I laugh. He pulls me into a quick kiss and Matt does the same to Sydney. Then we take Matts truck to the arena.

When we get there, there are already tons of cars parked in the lot. We get out and enter the arena. We go straight to the lobby where there are drinks and mini appetizers being served. Kinsley and Stephanie come up to us...well to me. They are really over dressed in mini skirts and tube tops. "Hey Allison wanna come with us?" Kin asks. I look back at everyone, Syd mouths "go" and Aus nods. "Yeah for sure." I say with a smile. I follow them to the back corner. " have you been?" Steph asks, taking a seat on the stage. Kin does the same so I follow along. "I've been good I guess how bout you guys." Stephanie nods, "Yeah, I've been alright." we look at Kin and she sighs, "You guys, I don't want this to be awkward...I want us to be best friends and forget what happened..if your both okay with that." I nod, "Yeah I agree." Steph nods to. As we begin to talk more, it feels like everything had always stayed the same. I'm glad the girls came to talk to me this morning because now we can really have some fun!


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