Chapter 15

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These crazy men tie us up so we can't move! "Mhppp!" Stephanie muffles with tape covering her mouth. The men just laugh. "There's no way out of this... you might as well do what we want ." The first guy says. The second guy just laughs. "Strip for us." The first guy says and crosses his arms. Me and Steph look at each other wide eyed. "You heard me. Strip!" The guy yells. The second guy laughs, " oh wait you can't guess we'll just have to do it for you."

They rip our clothes off until we're down to our under wear. So much for cute outfits. They throw them in a pile on the floor. Steph starts to cry I feel so bad, it was my idea to get food not hers.

"Oh poor baby." The first guy yells and slaps her across the face. "Man up!" He yells and Steph wimpers.

The men take our under wear off and add them to the pile of stripped clothes. "Oof! We got us a pair of sexy ladies." The second guy says. They start touching us where only Auston would touch me and Mitch might with Stephanie. We try to scream but it's no use.

It feels like forever until the door opens. "Hey we heard some screaming... WHAT IS HAPPENING?!" Mitch yells. He looks at Steph his one true love, on the floor helpless with two guys nobody new, touching her where he probably new he was only aloud there.

"You guys better run. I got a whole team of hockey players ready to kick your asses." Auston snarls. The two guys bolt out the door. I turn over a bit trying to cover my self, tears start streaming down my cheeks in embarrassment. Mitch runs to Steph and Auston comes to me. The untie us and bring over the pile of ripped clothes. "What the hell happened to you guys?!" Mitch asks. "And all your clothes are ripped!" Auston says. Me and Steph are to weak to do anything but cry.

Auston helps me put my underwear back on and Mitch does the same with Steph. I'm really surprised with how mature they both are but I don't say anything...maybe I'll tell them later. Our clothes are to wreaked to be worn so they give us the surprisingly long towels around their necks and wrap us in them. "Can you stand up for me?" Auston asks me. He holds my hands and I try lifting myself up. I feel like a magnet attached to the floor. "Screw it." He says and bends down to carry me bridal style.

Our guys carry us to the leafs dressing room so that we could ask Babcock for two large men's sweatshirts so me and Steph could wear them like dresses. We go in and Mitch tells everyone to close their eyes. The team obeys like real gentle men. Auston and Mitch Carry is to the bathroom in the back and sit us on the sink counter top. "We'll be back with sweaters." Auston says. And they leave.

"I'm so sorry Steph!!" I cry out loud, "I never should have asked for popcorn." "No please don't be sorry Allison it wasn't your fault and you know it!" Steph cries back. We hug and cry together.

With in the next few minutes, Auston and Mitch come back with men's hoodies. They put them on us. "Look we even got our last names on the back." Auston says trying to lighten the mood. I look and see Matthews spread on the back of mine and Stephanie's had marner on hers. "Looking hot if I do say so myself." Mitch winks at Steph. That just made her cry more and shove her face in his chest. He hugs her and sheds a few tears himself. "I'll never let you outa my site again." He whispers. Auston looks at me. "Same with you." He says and kisses me passionately.

After a while it's time to go back to the dressing room with the other leafs. Auston and Mitch have to change into their uniforms still. Me and Steph gain some strength and hop off the counter carefully. Auston and Mitch stay close behind us just in case. When we enter it seems like the leafs are scared to look at us. The four of us sit together since Mitch's and Austons gear is beside each others. Babcock comes in and notices me and Steph. "Hey ladies. Glad to see the hoodlies fit. We are all sorry for what happened." Me and Steph look at each other and then back at him. I cringe just think about it. I could have been raped...what would I do then?! What would I tell my parents? What would I tell auston?? "I think we should probably go and let the guys get ready for second." Steph says, breaking my horrible thoughts. "Yes that's a good idea. I'll get security to escort you both to your seats." Babcock says. We hug and kiss our boyfriends good bye and leave.

The leafs lose 3-1 and were emotionless about it.

Oof! This was kinda okay to write😂 don't mind my dirty Brain but sex senes is in the book description😉

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