Chapter 30

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I fell my eyes light up when he says this. "Yes!!" "We can have lunch there and....I'll buy you whatever you want." Aus says. "No you don't have to." "But I want to." And with that, he stood up and and went back to his room to get ready.

I go to the bathroom and re-apply some of my make up. I grab austons jacket off the hook and put it on. Auston comes back in my room. "U Ready?" I nod. He takes my hand and laces out finger together. We head down the hallway of hockey players and make our way to the mall.

We step inside the huge building, no bigger than the one back home. "Where do you wanna go first?" I ask. "We might go swimming a few more bout we buy you a new swim suit?" "Ok than let's go to Victoria's Secret." I pull him all the way to the store.

"How can I help you guys today?" A lady who works there asks. "Where do you keep the most skimpiest swim suits and lingeries you have? Auston blurts our. "Auston!" I whisper and smack his arm. The lady giggles, "I'll show you." We follow her to the back of the store and she Points to a wall of bikinis. "The change rooms are over there. Call me if you need anything else." She smiles and leaves. "I'll pick one you pick one." Auston says. I nod. He goes straight for the thongs and lace. But I guess that's all they really have here. I pick a navy blue one piece. It looks like it won't do the job Austons hoping for but it's probably the only one here that I'll be comfortable in.

Auston the other hand picked out a black lace two piece that's skimpy as hell! He hands it to me. "Go try them on." He sits outside the change room. I go in and try the one I picked first. I like it, covers everything. I open the door and show Auston. "Turn around." He says. I do and he shrugs. "If you like it get it. But can you try the other one?" I roll my eyes and go back in to change again. Oh my god. The only it covers is my nipples. And parts of my womenhood. I sigh. Auston I hate you. I come out and show him. His eyes light up. "Turn around." He says. I do and look at him. "Holy Jesus...." he whispers. "Please get it...for me!" I grumble and turn around to go change. "Holy....I'm buying whether you like it for not!!" He calls. I can't help but smile while I change into my clothes. I take both swim suits with me as we walk to the cash. Auston pays and gives me the bag. We go out of the store and see what's around. "Thanks Aus." I say and hug his arm. "Anytime." He says bending down to kiss my hair.

We shop for a few more hours, eat lunch and decide to go back to the hotel. We hang with everyone at the bar for a while. It's around 8:00 ish now so we decide to eat at the hotel restaurant and go for a swim because it's to late to do anything else.

After we eat, we head back to our rooms and change into our swim stuff. Me and Sydney go to our room to change. "Hey can I see the swim suits you got?" Syd says looking in the Victoria secret bag. "Yeah." I say walking over. "This one I picked out....and this one Auston did." I say talking them out to show her. She laughs "Wow Auston really wants to check you out." I giggle, "I guess." "Which one are you gonna wear now?" Syd asks. I shrug, "I don't know. What do you think?" She tilts her head and examines them carefully. "I like both Alli! I can't choose!" I laugh and so does she. "Why don't you ask Auston?" I roll my eyes. "We both know which one he's gonna pick." "True." She nods and stands up. "Well I'll be in the bathroom changing if you need me." She takes her swim suit with her.

I sigh and pick up both outfits. 'Knock knock' I stare at the door. "Come in." In walks Matt. "Is Sydney ready?" I shake my head, "she just went to change." "Thanks." He says about to close the door, when Syd walks out and puts her clothes in her luggage. "Oh hey Marty. Ready to go?" She smiles and kisses him. "Oh Allison, Auston might come check on you ." Matt says and opens the door. Sydney waves on there way out. I sigh now I'm alone again. Which one to choose? Oh screw it! I shove the blue one in the bag and change into the black bikini. I stare at my reflection. I turn sideways and look at my butt. Is Aus really impressed with this?

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