Chapter 40

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"Hey look, the Dj is coming in!" Steph says. "Yess! Now we can finally have some music to dance to!" Kin says. We move from the stage so the guy can set up his stuff. We talk a bit more about interesting things until Babcock steps on the stage. "Good evening ladies and gents! Thank you all for coming out tonight to celebrate our boys hard working season! Enjoy yourselves and have a good night!" We all cheer and clap as he walks off stage."Hey girls, wanna get some drinks?!" Stephanie asks. Me and Kin smirk to each other, "Fuck yeah!" I yell. We head to the bar and order some shots. After the first three I'm alreay starting to shake and I can tell Steph and Kin are to, but Stephanie ordered another round and it would be a waste if we didn't drink them. When we're done i'm a bit more dizzy but I'm not as drunk as Steph and Kin. The Dj starts playing some good beats and we get in the corner of the mob of people dance and dance. After a few songs I'm already starting to sweat. "Aren't you guys sweating?!" I say out of breath. "Take your sweatshirt off!" Kin suggests. "But I'm only wearing a sports bra under!" "Who cares!" Steph laughs. I laugh to and rip my sweater off. "I'm gonna join you girl!" Kin yells. "Me to!" Steph says. They both take off their tops reveling their bras to. We get pushes from the side, and into the crowd of people, but we don't care. We're all having such an amazing time! I see Auston off to the side talking with Mitch and Will. "Hey girls look! I see some hot asses over there!" I point in their direction. "Ooooooo...wait aren't they are boyfriends?!" Kin asks. "How am I supposed to know?" I slur a bit. "Let's go!" Steph says. Me and Kin follow her to the guys. It takes us a while to get through the mob of people but eventually we get there.

"Hey." Steph says to Mitch. She tries to walk up to him but nearly falls on her face if it wasn't for Mitch catching her. "You okay babe?!" He asks. "So we are dating!" She slurs. Mitch nods, "Yep and you are so going to be hung over tomorrow!" "You look really hot tonight, I must say." Kin says looking at William. "And you look really drunk tonight, I must say." Will responds and takes her away. Auston is staring at me. I really don't know why so I look away. "Alli? Are you okay?" Oh my god, he knows my name?! I turn around and giggle, "How do you know my name silly?" He gives me a confused look, "What do you mean? I'm your boyfriend." My jaw drops, "Your my boyfriend?! How could someone this hot like me of all people?" He chuckles and places his hands on my hips. I let out a slurred moan. "Lost your shirt eh?" He smirks. I nod, "That stupid thing was making me sweat!" He smiles, "I bet it did." I nod, "Yeah...C-can I kiss you?" "Not if I kiss you first." He smiles. I look down, "Oh okay, I see." Then unexpectedly, he smashes his lips against mine. After a while, we pull apart. "I thought you didn't want to kiss me!" I laugh. "I never said that!" he laughs to. I smile, "And what's your name again? I forgot." He gives me another weird look. I shake my head, "Never mind, I remember!" He raises an eyebrow, "Then what's my name?" I stick my tongue out trying to think, "Matthews!" He shrugs, "Close enough." I laugh, "Your so funny! Can we have sex now?" His eyes go wide, "Umm no Alli, your drunk." "I'm not drunk! Shes drunk!" I say pointing to Kinsley who's throwing up and Will holding her hair back. I giggle, "Come on lets dance!" I tug Auston to the dance floor. We dance for a while until I start to feel sick.

"Hey..I'm not feeling so good..." I say and slump against Auston's chest. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his torso. I see him tap some blonde girl and a tall guy and they follow us to a lounge area, away from the action. Auston lays me on a fluffy couch and the girl comes up to me and asks some hard questions. "How are you feeling Alli?" "Did you know I have a boyfriend?! It's that hot ass over there!" I point to Auston who is not blushing. "You know I want to have sex with him but he said no?! Like how unfair is that?" The girl giggles, "Your really drunk." "No I'm not!" I yell. Suddenly a feeling of sickness comes over me. I roll over and puke on the floor beside the girl. She stands up and tells Aus something. He nods and she walks away. The big guy hands Auston some towels and he comes over and cleans up the barf. "Ewww! That's gross! Who did that?!" I scream. Aus looks at me, "You." "No you did." I giggle. He looks very fustrated now, "Ugh! I hate drunk Alli!" I pout, "That's not very nice, apparently I'm in love with you." He rolls his eyes. Then the big guy speaks, "She'll get over it soon Auston don't worry." I laugh, "Who are you again?!" He gives me a weird look. "Never mind I remember!" I giggle. "Who am I then?" He asks. "Martin hahaha!!" He shrugs, "Close enough." "Hey hottie?" I look at auston. "Yeah?" He says. "Can we dance again? That was fun!" He shakes his head, "No you just threw up and Sydney is coming back with some pills to make you feel better." I nod, "Okay...babe..." I laugh, "Have I ever called you that before?" He smiles, "All the time." I giggle, "That makes are a babe." He just shakes his head.

The blonde girl or Sydney as Aus called her, comes back with my pills. She hands them to Auston and he feeds them to me. "Yucky!" I say swallowing them. "Mhm yucky indeed." Syd says. We hear the Dj slow down the music to some slow songs. "Auston is it okay if me and Matt go for a bit? We'll come back." Aus nods, "Yeah you guys, of course you don't have to ask." They leave and it's just the two of us. "Hey what's wrong." I ask Auston who's looking really sad. He shakes his head, "I just wish I stopped you from getting drunk so we could actually have some fun tonight." I laugh, "It's okay! I'm an idiot!" He places a hand on my cheek, "No your not." I sigh and lean into his hand, "Did you know I like it when you do this?" He smiles, " Of course I do baby." My eyes go wide, "You called me baby?!" He chuckles and kisses my lips. He quickly pulls away, "You taste like booze Alli." I smile, "I know." "Do you still want to dance?" He asks. I nod, "Yeah come on! Lets go!" I quickly get up but I'm stopped by him. "No no, I ment like right here. We can still hear the music from the lobby." This time it's my turn to give him a weird look, "Why the party is out there." I point to the door of the room. "Yeah but I don't want you around all those people, you could hurt yourself. Just...please? Only one dance." I smile, "okay but only because your really cute." He chuckles, "Thank you."

He brings me to the center of the room, away from the chairs and tables. He puts his hands at my waist. I stand there confused. "Need help?" He laughs. "Yes actually." I say. He takes my hands and puts them on his shoulders. I look at him and smile. We start dancing and when I get the hang of it, I lay my head on his chest and he pulls me even closer into him. "I love you." I mumble against him. He kisses my head, "I love you to." We keep swaying and don't realize that Sydney and Matt came back. They look in awe and come beside us and dance with each other. As the night went on, the pills started to kick in. We had a really chill night, just the four of us. We ended up dancing and talking a lot. I could't have asked for a more perfect celebration.

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