Chapter 35

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I wake up and realize it's already 11:00. That's when practice started. I get out of bed, change and take my time eating breakfast. I notice Kinsley isn't here which means she left without me. I don't have plans to go anyway. I put my plate in the dishwasher and sit on my chair. No body really wants me here. Steph, Kin, Auston...they all hate my guts now. So...why don't I just leave? They won't care anyways. They'd probably celebrate that I'm gone. I sigh and put my coat on. I shouldn't think like this. I'll go grab a coffee from the place across the street, at least that gives me something to do.

I order a medium caramel frap and sit down in a booth. I take my time sipping my drink. Suddenly the bells on the door jingle, signalling someone had just walked in. I look and regret it... Michael Diaz walks in and those two guys the kidnaped me right behind him. Oh my god I have to get out of here. But it's to late... their already walking towards me. "Hey there pretty lady." Michael smirks, "all by yourself eh?" I look away and stand up ready to make a run for it. But Michael signals for the two guys to grab me. "Let go of me!" I yell. Michael just laughs, "no way. We got you now." "Hey!" I yell. I see the lady behind the cash calling 911.

The two men shove me into....wait a minute, this is my car! Good to know it's not damaged. "Mmmm, recognize this car pretty lady." I cringe, "stop calling me that." He gets into the drivers seat and the two guys sit beside me. "Where are you taking me?" I yell. "Shhhh....somewhere no one knows. It'll be hard for your friends to track you down there." The men laugh and I keep quiet for the rest of the ride.

Finally we come to a stop and I'm dragged out of my car and hand cuffed to a pole in a broken down the middle of no where. "Strip her please." Michael says. "NOO!" I yell and try to kick them but that only makes them tie my legs down to. I'm absolutely helpless now. I'm stripped naked and my now torn clothes get thrown to the side. I start to cry, "why are you doing this?!" Micheal shrugs, "gotta get Matthews back for what he's done I guess." I cry even more and Micheal comes up to me and kisses my neck. "Don't cry baby....we're gonna have a lot of fun tonight."

The rest of the day was a blur...unspeakable things happened and I've cried so much there are no more tears left for me to cry. I just hope someone...anyone comes and finds me.

Austons POV Oooooo this is a first tehe
I'm sitting on my couch watching the news. I hadn't heard from Allison in a while and I really miss her. I've called her bunch of times but she won't pick up. She must be really mad at me. I send her another text and put my phone down and look up at the tv... "breaking news from a coffee shop. Girl kidnapped and dragged into a grey car." The report says. The picture of the girl and the kidnapper comes up on the screen and a nearly throw up. "The girl has been identified as Allison carter from Markham, currently living in Toronto. If you have any evidence contact police." I turn off the tv and grab my phone. I dial Matt's number, "Matt! Have you seen the news?!" I practically scream at him. "Yea me and Sydney are coming , hold tight bud!" I drop my phone and sit down, shaking. I can't believe my love has been kidnapped by my enime. I'm so confused and upset...there's a knock on the door. I open it and Syd and Matt stand in the door way. Syd looks like she's been crying. "Come on, were going to investigate." Matt says, taking Sydney's hand. I nod and follow them to their truck. We get in a brainstorm ways to find Alli. "I was thinking we could track her phone down you know...if she has it." Syd says shakily. "I think we're gonna have to bring the police into it." I say. Matt and Syd nod. "Then we'll go to the police station." Matt says and puts the truck into drive.

When we get there, we tell them everything. They sent out investigators and advised us not to go out and look for Allison just in case anything happens. All we can do now is stay in the waiting room and well....wait. I sit in a chair in between Matt and a little boy. I smile at the boy when he looks up. "Hi!" He says. "Hey buddy." I respond. He stares at me for a second and his face lights up. "Mommy! I tink dats Auston mattthewss." He says in a cute baby voice. His mom looks at me and smiles. "Yea I'm auston." I say. "Nice to meet you." She says and extends her hand. We shake hands. "This is Charlie and he's a really big hockey fan." I smile, "hi Charlie." "Hi Auston matthewss." He giggles. I introduce them to Sydney and Matt and we talk about life until we were interrupted by the news once again talking about Allison. I sigh and slouch in my seat. "Are you Okay?" Charlie's mom asks concerned. I shake my head, "you see that girl on the tv?" I ask. She sighs as well, "Yes it's pretty tragic something like that would happen to such a pretty girl." I nod, "she's my girlfriend." Charlie mom pulls me into a comforting hug, "dont you worry dear...they'll find her soon." She says soothingly. "Thank you." I sniff. Tears stung my eyes. I pull away from the hug and sob into my hands. I want her back...I shouldn't have said anything or acted like a jerk. This is all my fault.

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