chapter 3

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"WHAT?!" kinsley screached. I covered my ears, "shhh!" there almost here!"

Mitch was the first to come up, then will, matt, and auston. "Hey ladies." Mitch winked. Auston rolled his eyes but Mitch contiued."So my buddy Auston here....You know the famous hockey player....super famous..." Me and kin nodded. " um yeah.. he is really into one of you but sadly, like the baby he is, didn't ask for your number or even get your name!" Mitch pouted and turned to Auston who's face was tomato red. "um if one of you girls is interested...just let us know and hit him up @Auston_Mathews34! thanks!!" Kinsley bumped my arm as if to say he's talking about you!

The rest of the guys shook our hands and introduced themselves. I gave Auston a small wink when he came round to let him know not to be emabrassed. "we were originally here to buy cake to go,but maybe Auston here would like to stay.." Will nudged Austons arm in a friendsly manner, but that just made him blush even harder...if it was possible. I laughed at how cute he was being.

eventually we asked the waiter for a bigger table so that everyone could sit down. we all had a chance to talk and share something interesting about ourselves. "when I was little,my brother dared me to jump of the roof of our house and land on a trampoline!" Will said. "did you do it?" kin asked. "yeah fractured my left arm." He showed us the stitch marks that lead form his wrist all the way to his elbow."My turn!" Matt shouted,"one time sydney ( his girlfriend in real life ) dared me to drink mayonase threw my nose!" "oh my gosh!" I laughed. "what about you Allison? have you ever done anything stupid before?" Mitch asked. I looked around. everyone was staing at me except Auston. He was picking at a piece of his caramel pecan tart. I frowned while looking at him. Will seamed to notice. " you alright bud?" "yeah this tart is a little dry." he said. then he looked up and met my gaze. "you can continue Allison. he said sweetly. I blushed and share my story about how I got lost in a toy store when I was little.

I was done talking and opened my phone to check the time. Mitch noticed my wallpaper. "Toronto maple leafs eh?" He laughed, "you know Auston I approve Allison for you." Both our faces turned red this time. "She's funny,smart,pretty." Auston nodded his head a bit. "You know you guys should come to the leafs head quarters. We could throw a welcome party for Austin's future not so future girl friend!!!" Mitch said. "Yeah that would be fun." Will said. He was sitting beside Kinsley which gave him the opportunity to nudge her or touch her hands which he greatly took.

"Me and kin are free tomorrow." I said. "You guys can come over after the game." Mitch said. "That would be great because we're going to the game to!" Kin squealed. I glanced at her and saw will put his hand over Kinsleys and she leaned on his shoulder a bit. I wish Auston would do that to me.

We chatted for a little longer until everyone was getting tired. We said our goodbyes and headed home. We would see each other again tomorrow and maybe even meet the rest of the team.

When me and Kin got home we didn't bother changing our clothes, what we were tired! But we did wipe off our makeup. Then we flopped onto the beds and got cosy. Tomorrow is going to be one exciting day!!

Sorry if I spelled anything wrong it's pretty late in Canada and I'm also tired 😴. Please leave comments or if you have any questions feel free to ask♥️ I might make a request book if this one gets a lot of reads cause that means a lot of people will request!!!

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