Chapter 25

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*time skip to the day they leave Toronto*

I'm so excited for Chicago!! I've got everything packed and my suitcase is already at the door. Right now I'm helping Kinsley decide on some outfits to pack, since we did some shopping yesterday.

"What about the pink shirt? Can't it go with these?" She says, holding up a pair of navy blue ripped jeans. "Eh" I say grabbing a blue shirt. "They'll look better with this one." She laughs. "Alright if you say so." I smile and fold the shirt. She puts it away along with the blue jeans and zips up her suitcase. "Okay were all set! The boys will be here soon." I say getting off her bed. "Yeah maybe they'll help us carry these to Willy's car." Kin says and drags the bag to the door. I follow close behind. We chat for a while until the boys come up to our room.

Kin opens the door and we greet them. I go to take my bag but Auston reaches his hand out and grabs it before I can. "You sure? It's heavy." I says. "Yeah of course! I'm not about to let my lady take her own bag down!" "Alright." I say. Will grabs Kin's bag to, and we head down to the parking lot. Auston and will put our bags in wills car and we settle in. Will and Kin sit in the front and me and Auston in the back. I actually like it in the back this time because it gave me and Auston some privacy.
Will starts the car and gets on a main road to the airport.

Auston lays his hand on my thigh and starts rubbing threw my pants. "Seriously?! Not now." I whisper to him, but he ignores me. He presses his hand against my crotch, earning a grunt out of me. He finds my sweet spot fingers me threw my pants. I gasp for air. He smirks and starts nipping my ear. "Mm, your so wet." He whispers. I couldn't take it any more. "Mmmhaa!" I moan loudly. Auston moves back into his seat. "Everything Okay back there?" Will says. "Mmhm." I pant. I look at Auston. "Just couldn't help yourself eh?" I whisper. He shrugs but he's smirking. I roll my eyes. I'll get him back later.

Will pulls into the airport but drives to the back where we see all the boys and their ladies. Will parks where everyone else did and we hop out. Mitch and Stephanie wave us over. We grab our bags and walk to them. "Hey!! Ready for Chicago?!" Steph squeals me and Kin nod. "We're just waiting on Sydney and Matt. They dropped off jax at a doggy daycare." Mitch explains. "Hey look here they come!" I say recognizing Matt's RAM pick up. They got out of the truck with their stuff and reach us. Babcock starts talking about jet safety and shit.

We eventually board the jet. I sit beside Auston, and well all the players sat beside their wives/girlfriends. Since the jet was bigger than a plane and there weren't a lot of us, there was a lounge area in the back. If you wanted to, you could get up and sit there. I'm sure Steph, Syd, Kin and I would be there later. Babcock ran over a few more things before we headed off. Auston held my hand. I lean my head on his shoulder. "I'm so tired." I yawn. Auston kisses my nose, "so sleep babe." He says gently. He brings his free hand to my hair and plays with it. I drift off and fall asleep.

A/N: yes I know that the average time to fly to Chicago is like an hour but I really want to write more about the plane ride so I'm gonna make it a bit longer.

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