Chapter 33

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I open the post and tears stream down my face. Kinsley and Stephanie are the owners of that account. But why?? Kinsley was my best friend.  I put my phone back in the pocket of austons sweater and wipe my tears. I take a deep breath and head back to the game.

I sit in my seat and try my best to forget about everything that just happened. "Ali are you Okay?" Sydney says softly. I nod. "Are you sure honey?" She asks looking inconvenienced. I nod again and force a smile. "We can talk later." She smiles sadly.

Second period is done and the boys are on for third, the score is 2-2. Auston looks back at me and smiles. I wave and force a smile. He turns back around and hops off the bench.

The game is over and we won 2-3. We're all back at the hotel "party room" celebrating the win. Tomorrow we'll fly back home and see where things go from there. I sit with Sydney, Kinsley, and Stephanie. They do all the talking while I pretend to be interested. Suddenly the music picks up and most of the couples pair up for a slow dance. It doesn't take long for Auston to find me and guide me towards the dance floor. "May I?" He asks. "You may." I giggle. He wraps his arms around my waist and I place mine on his shoulders. We stay like this for a while and then he pulls me closer. I lean my head on his chest. I breath in his sweet sent and feel him leaving kisses on my head. Sadly the slow song doesn't last forever and a more upbeat song comes on. Austons wants me to continue to dance with him but I complain my stomach hurts so that I can get out of there.

I end up going back to my room and pack everything since we're leaving tomorrow morning. When I'm done I sit on my bed and go threw instagram. A lot of amazing fans tagged me in their posts of me and the girls or me and Auston. I smile and write sweet messages to them in the comments. But of course people repost some of Kinsley and Stephanie's pictures of me looking like a weirdo. It makes me tear up just wondering why my best friends would do this. I plug my phone into its charger and try to fall asleep.

I wake up to Sydney opening the door and I hear Auston asking her if I was okay. I look at the alarm clock on the nightstand. 11:00 ugh it's still night. I slip out of bed and go to the door. "Hey." I yawn. Syd and Auston smile. I hug Auston and hear Sydney say "I'll leave you two alone." "What happened babe? You didn't want to stay?" Auston tilts my chin up, making me look at him. "I just wasn't feeling that great." He nods and rubs my shoulders, "Alright I think I'm going to bed." "Goodnight." I say. And we head separate ways.

The next morning it's time to head home!! Since I already packed my things , I help Sydney with hers. We bring our luggage's to the front where everyone is ready to take the coach bus to the airport. Auston and Matt wave is over so we can sit with them on the bus. "Baby..." Auston embarrasses me, "Are you feeling better?" I nod and give him a kiss. "Alright guys and girls! We can board the bus now." Babcock says, hoping in one of the seats closest to the front. We put our things in the compartments under the bus and get on. Me, Aus, Syd, and Matt sit at the back so we could get some space from everyone else.

"I'm so happy we're going home!" I say. "Me to!" Syd says with a smile. "What's our schedule gonna be like?" I ask Auston. He takes my hand and says, "we'll get home tonight, we have a practise tomorrow morning and then a game the next day." I nod and lean on his shoulder.

We get to the airport in less than ten minutes, grab our things and walk to the private airport area so we could board the jet. The people there took our bags and we get on. Everyone claims the same seats as last time. We all get settled and the jet takes off. I fold one of my legs over austons and lean my head on his shoulder. "I love you Baby." He says and kisses my forehead. I breath in his sent and sigh, "I love you to." Auston closes his eyes and leans his head on mine. We both doze off to sleep...

"Hey! Alli. alli! Allison!" I feel someone press a hand against my knee. I look at Sydney who has the biggest smile on her face. "Hmm." I say and stretch in my seat. "Wanna play dirty truth or dare again?"

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