Chapter 34

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I sigh, "who else is playing?" She shrugs, "you know...Stephanie, Kinsley, Mitch, Matt, Will, same as last time." "I'll see what Auston says when he wakes up." I mutter. She nods, "I'll be at the lounge with everyone." "Okay." I say and turn to face Auston. He already awake. "Hey." I smile. "Hey sexy." He winks, "ready for dirty truth or dare?" I cringe, "Are we really going to play? Remember what happened last time?" Auston laughs, "yeah but it's fine, there's only eight of us." I nod. He gets up, "Alright then what are we waiting for."

We go to the lounge hand in hand and sit on the floor beside Matt and Sydney. "Hey guys!" Syd says, "we're just gonna start. Only rules are....what happens in this circle stays in this circle." Everyone agrees and we start.

"Mitch truth or dare?" Sydney asks. "Dare obviously." Mitch says. "Hmmm...kiss Allison or take off your shirt." Oh god we're starting this quick. I glance at Stephanie who's giving me a really bad death stare. Mitch sees and takes off his shirt without saying anything. "Okay my turn," Mitch says, "Sydney truth or dare." "Truth." "Would you rather only be able to have sex with William or take off your clothes." Sydney rolls her eyes and strips down to her underwear. She sits in Matt's lap and he wraps his arms around her, trying to cover her a bit. "Next person...Allison! Truth or dare?" She asks. "Umm Dare." I say. "Let's see....I dare you to sit in wills lap for the rest of the game." I blush and shake my head, already getting bad vibes from Kinsley. "Come on Alli!!" Syd says. I hate this game so damn much.

I get up and walk over to will, who grabs my waist and sits me in his lap. This makes Kinsleys face redden. "Hey allison." She says. Uh oh. "Can I make the next truth or dare?" I shrug, "Sure why not." Kin smirks, " Stephanie truth or dare?" Steph smirks, "Dare." Kin tosses her hair over her shoulder and says, "either give William, Matt, or Auston a lap dance." Steph giggles and stands, her shorts showing off wayyy to much. "Let's see." She says, "it looks like Will and Matt are take so I'll have to go with...Auston." Now it's my turn to turn red. Everyone Oooooo's and Auston smirks at her. He gestures for her to sit on him and she does... really sexually. She looks at me and smiles devilishly. She moves her hips and grinds on him he grunts and I feel my face getting more red. Steph tilts her head and sucks on his neck. I see austons hand snake down to her lower region and rub her threw her pants. Stephanie looks at me and moans loudly, "mmmmm yes Auston!!" This is so wrong. She rips off his shirt and feels his muscles....and he seems to be really enjoying it. He didn't look at me once. I feel a tear escape my eye. "Okay Okay enough!!" Sydney says looking in my direction. But Stephanie doesn't stop, she just grinds harder.

I try to get up but wills grip tightens on my waist. I cover my face and try my best to hold in my tears. I see Sydney and Mitch pull Stephanie off Auston and she sits in Mitch's lap. "Wow that was hot!" Auston says. "I've never experienced that before." My jaw drops. Steph giggles, "really not even with Allison?" He shakes his head, "Are you serious?! She'd never have the guts to do that." My eyes widen. Do they know everyone can hear them?! Steph giggles and looks at me, "oh hey I think it was Allison's turn." I glare at her and try to stand up. "Where are you going?" Will asks pulling me down. "Get off of me!" I yell. He does and I run out of the lounge and back to my spot on the plane.

I keep my head in my hands and let the tears fall. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I grind my teeth when I see what it is.... maple_leafs_queen34 tagged you in a post. I throw my phone on the ground and sob into my hands. Why, why, why did this have to happen to me?! I try to calm down and pick up my phone. I lean back in my seat and breathe. Everything will be fine once we land I tell myself.

A few hours later, Babcock announces for everyone to go back to their seats for the planes landing. It's not long before everyone comes back with huge smiles on their faces. They've continued to play truth or dare after I left. Auston is the last to come to his seat. He scoots passed me and sits down, saying nothing. I roll my eyes, "your not even going to apologize." Aus looks at me, "for what." I grind my teeth, "for what you said and what you did." He gives me a really confused look. "You practically cheated on me right in front of me!" I say raising my voice. "Come on Alli, it was just a dare." He says back. "It looked like way more than a dare to me and everyone else." I snarl. "Come on you know I love you, not Stephanie." He groans when I don't respond, "You need to stop being so uptight." I glare at him. "I'm the one who needs to stop being uptight?! You were only supposed to sit there. Not her but I guess you couldn't help yourself." Auston rolls his eyes and looks out the window. We don't talk for the rest of the ride.

"Okay ladies and gents, we've just landed in Toronto, it's time to get off the plane." Coach Babcock says in the mic thing. We get off and go to the luggage claiming area. As I was going to get my bag, Stephanie and Kinsley stare at me. I roll my eyes, "What." Steph shrugs, "I just wanted to let you know your worthless to the hot boy over there." "And what makes you think that." I snarl. "You saw what he did to me. He doesn't really love you slut." I shutter at that name. "Why are you being such a bitch to me? What did I do to you?" Stephanie looks shocked, "what do you practically got me raped." I glare at her, "you think I planned that?! I don't even know who those guys were!" She shrugs, "that's not what I told everyone." She smirks. I've had enough! I lunge at her and we fall to the floor. She screams and grabs my hair. "Owww! Let go!" I yell, tears streaming down my cheeks. Soon I felt arms grab my waist and I'm lifted off the ground. I keep my eyes glued to Stephanie, who was now held by Mitch. "She attacked me!" Steph shrieked. The arms around me loosen and I turn to face my saver. "Allison, why did you do that?!" Auston yells. "She-she..." I stutter. Aus rolls his eyes and joins everyone who is gathered around Stephanie. I grab my suitcase and wait outside for Will, Kin and Auston since we all took wills car to the airport.

Soon enough everyone walks out together. The four of us put our stuff in wills car. We get in and drive home in silence. Will pulls up to Kinsley and i's apartment. We get out and I look at Auston, sorta expecting him to at least say something but he doesn't. I close the car door and follow Kin to our room. We don't say anything to each other for the rest of the night. There is no way I'm going to the practise tomorrow either. Besides...I have other plans...

1322 words!!
You guys deserve a long chapter so there you update should come sooner.💗

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