Chapter 18

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I wake up to the sound of moaning and groaning. I look over at Auston but it's not him. He's still sound asleep. I'm careful getting out of bed without walking him up. I listen to 'the sound' that seems to be coming from outside my room. I walk to the door and ever so slightly open and close it.

My face heats up when I realize it's coming from Kinsleys room. I can't go in there! I go back to my room. Austons already up, sitting on the edge of my bed. "Morning beautiful." He says in a deep husky morning voice. I smile and sit beside him. He started to lean in and kiss me but heard 'the sound' like I did. "What the heck is that?!" He laughs. "Shhhh! I think it's umm..." I stutter. "Fuck will!" We heard. "Will and Kinsley?" Auston asks. I nod. "do they know we can hear them?" He says. I shake my head, "probably not." Auston laughs again. I slap his arm. "Do you think they hear me last night?!" I say. Austons face redens. "Umm I-I don't know. But if they did, blame it on me." He says. "Well no duh! Who else would do that to me?!" I whisper yell. Auston shrugs. I roll my eyes. And stand up.

"Where ya going?" "I'm getting dressed." I say. I throw a pair of tights and a maple leafs hoodie with Matthews spread on the back. I also throw a bra and a pair of socks. Auston picks up the hoodie and nods. "Good choice." He winks. I shake my head but smile. I throw off my Pjs ( yes I'm aware that I didnt say she fell asleep with clothes on but she did now )

I grab my bra and struggle to put it on. "Come here baby." Auston says. I sit on his lap and he does up the clasp. I get up and put on the hoodie. I stand in front of my mirror and put on my tights. I tie up the hoodie with a hair elastic I had on my night stand, so it shows off my ass a bit. Auston seemed to like that. He comes up from behind me and squeezes my butt firmly. I get that weakness feeling I get when I'm under his touch. I lean back on his chest and let him touch me there. He stops after a while. "I think the moaning stopped." He says. We listen. "Yeah your right." I say. I stand up straight and he holds my hand in case I fall over.

We quietly scurry to the kitchen and Auston helps me grab cereal and bowels. I grab the milk carton and four spoons. Yeah all we have is cereal. Oh well. Me and Auston take a seat at the kitchen table and wait for Kinsley and will.

They finally arrive looking tired as hell! "Whoa what happened to you guys?!" Auston says. Will grabs Kinsleys hand to prevent her from falling over. They take a seat beside us and say nothing. "Well what happened with you guys last night?" Will questioned. I looked in to my cereal bowel to avoid the question. Auston laces his fingers with mine on the table. I give him a little smile and side ways glance at will as  if to say answer the question.

He looks at will. " well we were can yell the loudest....?" My smile fades and I roll my eyes. "Really? Thats a thing?" Kin asks. Auston nods his head for a long time. "Oh yeah! It's big where I come from." "Yelling the loudest is big in Arizona?" Will says unconvinced. "Yeah I win all the time!" Auston yells. "Well in my opinion Allison won that round." Kin says. Austons face heats up a bit and he takes his bowel to the sink. I roll my eyes and follow him with my bowel.

"That's the best you can do?!" I whisper yell. Auston shrugs. I shake my head. "Everything okay over there?" Kin asks. "Yeah just-mmm" Auston kisses me before I could say anything else. I kiss back. We go back to the table.

It's an awkward silence so I decide to say something. "So...when's your next game?" "Two days." Will says. He looks at Auston weirdly and Auston shakes his head violently. "What." Kin says. Auston clears his throat, "Well you guys know playoff season is coming up right?" Me and Kinsley nod. "So Um me and Will were wondering if you'd girls like to travel with us." The other lady leafs are coming to." Will speaks up. I shrug. "I dunno. Auston you still haven't met me parents or anything yet. They'd wanna see the boy who's taking me around the world, ye know what I mean?" Auston nods. "Yeah you to will." Kin says. "Maybe we could all go together?" I says. Auston and Will nod. "Sounds like a plan."

Yeet! I know I haven't updated in like a trillion years!! Im already working on the next chapter so I will update soon.

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