Part 3

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"Unfortunately, you're going to have to go through the dream sequence again like we did during the academy. Luckily for you, thanks to Wakandan technology, you won't feel a thing. You'll just fall asleep." Shuri's voice was calm as she injected Laura with the enhanced dream sequence serum.

Shuri was also apart of the academy but wasn't around too much because of being a princess and inventor for Wakanda. The Wakandan technology has helped the Avengers as much as it could. Thanks to Shuri a lot of things changed for the better. Laura drifted to into that deep sleep to begin her sequence. Shuri went into the side room and started analyzing everything. She developed sensors that recorded brain activity and waves, heart rate, body language, the whole nine yards. This way wires weren't all over the place in the room. It was something quite spectacular. Tony walked in the room as Shuri watched over everything.

"How is she?" He asked.

"Stabilized but I have a feeling that it's going to be a terrible dream just by the spike in heart rate, tenseness of her nerves and unstable breathing pattern when she recognized the location in her dream." Shuri said, examining everything.

Sure enough, she was right. Everything happening in the dream caused everything to become erotic and inhumanly unstable. Shuri and Tony watched as Laura started to twitch in her dream. Then her claws came out. Shuri watched in awe. She's only seen and even created new claws from the Black Panther suit but nothing like Laura's. Adamantium showed up on the sensors and Shuri's genius brain went crazy. She's never seen anything like it. Shuri watched in horror and admiration. Laura started thrashing her arms around and kicking the one foot that had a blade. The only damage she was doing was to herself but she healed instantly afterward.

Tony was horrified. He knew she was badly abused by Hydra by how much was it? It was almost like she was going through an exorcism. Her body moved in all different directions. Shuri watched the monitors. Her admiration was completely gone now and replaced with fear.

"Tony we need her to wake up. She's going to kill herself if she doesn't wake up." Shuri said in a panic. All Tony could think about is banging on the glass because going in there would result in their death.

"What are you doing? Don't do that!" Shuri yelled.

"Why? The glass is bullet and power proof." Tony asked. All of a sudden Laura is banging on the glass in rage. Eyes glowing blue from the serum.

"Because that happens. All I need to do is turn down the signals in the room to get her to stop. The signals are what helps the serum travel properly. That was one of the flaws when you were doing it. They had to be rushed to the infirmary but now they're controlled. Banging on the glass only wakes up their body, not their subconscious." Shuri said as she turned the signals down. Soon the blue glow faded in her eyes and her body went limp. Laura now laid on the floor as she slept. Laura's eyes slowly opened and she groaned in pain.

"What the fuck happened?" She asked and she examined the blood all over her.

"You went a little crazy while you were induced and Tony didn't help." Shuri said over the intercom. Laura looked up to the window and gave Shuri the "no shit" look. Shuri came in with some water and handed it to her.

"Go get cleaned up. Supper is in an hour." She said and walked away.

Laura chugged the water and headed to her room. She remembered the corridor. Each door assigned to a student. After awhile she figured out her current room wasn't her old one. Her old one faced the front of the building. It took her a few days but she figured it out. She remembered who's room she was in. It was the same room that annoying ass guy who turned out to be the most amazing she'd ever me, stayed in. The room she spent many nights blowing off some steam after a frustrating day. The room that felt safer to be in because if she was in her room it would just be another drunk night. She grabbed her things and got in the shower. Laura closed her eyes as the heated water rolled down her body. Opening her eyes, she watched as her own dried blood became wet again and went down the drain.

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