Part 24

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"Unfortunately we had to put her in a holding cell since we did not know if she was threat or not. She's safe and she isn't dangerous. Just head to the cells." Tony said with a smile and gave them the key to her cell. The two "new parents" got up and headed for the cells. It was silent but it seemed as if you could hear their hearts beating. Peter's was from excitement and Laura's was from fear. Everything a new mother would think was running through her mind right now but heightened considering that they're not 100% human. Peter could sense her uneasiness and grabbed her hand. Laura stopped in her tracks causing Peter to turn in her direction. She still looked pale like before. "Are we sure about this?" Laura's voice cracked. Peter pulled her in for a hug. "Yes love, we've got this. I know you're afraid. I am too but we've been through so much. Hey think of it this way, we missed the terrible 2's." Peter chuckled.

Laura rolled her eyes. "Yeah but we're about to get the terrible teens." she said back, but not as much of a joke. Peter sighed at her negativity. He knows he can't fight it out of her unfortunately. Peter leans in and places a gentle kiss on her lips. "What was that for?" Laura asks when he pulls back. "Because I love you and you've got this. I promise." he gave a boyish smile. That smile always put a smile on Laura's face. They grab each others hand again and continued down the corridor to Gabby's cell. Peter rubbed his thumb on hers to help calm her down. They opened the door to the cells and immediately Laura had a feeling of regret. Should they have waited to till the sun came up? But it was too late. "Hello?" a young voice called out. "Gabby?" Peter said. "Yeah? Who's there?" Gabby's voice started to sound scared. "There's nothing to worry about. We be able to see you in a couple seconds." Peter said back.

Sure enough it was a couple seconds. The sight of her curled into a ball on the bed in there made Laura's heart shatter. She remembers being in that position except in the clutches of a monster. "Wh-who are you?" she asked. Laura opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. Gabby was her twin. The dark hair, slightly smaller nose, perfect shaped lips. But her eyes were a bit different. Laura has brown eyes that were a pretty shape. Gabby had the same shape but her eyes were a greenish hazel color. Those are definitely not her eyes. There's only one other person that she knew that had those eyes. Tears filled Laura's eyes and threatened to spill. Those weren't Donald's eyes either. Donald had icy blue eyes with a fire behind them. Those were Logan's eyes. How those eyes were passed down Laura doesn't know. She also noticed the scars on her face that weren't caused by a child fooling around.

"I'm Peter and this is Laura. She's my fiancé and she's your-" "Mom?" Gabby cut him off. She got up from the bed and made her way to the bars that separated her and her mother. Laura got closer, her face nearly touching the cool steal. "G-Gabby?" she whispered. The girl nodded her head and gave a small smile. A smile started to creep on to Laura's face as a few tear's dropped. "Did they?..." Laura didn't want to finish the sentence. Gabby could see the fear in Laura's eyes. "Did Tony's team hurt me? No. They were gentle." she gave a reassuring smile. Laura shook her head. "Not them. I mean did THEY?..." Gabby's fairly happy demeanor fell. She hung her had and let go of the cold poles. Gabby almost looked ashamed. The same way Laura used to look. "They did didn't they?" Laura's feeling of hurt turned into anger.

Gabby nodded and Laura backed away and turned. She placed a hand on her forehead. More tears streamed down her face. Even if this was just a random mutant Tony took in, she's still have the same reaction. "I'm sorry if a let you down. I know I have the same strength as you and I know I should have used it against them but it didn't feel right." Gabby's eyes filled with tears from the memories of torture from Hydra. Laura turned back around and headed back to her cell. She shook her head. "No sweetie. None of it is your fault. I was the same way when I was your age." she paused and turned to Peter. Laura held out her hand and Peter gave her the key to unlock the cell. Immediately as the door opened gabby latched into Laura. Laura excepted the affection that was given to her. She's not sure if she sees Gabby as a daughter yet but she definitely knows how she should be taken care of. It's the opposite of the way she was taken care of.

Peter watched the moment carefully. He saw the equal amount of pain in both of them and felt his anger bubble inside him. He remembers the stories and nightmares the mimicked Laura's past and can only imagine what they did to Gabby. He also noticed the scars on Gabby's face. This made his anger grow and if he didn't speed up their loving encounter, he may just explode. Almost as if Gabby read his mind, she pulled away from Laura to give Peter a hug. The affection towards him cooled his bubbling temper. He embraced the young girl in his arms and place a gentle kiss on top of her dirty hair. Peter didn't care though. Soon his anger was replaced by a sudden love that was almost equal to his love for Laura. She's so innocent and so pure. At that age Laura had the same blood on her hands as Eric Killmonger. Gabby has to be stronger than Laura in some way if she seems so happy even with the hell she's been through. In a way it makes Laura jealous but she laughs it off.

"So where will I be staying? Please don't say back in the cell." Gabby's eyes glossed over as tears started to form. "Definitely not in the cell. You can stay with us for the rest of the night and when we get up we can run things over with Tony. Ok?" Peter said holding her face in his hands. His heart broke seeing her like this. Laura's heart swelled. He's already better at the parenting game than she is. It was a beautiful sight for her and it put more hope in her that she will be able to do this. It'll just take time.

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