Part 15

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It's spring which usually means warmer weather in New York but rarely do they get a day when it's 70+ degrees. Peter walked along the lonely sidewalks to get to work. It was gloomier day than others and the looks of the fairly run down city didn't help. Something told Peter that he should at least put some effort into getting work early today. He also had that feeling that he should bring his suit with him in his bag. Though Peter vowed to retire Spider-Man, he still had his moments that he needed the adrenaline to make himself feel better. It was almost becoming a distraction versus helping the people rid crime from the city.

Peter also started counting down the months that Laura has been gone. Today marks 7 months that she's been gone. He also may or may not have had another run in with Felicia that ended with her not leaving with the date she showed up with. That was his other distraction from pain. He's never experienced such wild sex before and if Laura really does come back to life, he hopes that she'll be down to try them. That third time with her, he closed his eyes while fucking her and pretended like Felicia was Laura. Peter had to bite his tongue from saying the wrong name. But it was worth it. His back had more proof about how fucking good the sex was.

His thoughts one the past few months were interrupted by his spidey senses and unfortunately it wasn't the senses that he wished were going off. Shit. He dipped down an alleyway to change into his suit. As he did so an alarm went off. Peter groaned because of how out of practice he was with his suit. Ten years ago he would've been fully dressed by now and kicking ass. Guess slowing down comes with the nature of being a year away from 30 years old. He finally finished getting his suit on and headed in the direction of the alarm. It was the back a few blocks from his apartment building. "Hey fellas. Bank teller not tell you your pin numbers?" he said trying to be smoothed.

The masked robbers turned on his direction, a little stunned to see him. Peter easily took them out and asked if there were anymore robbers there. The bank teller nodded and pointed in the direction they're in. Peter order for everyone to wait outside for the police so no one gets hurt. So far there were no casualties and he'd like to keep it that way. As everyone filed out he headed in the direction of the rest of them. Once he located them he snuck in, or at least he thought he snuck in. Peter stood there silent for a minute. "Hey there big boy. Come to play?" Black Cat asked as she turned around. Peter couldn't help but notice how her suit was unzipped more than the last time.

"Yeah I did. What game are we going to be playing?" he said as he pushed off the wall he was leaning against. "Oh you know the one where you let us get away with what we want and maybe get some pleasure out of it too." she said seductively as she eyed him up and down. He noticed that she did that. "Well I can't let you do that you see, petty larceny is against the law and I'm not one to break any rules so..." he trailed off as he walked towards her. She started to walk towards him as well. "Oh that's a shame. I thought it would be fun to ya know..." she paused with a conniving grin. "See how weak you can get." she unzipped her suit more. One wrong move and a tit is out for him and her buddy there to see.

"Oh darling it takes more than just a nip slip to get my senses going." he retorted. Ok that one deserved a high five. Black Cat lifted her hand to pull down her suit some more as they got closer to each other but Peter quickly shot a web at her hand. Her hand now stuck to her cleavage and she struggled to free her hand. As she was distracted, Peter took out the guy who for some reason was packing up the money slowly. He ripped his mask off and saw it was the same guy who used to work with the Vulture. No wonder why he was still standing there.

"Hey you're the idiot who worked with the Vulture. Couldn't stay away from the Dark Si-" Peter was cut off by a hard kick to the back. The landing didn't hurt as much as the kick due to it being on top of the other guy. Peter groaned shook it off as he stood up. He turned and saw Black Cat there with a smug grin on her face. His eyes darted straight to her chest. She had freed herself with her claws and purposely pulled the zipper down even more. The suit just barely contained her breast as they threatened to fly out. "Are your senses tingling now big boy?" she had an even bigger grin now knowing that he was staring, his mask may be hiding his expression but his body language said another.

Peter snapped out of his trance. "Uh duh no it's not. Not yet." he tried to say sternly but failed do to stuttering. He was totally losing his shit right now. "You're terrible liar Spider-Man." she bit her lip as she started walking towards him again. Black Cat purposely swayed her hips dramatically this time. Peter gave a silent gulp as he felt himself struggling not to get an erection. He can't really picture what she looks like because of the black eye makeup under her black mask. It made her vibrant blue eyes pop. But that body had him wondering. He scolded himself for getting distracted for even a fraction of a second.

Black Cat lunged at him which he dodged. "You know this shouldn't be a game of Cat and mouse?" she said a bit aggravated. "Oh really I didn't know that. I forgot for a second that I was a Spider and not a mouse but then again it would still be the same game." he said as she continued to fail. She threw a punch at him and he caught it. He then spun her around and pinned it behind her back. "You know when I imaged you turning me around Spidey, I thought I would be bent over." he gave a chuckle at her pathetic thought. "Yeah well I'd like to bend you over but with cuffs behind your back." he said not realizing that it didn't help with the banter.

Just then Black Cat spun back around, nipples almost in view. "Kinky big boy, kinky." she winked. As hot as this moment was for him, he had to stay focus. "Yeah well I try my best." she ran towards him once again but he caught her mid kick and pinned her to the ground. She moaned in slight pain. "Wow never thought you'd be the BDSM type." she chuckled. "I'm not but you make it hard not to be like that." it was as if she could feel the smartass grin on his face through the mask. He then slammed her wrists above her head and webbed them there and quickly turned to web her feet down too.

It wasn't until he turned back around that he saw her tits. He couldn't take his eyes off them. It was almost as if he's seen them before. "You're suit doesn't hide much." she smirked at his growing bulge. Peter gulped. He shouldn't be thinking about fucking someone that's supposed to be his nemesis. Shit. "How about you take the mask off big boy. You might actually know me." she teased. Peter hesitated. Should he take of her mask to reveal his sexy rival? Or should he do the sort of right thing and walk away. But his curiosity got the best of him. He reached down slowly and took her mask off. His heart stopped and his mind went 'oh fuck'.

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