Part 5

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"Wha- what was, what was that?" He stuttered. "A moment of realization." She said just above a whisper. Peter stared deep into her eyes. He saw the answer to his next question. She's fully letting herself come back. The woman who he loves so dearly is now there. He kissed her again. "Peter, show me how to love again." She whispered. It was just a whisper of help and admiration. It was heavy with lust. She wanted to be physically shown. "I'll be in the room in a couple minutes. I have to clean up. Then I'm all yours babe." He kissed her one more time before turning back.

Laura headed back to the room. She closed the door and started to strip, finding a robe to put on. Moments later Peter walked in. "Woah." There won't ever be a time where she isn't the most beautiful woman he's ever met. "Peter." She smiled. She hasn't smiled in forever. It made his heart skip. "Hold on." Peter said. He started to strip. Laura watched carefully. Ten years ago that body was a sexy toned 18 year old with smooth skin. Now he's sculpted for the gods and has many battle scars. It made Laura's heart skip.

When he was done she slowly dropped her robe. Then started walking towards him. Peter grabbed her waist pulled her in for a sweet kiss. Laura's hands tangled in his curls as his lip left hers and traveled to her neck. She hung her head back and bit her lip. They fall back onto the bed. "Peter, no teasing tonight. I need you now." Laura said, her breath quickening. They both remember the last time they had sex without teasing. It was prom night and Laura felt like a monster but Peter brought her back from that feeling. Tonight he's doing the same.

Peter nodded and they positioned themselves. It's been a while since any of them have had sex. Peter slowly goes in. Laura bit her lip feeling some pain. "Are you ok?" Peter asks. Laura let out the breath she had been holding. "It just hurts for some reason." Peter kissed Laura's forehead. "Are you aware of the fact that you may have been a virgin again?" He asks seriously. "No." She said. "But I wouldn't have wanted to loose it to anyone else but you." Laura looked Peter in the eyes and grabbed his face, kissing him. "Get going Tiger." She whispered.

Peter obeyed and pulled out. Laura bit her lip out of pain but this time it wasn't so bad. Peter thrusted back in again. The pain went down more. It continued like this for a couple more slower thrusts. "Peter you can go faster now." Laura whispered and kissed his shoulder. He did so and started grunting. Laura's hands went to his hair and back. Peter thrusted even faster. "Peter!" Laura yelled. She watched as his dick would disappear and reappear from inside of her.

He lifted her hips a bit sat up. Both hands on her hips as their bodies smacked together. Laura gripped the bedsheets and held her claws back. Who knew such pleasure would let them out. Peter watched as Laura's boobs bounced as he thrusted. The room was filled with moans, grunts, and curse words. Peter leaned back down but was quickly caught off guard when Laura rolled him over so she could be on top. He didn't argue, just place his hands on her hips. Laura leaned forward and kissed Peter.

She started lifting her hips and then bringing them back down. Laura did it faster. Peter's head threw back as Laura road him. He bit his lip and moaned. She sat up a bit more and placed her hands on his chest for balance. Laura went as fast as she could and Peter pushed her down slightly to create more friction. "Fuck!" Peter moaned. He sat up against the headboard and wrapped his arms around Laura. He kissed her and took the thrusting from there.

Laura bit his shoulder as he slammed into her. Her nails dug in as she scratched his back, surely to leave a mark. He kept one arm around her as his other hand went up to her breast and fondled them. Peter brought her nipple to his mouth and sucked. He occasionally lightly bit down. Then he switch to the other. They were both moaning messes. Peter flipped them back over and thrusted harder. "Uh b-baby I'mmmm going to..." Laura couldn't even finish the sentence because of a moan.

Just hearing her struggle to talk made Peter want to cum right then and there. "M-me to b-babe." He ended it with a grunt. Laura felt the sensation of her orgasm let loose. All she could do is moan Peter's name over and over again. Peter released as his thrusts came to a halt. His buried his head into her neck and kissed it softly. Eventually his kisses went back to her lip. He pulled away and looked into her eyes. He saw the woman who he loves so much and her damage behind it. But damage is not going to stop them. "I love you Laura. More than you'll ever imagine." He whispered as he placed his forehead on hers. "I love you too Peter. As Steve once said, I'm with you," She paused looking dead in the eye. "Till the end of the line."

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