Part 8

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"Open wide little girl." the man smelt awful. Almost like he had been bathing in cologne. Laura shook her head, jaw clenched tight. She was tied to a chair and her shirt ripped down the middle and her bra was cut off. Her face was covered in blood from healed wounds. Her pants and panties were ripped off and thrown to the other side of the room. "Open. Fucking. Wide!" he screamed in her face. He forcefully lifted her head and opened her jaw from a pressure point. When he had the chance he stuck his penis in her mouth and started thrusting. Laura bit down but was smacked hard in the face leaving a welt. The actions were repeated until Laura gave up fighting and gave in.

She shut her eyes tight to make sure the tears didn't fall. She made herself numb and thought about Peter. Anything to keep her mind off this. Hydra sent her to one of the General's rooms to fulfill his needs. He pulled out and spread her legs. "This isn't happening Laura. It's all just a nightmare. It'll be over when you wake up." she said in her head repeatedly. She now bit her lip to the point where blood was trickling down her chin. Laura dug her nails into her palms and they too started bleeding. They had put a serum in her body that kept her from realizing her claws. If they hadn't done that, that bastard would have been dead by now.

They also let the green serum out of her system justy for this. If it was in her then they'd be doing an execution versus sexual pleasures of a well respected General. "Think of Peter." she said in her head to forget what she was enduring. Flashes of the past went through her head. His smile, eyes, chuckle, toned body, touch. Everything about him was perfect. In her mind she smiled but her outer shell showed no emotion but her closing her eyes and blood on her face that was now dried. "Look at me bitch!" he smacked her across the face. Her eyes flung open from the pain and the tears let loose this time.

She let out a cry and sobbed as he continued. "Peter." she whispered. "What the fuck you say?" he smacked her across the face again. This painful pattern continued until he was done. He spat on her at the end and yelled for the to take her as he got dressed. They she was thrown in her cell with what she had on. The cold concrete floor felt comforting for once and the dull grey room brought on a sense of peace. But the feeling didn't last long when she remembered what she looked like. Laura sobbed more but her cries would never be heard through the sound proof walls. Why is it worth living anymore for her? Or at least why is it worth living for the night?

The serum had worn off and she could let her claws out again and so she did. But she didn't just let them out and stab herself in the stomach. She put a fist to her head and let out another sob before she let her claws out, ending it for the night. Laura shot up on the gurney. Her let out a sigh of relief as it was just the dream sequence serum. She felt like cry but knew she couldn't. Not in front of Stark and Shuri. Laura got up and walked out slamming the door. She pulled out her phone and texted Peter to meet her by the entrance. He quickly replied and didn't question it.

"Laura? Where are we going?" he whispered. "Happy is going to drive us some place that I need to go. It's not far from here." she whispered back. The got in the black BMW that Happy drove up in. "I'm closing the window so I don't hear things I don't want to hear." the joke flew over their heads as the window went up. Half way through the car ride Peter became extremely anxious. "Laura what's going on?" he asked nervously. She continued to look out the window. "We're visiting somewhere that means something to the little 8 year old girl that is still in me." she said in the saddest tone he's ever heard. He knew not to ask anymore questions.

The hour car drive came to an end and they got out of the car. They didn't get out at a certain location though. They got out at a landmark. "Salem, New York. Home of the clearest creek in New York." Peter muttered. "Follow me." Laura said. It was now dark out and Peter would be lying if he wasn't the slightest bit freaked out. He watched too many horror films as a teen. Soon they came up on a the creek. "This is the White Creek. They call it that because of how clear it is. I know it doesn't make much sense but it's beautiful to look at." Laura explained.

They walk up to the edge and sit. Peter sees how clear it really is. It really is a work of art from nature. His nerves now calmed down knowing that this isn't going to get them killed. "I used to come here when I was younger. It was a way to clear my mind." she paused looking out to the water. "When I showed up in the past I was scared out of my mind and the fact that Xavier just threw into his institution thinking I'd adjust didn't help. One night I snuck out and went for a walk beyond the cloaking parameters. I stumbled upon this creek."

"It was a way to remember all the good things in life, appreciate nature's beauty and how it goes through life scot free of any sort of emotional pain. Sometimes I'd find ways like meditation to become one with nature. Sometimes even a wolf would appear out of nowhere. We'd look at each other a few seconds and then they'd walk away. At times when I was having emotional breakdowns about my dad, it felt like a sign that it was him and that he's still with me." she paused and reached into her sweatshirt pulling out dog tags. One said Wolverine and one said Logan.

"This was my dad's when he fought in World War II. He fought alongside Steve Rogers. The ironic thing is that Steve had me incarcerated at 16 because he thought I was a threat to humanity. He also didn't trust the fact that I was a product of Hydra. I'll give him the Hydra part but other than that it was just bullshit. When I was captured by Hydra the first time I thought I had lost these. I thought they were gone forever. It was this last time during one of my conscious states that I found it wrapped around the neck of one of those assholes. It was the only time I was proud of a kill." Laura chuckled. Peter chuckled himself.

"Having these on me helps with the healing process. It help put my mind at ease that he'd be proud of who I am versus what they made me be. They did the same to him too. That's why I feel like he wouldn't be mad. He may be disappointed that I let them take me so many times but that beside the point." She looked down and contemplated for a few seconds. Peter continued to stare at her like he has been the whole time she's been talking. She looked off to the side. It's the direction of what's probably the broken Institution. Then she looked down.

"Peter I know you were messing with the dream sequence. But I'm not mad." Laura paused and looked him in the eyes. Those damn eyes that make her heart skip a beat. "I want to get married." Laura flat out said. What shocked her was he didn't seem shocked himself. "I know." he scooted closer to her. "I just don't know when is a good time to do so. I'm still so broken." Laura said helplessly. "Maybe now, well now right now but you know what I mean. I've thought about it. Maybe a way to help to heal is by knowing you have someone who's going to be there through everything with you. The ring is like the dog tags. They're something to hold onto when you need something with strength."

"There will be moments where we aren't together. Looking down at the ring will be a reminder that I'm always with you, even when I'm miles away. It's only a perk that you get my last name." he chuckled and kissed her cheek. Laura giggled and smacked him playfully. "Laura I'm your strength when you're weak and you are mine. I've loved you ever since the day I laid eyes on you in the parking lot." he twists a bit to look at his side. "I guess this would come in handy right now." he chuckled holding up the most simple but most beautiful ring Laura has ever seen. "I've been carrying it around since we were 18. When I thought you'd be aloud to come back." Laura gently took the ring and smiled.

Then without speaking she slipped it on her left ring finger. "I'm all yours Mr. Parker." she said with a straight face as she admired the ring and the backdrop of the beautiful water. "Good I was worried you were going to say no." Peter joked. "Oh shut the fuck up." she smacked him. "Make me." he teased. It took a second for her to think and then she pushed him back onto the soft grass beneath him. Laura kissed him passionately as she climbed on top. Things progressed as the continued to make out and dry hump each other. "I need you." she whispered. "Wait... Here?" he asked, shocked that she would want to fuck him outside.

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