Part 22

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A smug smirk spread onto Peter's face when she told him she needed him. His hands slid up to her hips and softly pushed her against the cool tile. The heat from the water and the coolness of the tile made Laura's body tingle. Peter lowered his head and started sucking on her neck as his hands traveled further up her body to her breasts. The contact of his wet,rough hands on her tits sent more sparks throughout her body. She let out a moan and peter smirked against her skin. He leaned his body onto her and she could feel his dick poking at her thigh. Oh how much did she just want for him to just slam right into her in that moment. Like Cap used to say, "I could do this all day" she thought. Peter kissed his was down her shoulders to those beautiful lumps. He can never get enough of them. They were just so perfect to him.

His mouth took one of her erect nipples in his mouth as his one hand massaged the other, occasionally rubbing her other nipple with his thumb or lightly pinching it. This sent Laura into a moaning mess. He hasn't even fucked her yet and she's like this. Guess after 7 months of not having sex her body is more sensitive and craves the sexual contact. Peter smirked as he pleasured his woman. Laura's eyes squeezed shut as she clenches her jaw. "Fuck Peter just get in me." she said through gritted teeth. As amazing as foreplay is, she really didn't want to wait any longer. She just wanted her man's length in her. Peter obeyed and pulled back a bit. "Turn around." he demanded. Laura didn't fight it. She turned and pressed her body against the tile. The cool feeling made her nipples tingle and she stifled a moan from the contact. She placed both hands on the side of her face.

Peter grabbed her hips and pulled her back a bit. She was now bent over and holding the wall for stability. He wasted no time sliding in her. Laura's head dropped as she felt him fill her up. "Peter what are you waiting for? Trust me I don't have to adjust. Especially after last night and the fact that I've already healed from it." Laura said a bit irritated. Peter smirked and wasted now time pounding into her. Laura went to grip onto the sheets but the sheets weren't there. Her finger tips slid on the slick tile. Her hands balled into fists as Peter continued to pound her. Laura couldn't control her moans as he went fast. Unlike last night, he hit a spot he's never hit in her before. It sent Laura into a frenzy and begging for so much more. All peter could think about was grabbing a handful of her hair and pulling, obviously not hard enough to hurt her.

He grabbed her hair with a little bit of difficulty since it is wet. "Oh fuck!" She yelled. The roughness he was showing towards her made her mid swirl and take a note. Bent over and hair pulling, new kink she's into. Laura repeatedly moaned his name. This made Peter want to lose his shit. He went harder. Grunts, moans and curses fell from his mouth. Peter smacked her ass hard enough to have Laura yelped in pleasure. As if everything else around them disappeared, Laura could only hear his grunts and moans, the water running and the smacking of their skin as he thrusted in. Peter let go of her hair and her head immediately dropped with a moan. "Peter!" She yelled. It was coming and there was no way in hell that she was going to hold back and wait for him. Peter started hitting the spot again and Laura felt herself losing control fast. "Peter!" She yelled again. "Go ahead baby."He huffed as he felt himself coming to his high.

Laura released her high with a loud "Fuck!" Her knees buckled underneath her as she tried to keep herself up so Peter could finish. He felt her struggled and went faster till he released with a load grunt and leaning over. They stayed in this position, panting until the water ran could and Laura yipped at the cold feeling. "So much for taking an actual shower." She joked. Peter chuckled at her sarcastic comment. He pulled out and quickly rinsed himself off. "What the hell? It's freezing cold water! Why did you just rinse your dick off with it?" she questioned and laughed, Peter shrugged and chuckled. Laura just shook her head. She wasn't going to rinse her vagina off with that. She'd rather clean herself off with a towel or something. They made their way out of the bathroom to go to bed. The slid in and got comfortable in each other's arms.

"I love you." Peter whispered and kissed behind her ear. "I love you too Tiger." Laura whispered back. She turned her shoulders and placed a hand on his cheek. Laura leaned in a placed a sweet kiss on his lips and he gladly returned the favor. After that they slowly drifted to sleep. Well not before they were woken up by the phone ringing. Peter groaned. "Who the fuck is calling at 2 in the morning?" He said. Peter grabbed the phone. "Tony?" he questioned. Laura stirred awake and faced Peter. She tilted her head in confusion. Why would Tony be calling at 2 in the morning? Peter answered the phone a bit worried. "Hey kids, sorry if we are interrupting your rendezvous but you're going to to need to come to my office STAT. It's about Laura." Tony said concerned. This can not be good.

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