Part 36

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Heart thumping and sweat mixed with goo of some sort dripped. The cries of innocence rang in her head. A broken record on repeat. "Get out of here!" Some screamed. Others didn't listen. She being one of them. "Another one." she said to herself. "We need to get out of here! He's too powerful!" a girl yelled at Laura as she made another kill. Her suit was a soaked in goo from the animal like things Thanos sent to attack them. "I can't just leave Kitty!" she yelled back. Kitty didn't fight back. They were best friends but if Laura wanted to kill herself over this then so be it. Another monster came at them and Laura gladly sliced it. Kitty shook her head and ran off to the woods in the distance. Laura watched as more mutants met their doom. Those who weren't being blasted by Thanos were killed by the monsters. The rest of what remained of their bodies turned to dust and floated away.

He was gaining on them. Laura knew deep down that if she didn't get the hell out of there she'd end up like Angel, another mutant who's body turned to dust right next to her. "One more." she told herself. Indeed it was one more before she saw an entire heard coming towards her. There was no fighting off that many of them. If it were a group of people then maybe, but not this. She quickly turned and ran for the woods. The screams weren't as loud but they were there. Laura's heart raced as she increased her speed. Another mutant put up a force field so the monsters couldn't get in. "Come on Laura! Come on!" Scott yelled for her as she got closer. Laura lost feeling in her legs as she ran for her life. The only thought she had was getting behind the force field. She felt the split second change as she broke through the field.

Laura made the stupid decision to stop and turn back. "Wanda! No!" another yelled as she tried to take down Thanos. Trying to get revenge of killing her one true love. Thanos was stronger though. One blast and Wanda Maximoff was no longer Scarlet Witch. Thanos gave one last blast, taking out the rest of the mutants that dared to stay. The blast was so hot that even at the distance she was, she could feel it singeing the hairs on her arms. She stood there unable to move. She watched as bodies burned to the ground not even leaving a cast like Pompeii. Everyone just turned to ash. Laura at least found a place to hide before being unable to move. Scott placed a hand on Laura's shoulder that she didn't even feel. She was so numb. "Laura come on we've got to go!"

He yelled as more people turned to ash. Laura just barely heard him. Everything was muffled. It got to the point where Scott realized she wasn't moving so he lifted her over his shoulder and ran off. Laura watched as Thanos took out the last of the standing mutants that dared to fight him. Her body went completely limp. As if in slow motion, she saw the glow of the gauntlet and then down to the ground where her vision became blurry and she passed out. Laura shot up from her position. Her heart beating out of her chest. Sweaty made her skin sticky. It was just a dream but it was a dream of the past. So vivid that she can still feel the goo and burn. Tears streamed down Laura's face as she silently cried. She could have done more to save them but she didn't, the guilt will forever be embedded in her. "I could have done better." she whispered. The rest of the night she cried until she passed out. Only to wake once more with the same haunting dream. 

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