Part 39

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Starting from 7 a.m. this morning, it was an off day. Laura could feel it in her bones. Something just didn't feel right. She looked out the window before heading to breakfast. Nope, it's not the weather. Sun is shining, birds are chirping, skies are blue. "Hey babe! What's today's itinerary?" Peter asked. "Uh I have training in a couple of hours and I believe that's about it. Why?" usually Peter is up to date on their schedule so maybe that's what's off. He didn't remember. No biggy. "I was think maybe you and I could go out tonight, maybe a picnic by the nearby creek?" Peter finished drying his hair and stripped himself of his towel to get dressed. "Ok, that sounds great." Laura slipped her training top on. Peter walked out of the bathroom fully clothed now.

He wore a training shirt that was snug against his body. Laura had to keep from biting her lip. She new that if he caught her she'd be late to training. Peter went over to Laura and hugged her from behind. "You know, that tight shirt gets me going every time you wear it. Makes these look fantastic, although they look better without anything on them." He grabbed her boobs as he spoke and kissed her neck lightly. Laura couldn't hold back from a lip bite this time. It was followed by a girlish giggle. "Unfortunately if I let this continue I'll be late for training." she sadly pried herself from him. "Mmmmm come on baby. We've been quick before." Peter groaned at the rejection. "Not quick enough remember? We nearly missed an important meeting with the rest of the Avengers the last time we tried to be quick."

Peter rolled his eyes going back to the hilarious memory. They were five minutes late and when they walked in everyone knew why. Even if Peter hadn't walked in with insane sex hair and a hickey that threatened to show from under his shirt, they still knew. The walls are thin and not sound proof. People could hear Laura's cries for Peter to go faster or harder. Even Peter's grunts of pleasure were heard. The only person that admitted they heard anything was Gabby. The rest decided not to say anything. All throughout breakfast Peter kept placing his free hand dangerously high on Laura's thing. Only to have it smacked away a few seconds later. But to everyone else around them they seemed calm and ready for training.

Eventually the made it to training but not without Peter pinning Laura against the hall walls a few times to suck her neck, grabbed her ass or her woman hood. Laura would quickly rub his growing bulge when he would stop them for the shenanigan. They finally made it to the locker room doors right outside of training. "Are you sure you don't want to make it quick? I'm all ready to go if you are." Peter leaned against the wall next to the door with his arms crossed over his chest. He had a cocky smile plastered on his face as he pushed his hips away from the wall. Peter's bulge was nearly breaking his zipper and Laura felt kind of bad for rejecting him.

Kind of...

Then she thought about it for a second, who says she can't give him oral? "Hello lovers, hope the little engagement in the locker room has you satisfied because now it's time to do something even more exciting." Tony said with a clap of his hands. The two were quick without a doubt and it was fast that having sex but the staying quiet thing they still had to work on. They looked at each other with 'oops' looks. "You get to test out what you can and cannot do with the stone. We specifically made you gauntlets that will help you control what you do with the stone. An easier way of thinking about it is Thor's hammer and how it helps him control his powers." Tony pushed a button the opened a door. Out came beautifully polished copper colored gauntlets. Laura's eyes were glued to them from their beauty.

Tony paced around the room as he explained the rest to her. "We did some research and found a metal that mimics the metal that the actual gauntlet is made out of. We even tested it with all the Infinity stones at once and they held up as you can tell. So if there's ever a universal threat again..." he paused and turned to Laura. "You're our biggest hope. Are you up for the challenge soon to be Mrs. Parker?" he asked. Laura was beaming now. "I'm up for anything." she smiled. "Good. By the way when's the wedding?" Tony asked completely off topic. Peter chuckled at the sudden change. "It's in 3 months Tony." he replied happily. "Maybe that's why he's so horny all of a sudden. He knows I won't be having sex with him for at least two week before the wedding so he's trying to get it all in now." Laura thought to herself. The thought made her chuckle actually.

Despite all of the insanity that come with being a hero, they managed to plan the entire wedding without hiccups. Laura even managed to go pick out her dress. The two men went up to the intercom room to watch. Laura placed the gauntlets on her hands and waited for the stone to come in. When the stone came in and she grabbed it, she was expecting to have a reaction like last time but that didn't happen. The stone just connected to the right side like a magnetic pull. She felt a sudden surge run through her veins. Peter and Tony watched as a blue glow flowed through her veins to her head. Laura closed her eyes and opened them again. Her eyes were now that vibrant blue again. "The room is stone proof so give a test blast." Tony said over the intercom. "Sorry I'm late. Was watching Nakia was finally giving birth. It was a boy. Prince T'Chama, newest heir to the throne." Shuri came in out of breath.

"Congrats on becoming an aunt. We have Laura all set up." Tony look back at Laura who took her first test blast at the wall. The blast faded as it hit the wall, as it should be. Tony has a satisfied grin creeping onto his face. When they first found out what she was capable of, he was terrified that he had created a monster. But after further thinking, Tony realized her may have created a God. With everyone else that he knows that would have been able to control a stone dead, she's the world's only hope if catastrophe strikes again. The three of them watched in awe as Laura smoothly did tricks with he new gauntlets. It was a magnificent sight. Laura was having the time of her life. It was like a kid who go a toy car that they could drive and feel like a big kid even though it's fake.

Tony let out the test dummies that can withstand the blast so she could train on those for the next half hour of training. But that time was cut short as the alarms in the buildings went off. Laura stopped and looked around in confusion. "Laura we must evacuate now! We're under attack!" Shuri yelled over the intercom. Without taking the gauntlets of Laura ran out of the room. "Peter!" she yelled as she ran towards him. They shared a quick hug and the ran to the entrance. Massive meteorites were dropping from the sky. "LAURA!" a young voice screeched. "Gabby!" Laura ran to her and hugged her. Within seconds Laura was ripping gabby off the ground to fall back. A meteorite nearly hit them. "What's happening?" Gabby asked as they quickly stood back up. "I don't know." Laura grabbed Gabby's hand and Ran to Peter. They all ran for their lives.

"Laura! Gauntlets!" Tony yelled from his armor. "Go! Get Gabby out of here." Laura told Peter before turning around. "I'm not leaving you!" Peter said with such panic. So many things could happen if he leaves her. "I'm not doing this now Peter! Get her out of here." Peter wanted to protest but it was no use as another meteorite came at them. Gabby shrieked in fear. "Go!" Laura yelled. Peter quickly grabbed Laura's hip and pulled her in, giving her what maybe their very last kiss if this doesn't go well. They exchanged I love you's with pain laced in their voices. Peter picked Gabby up and ran off with her. "Laura lookout!" Tony yelled in just enough time for Laura to turn and blast the meteorite. Tony built a suit for himself that could hold any stone. He too was blasting the massive rocks.

All of a sudden Laura was "transported" to the place where she watched Logan die. Tony was "transported" to Titan where he remembers being truly alone for the very first time in his life. "What the fuck?" Laura whispered to herself. Then a dark, cloudy mass appeared with Thanos coming out of it. Laura took a couple steps back in fear. There was no way he was standing in front of her in the same exact spot that her father was killed. He got her hands ready to fight but her heart dropped at the feeling of them. The gauntlets were gone. The color in her face disappeared. "They didn't transport over." Thanos said. The same thing happened over on Titan with Tony's armor. He tapped his chest to put his suit on but it was working. That too didn't transport over.

Thanos spoke to them the same thing from these alternate universes. "I've said it once and this is the last time I'll say it. Fear it. Run from it. The universe that we live in now will seize to exist. I will dominate the universe and rid it of corruption. You have 24 hours to put together an army if you really think you can defeat me. Also, maybe you shouldn't have left the remaining stones in the building. I'll see you on the battlefield." Thanos said before vanishing. The alternate universes disappeared. "Laura?" She looked over at Tony and then around her. Many dead bodies were fading to ash and blowing away. "The gauntlet." Tony said. They both ran back into the destroyed building to look for the gauntlet. Hearts pounding out of their chests with fear.

Sure enough when the got to where the gauntlet was, it was gone. Thanos distracted them long enough to get his hands back on it. Laura looked down at her hands with little relief. Her gauntlets were still there. Tony check his suit. All good. "We've gotta go to the others. We have to warn them." Tony said with uncertainty. "Yeah if they still exist." Laura said. They both ran out of the building into the cold night air. Little hope in their hearts that everyone is still alive.

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