Part 33

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"Laura! Peter! I'm off to training!" Gabby yelled as she walked out. Once the door closed she pulled out her phone. One new text message from Wade. She gave a mischievous grin as she texted him back that she was on her way. Wade patiently waiting for his new found friend by an exit towards the back of the headquarters. He didn't need Old Lady Logan and Mr. McHottie stopping them from having fun. A smile crept on his face when he saw the young girl approaching him. "Hey kiddo, how's your day? Any casualties?" He asked. Gabby giggled at his joke knowing that he knows that she hasn't killed anyone. "Ready for our adventure?" He asked as he placed a hand on her shoulder. She nodded. "Let's go."

The two headed out of the building in the direction of a lonely town right out side of Greenwich. As they rode on Wade's bike Gabby could help smile. For once in her 11 years of mental captivity she felt free. The wind blowing all around her, the sun shining bright enough to where the chill of the wind warmed up a bit. The speed they went at made her mind race with freedom. She asked herself if this is what all 11 year old should feel like. The engine roaring as they sped down the empty abandoned highway was her little heart building a fire of excitement. She had zero clue where they were going but she was ready for whatever it was. Wade could sense the joy in her heart just by the way she held onto his ribs. Loose but not loose enough to fall off.

He'd look back occasionally at her and see her smiling through the shield on her helmet. It made his severely sinful heart soften. And slight genuine smile would pop up on his face. Due to everything that has happened to him it's been difficult trying to have kids with his wife. Seeing a kid that's just as damaged as him and seeing how happy they can be gives him some hope that he can at least try to be less sinful but still keep his old habits. "Right, right old habits. Yeah that's beautiful and all but can we get to the next part that shows my true colors ?" Fourth wall breaking, fucking awesome. Fine, skipping to the "better" part of the story with these two freaky friends.

"Go ahead young one, break down that shitty old door." Wade said. Gabby ran up to the door with a smile and kicked it down. "Deadpool and, uhhhhh, wait does she have a super hero or villain name yet?" Unfortunately she doesn't have a name yet. In fact they haven't even thought about it. She's going through continuous training and tests since she's gotten there. "Well that's total bullshit. She needs a name." Wade turned back to reality to think real quick. "Hey kid, what's your favorite animal?" He asked. Gabby thought for a second. She doesn't know about many animals due to being caged like one. But not to long ago she found herself fascinated by a book that a guard at the facility was reading about honey badgers.

"I'll go with honey badger since that's the only animal I really know about." She smiled. All while this was going on the clerk behind the desk picked up the phone and called 9-1-1. "Bitch! You did not just call 9-1-1! You're the one who's going to jail because of insurance fraud." Wade yelled as he pointed a gun in the guy's face. Laura took that moment to get the suffocation cloth ready. "Give me all the information to get into the system now!" Wade demanded. "Can you do me a favor and stop calling me by my real name when I have my mask on? I like to keep my identity private." DEADPOOL went back to interrogating the guy. He gave in and gave DEADPOOL everything he needed. He made the guy stand up. As the guy stood Gabby- "Uh, no. You know what her new hero name is."  HONEY BADGER put the cloth over his face until her passed out. The guy dropped to the ground.

"Oops, was I supposed to catch him?" She asked feeling guilty. "Yeah, but it was your first chloroforming. Don't beat yourself up." He patted her on the back. Once they were done they ran out the door and back onto the bike. What they did may have been a crime but now there's people who are stupid rich thanks to DEADPOOL and HONEY BADGER. "You could've been a little more enthusiastic about it. People can live their lives debt free now." Does this guy ever shut the fuck up? "Wade who are you talking to?" Gabby asked. "Oh my dear Honey Badger, I'm talking to the girl who's writing out our story. She clearly doesn't have a life."...Excuse me?

"Oh um, I'm sure she does. But aren't we writing our own history?" Gabby asked. "No, we're just apart of another universe that's controlled by people who live off of stupid apps like Twitter and Wattpad." Gabby looked at Wade still confused but brushed it off. He is a bit fucked up in the head. "Oh Alysa you're too nice. A bit? Darling you know it's much more than that." I was trying to be nice. "Must be hard for your bitchy self."...


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