Part 19

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*Two Weeks Later*

Peter was welcomed back with open arms. Everyone understood why he had to run. They probably would have done the same if they were in his shoes. Since he's come back he's felt a sense of happiness. It's not pure happiness like he was with Laura but it's feeling like the world isn't ending. Peter still dreads handing her the letter when she wakes up, if she ever does, but he knows it has to be done. If she doesn't leave him, he doesn't want to get married with a major secret like sleeping with someone while she was gone. Keeping it a secret would only make him hate himself more. Don't get him wrong, he did think about it for a minute but ruled it out because if all of a sudden backfired, shit would be all over the place. It would be an even bigger mess to clean up.

Peter also realized that being back, he's been smiling more. His decision to go back home was definitely a mistake and if there's ever a chance that Laura dies again in the future, he's not going back. As for today, it was an oddly good day. He was actually in a good mood. He still felt his depression but it didn't hurt as much today. Peter couldn't tell why he was in such a good mood. It was weird and it even felt weird. "Good morning Peter. How are you feeling today?" Shuri asked as she caught up with him in the hall. "I'm doing great. It feels weird." he replied. "Well that's great to hear. I have a surprise for you. Follow me." she motioned for him to follow. Peter obeyed thinking it may be advancements for his suits.

When the got to her lab door she turned while a mischievous grin. "Shuri?" he asked curiously. "Don't freeze." she giggled. "Pffft I never freeze." he joked knowing damn well that no matter what's behind that door he'll freeze in amazement. Her tech always had him in awe. Her smiled grew as she slowly opened the door. Peter focused on Shuri's odd behavior. What the hell is up with her? He looked up as the door came to a stop. His jaw dropped. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. It couldn't be? Could it? "No way that's awesome Shuri! I'm getting my own stealth car like your brother?" he said going straight to the blueprints that she had left laying out.

"Shit. No! I mean, yes but, no. Not that." she said as she realized she fucked up. His actual surprise was not where she had it. Shuri grabbed his arms and physically turned him in the direction of his actual surprise. "Shuri why are you- holy shit." he said. Peter thought he may have been hallucinating. He was frozen and his eyes started to tear up. Peter opened his mouth to speak but found that he couldn't. He currently looked like a fish. A giggle came in the direction he was looking. "Hey Tiger. Miss me?" Laura said. She walked over to Peter. Still in utter shock he opened his arms for her. This will be the first time in 7 months that he's hugged her, touched her, took in her scent.

Laura wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his around her waist as he hid his face in her neck. Laura felt his hot breath become sporadic and he started to shake. "Peter are you crying?" she asked. He just nodded his head in response. Laura pulled away enough so she could place her hands on both sides of his face. "Everything will be alright. I'm here now baby. I'm not going anywhere again." she said rubbing tears away from his face. "I'll give you two your space." Shuri rubbed Peter's back as she walked away. Peter pulled Laura back into a hug and sobbed. "I thought I lost you forever." he finally got out. "No baby you didn't. Even if I hadn't come back I'd always be in your heart." Laura responded.

Peter pulled back and looked into her eyes. He missed those beautiful brown eyes so much. She didn't look any different. But he looked very different. Peter looks like he's aged a few years. It broke Laura's heart seeing him like this. Laura let go of him and took his hand. She guided him out of the lab and to their room where she knows there will be complete privacy. Once the door closed Laura pulled him in again and placed a soft but passionate kiss on his lips which he gladly returned. Oh how much he missed doing that. But then his mind traveled elsewhere. He started thinking about two weeks ago before he came back. Peter pulled away from Laura but made sure not to be to suspicious. He went to his leather jacket and pulled the letter. "Please sit." worry laced his voice and Laura looked at him confused but obeyed and sat in the chair at the table. He handed her the letter and sat on the edge of the bed across from her. His heart was thumping heart and it felt like he was going to pass out as he heard her open it.

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