Part 40

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The run to the others felt like a marathon. They knocked on every door they could. Either they weren't there or no one answered. Either the house was deserted or they were too afraid to open the door. Laura was losing hope that they would find everyone else. Who could blame her though? They went to at least 40 places and still nothing. A thought popped into Tony's head though. Why would they stay where there's more and innocent people? Not far from where they were now is a deserted hotel. Sometimes hiding in plain sight is the best hiding spot.

When they arrived there wasn't even a peep. It was dead silent. Laura questioned Tony's sanity at this point. Who could blame her though? Everything you've spent the last decade on is destroyed and the biggest threat to the galaxy is back and fully prepared to destroy everything. Oh course the spark of insanity would be kicking in now. They walk in and call out for someone. Nothing. They call again. Still nothing. They call again but this time they're put into head locks and torches emerge from around the corner.

"It's us! It's us!" Tony yells. Shuri had Laura and Peter had Tony. Once the light hit Laura's face, Peter immediately let go of Tony and went over to Laura. He embraced her in a loving and relieving hug. "I thought you were gone for good." Peter nearly whispered. "I can say the same. I have a lot to tell you." Laura now held his face in her hands as his rested on her hips. "Where's Pepper?" Tony asked in a panic. "She's right this way Tony." Shuri showed him the way. Now it was just Peter and Laura. "What is it that you have to tell me?"

Laura told him ever detail she could remember. Peter held her as she sobbed and trembled. He has gone up against Thanos himself but never twice let alone going to be a fourth. Gabby had gone to Wade's room. At this point it was best that she did. The attack was traumatic enough. They both agreed that Wade will take her far enough away tomorrow that she won't have to participate let alone witness what might happen. It is for the best. "No matter what happens tomorrow, I'll always love you." Peter said and kissed her head.

"I do." Laura whispered. Peter pulled back a bit confused as to what she just whispered. "What?" Laura looked up at him. The sight of her red, swollen eyes broken Peter's heart. "I do." She said louder. Peter was still confused as to why she was saying that. "You said no matter happens tomorrow, I'll always love you. Well I'm saying I do. We don't know what will happen tomorrow. So if there's the horrible chance only one of us makes it or even none of us make it, I do." Laura let a couple tears fall. The thought of either one of them dying tomorrow hurt like hell.

Peter touched his back pocket and then pulled out a piece of paper. He unfolded it and started reading. "Laura, since the day I met you I always knew there was something amazing in you. Turns out for once I was right. You were quiet and had many walls that you shockingly let me break down. Why you let me I have no clue. But I'll cherish it forever. Thank you for forgiving me in my stupidest moments. I wouldn't be here without you... unfortunately I haven't finished it." Peter nervously chuckled as he put the piece of paper back in his pocket.

"I love you." Laura grabbed Peter's face and kissed him deeply. "Don't you mean I do?" He chuckled. Laura lightly smacked his arm as she kissed him again. This time Peter placed his hands on her hips as he slowly rolled on top of her. "I do." Peter said. "I do." Laura said before making out with him. Their hands roamed each other's bodies as if to be looking for treasure. As their hands kept moving, items of clothing were tossed to somewhere in the room until eventually they were naked.

They both agreed no foreplay tonight. It wasn't that kind of night. Peter spread Laura's legs and positioned himself. Laura nodded her head giving him permission to go. Both their eyes closed when he slid into her. Laura let out a sigh when he pulled out and pushed back in. Unless they both know that it's going to be rough, steamy sex, Peter always asks for permission. It's one of the things Laura loves most about him, his compassion. Her hands flew to his locks when he started to move faster.

Their moans and grunts were soft since the place echoed terribly. It wouldn't matter anyway since everyone has heard them at least once. But tonight they wanted it to be to themselves. Peter gripped Laura's hips as he tried to go deeper into her. That one curl dangled and bounced off his forehead as he thrusted. Laura's hands traveled all over the place from his beautiful biceps to the bed then back. It was becoming nearly impossible to stay quiet. "Peter I-" "go for it!" He grunted.

Laura let out a moan louder than expected but didn't care. This may just be the last time she has his dick in her. Peter flipped them suddenly. Once balance, Laura started rocking her hips. Peter's head threw back with a loud grunt. Laura gripped his chest as she went faster, completely losing herself in the moment. Their moans were uncontrollable like their body movements. Then 'I love you' was spilling out of them like lava. All it took was one last thrust and they both came undone. "I love you." They said at the same time.

Laura stayed on top of him for a while to gain the strength to move. Eventually like her body, her emotions became weak and she cried into his chest. Peter rubbed her back and cried himself. Eventually Laura stopped crying because she fell asleep. Peter stayed up half the night from fear of the day's events to come. There was no way they could prepare for this, not this time.

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