Part 10

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"I can't do this" Laura repeated over and over again. She now paced back and forth around the "Safe Room". The safe room is a room that people can go into if they feel like they're going to have any type of attack. What they didn't know is that every time they walked into the room an alert would be sent to Tony. once Tony gets the alert he opens the secret security camera in there to see what the issue is. It's to help keep everyone, including the person in there, safe. He watched as she paced around like a mad woman.

"I can't do this." Laura's vision was getting blurry. But not the kind of her passing out. The kind that only the trigger scent could cause. She was about to go ballistic. Immediately Tony rang to her and Peter's room where he knew that Peter would be right about now. "Hey Mr. Stark what's up?" He answered cheerfully. "Meet me in my office asap. It's Laura." Peter didn't bother to hang up. He sprinted to Tony's office to see what the issue is. "You're going to need to see this." Peter went around the desk to look at his computer.

Laura was now a ravaging mess. Her claws were out, teeth baring. She was growling and screaming as she slashed at the walls. It caused sparks to fly as her metal hit the concrete. Then something extremely alarming happened. She looked in the direction of the camera, still not knowing that it was a camera, with the deadliest stare known to man. Her eyes weren't their dark brown color nor were they a darker brown almost black from anger. They glowed green as if she sniffed the trigger scent.

Peter's heart nearly stopped. The woman he he proposed and made sweet love to in the woods last night was now the monstrous person she is when she's under the influence of the scent or the serum. It terrified him to see her like this. "She didn't have any tests today did she?" Peter asked as his voice cracked in fear. "Only blood was drawn." Tony watched in fear. Just then Shuri came in. "Mr. Stark you have to- Peter?" she asked confused. Tony waved her over to see what was going on. Laura was now drenched with sweat.

"Shit." Shuri said as she watched. Both Tony and Peter were taken back by her language which she never uses. "I have the results of the blood samples." She held the tablet out for both of them to see. "I hate to say this but I think the security footage says it, Laura is still very dangerous to be around. The serum is now laced with her red blood cells. There's only one cure for this and Peter you're not going to like it." She looked at him with worried eyes. "No we're not putting my fiance in a prison cell in the basement. I won't let that happen." he said in defence.

"Unfortunately that's not what I was getting at Peter." Shuri's voice sounded more upset. "Then what is it?" He asked, worried. "There's two options. One is more dangerous than the other. The first one is adding vibranium to her blood to kill the serum. But that would kill her and she wouldn't come back at all. She's only 50% human, not 100." She paused. Shuri could feel Peter's eyes burning into her. "The other option is to kill her and drain as much blood out her as we can. I can take all the blood samples and get the serum out of the cells but this method is not 100% guaranteed to bring her back to life. Mutant anatomy is far different from human, especially when it's human and mutant together."

Peter's heart dropped. "There has to be a third way. We can't just kill her and hope to bring her back without it being 100% guaranteed." he was was fuming now. He did not want them killing her. There had to be another option. "Peter I've gone over possible option. Those were the only two that guaranteed that the serum will leave her system. All the others were below 50%. Unfortunately death is the only way to do them and also unfortunately one will guarantee that she won't be revived." Shuri rebutted. Right now there was little hope in any of it. Peter would much rather live with the consequences but it would be a risk for the who building.

"How long?" he asked defeated. "How long what?" Shuri asked. "How long will she be dead for if we do option two?" Shuri shrugged her shoulders. "It'll take me a few weeks to get the serum out of the blood but the amount of time it'll take for her to come back is uncertain. Mutants work in mysterious ways that I can't uncover. It's a risk we'll have to take." Peter hated this idea but was a way to keep the woman he loved safe. He knew deep down that if they didn't do this, tony would either lock her up of do the first option Shuri suggested. Either way, he's losing the one he loves. "I know this is a hard decision but it's for the best." Tony said. "Yeah sure it is." Peter said storming out of Tony's office. He needed to go find Laura and spend the next 3 weeks making it the best.

Oh boy. Things are getting really dark from this point on but the happiness will come back. Brace yourselves darlings.

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