Part 11

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Three weeks is up. Peter made sure that Laura had the best time. He took her out on dates, gave her gifts that he knows he'll hold onto, and made sweet, sweet love to her one more time last night. Only one of the days within the 3 weeks did he have to hold her as she cried herself to sleep knowing she's going to be euthanized. Today was the heartbreaking day. Laura had gotten up and written him a letter as he slept. She finally finished as his alarm went off. He got up and walking to her. She hugged him. No words were said but they both know exactly what they would say. Every minute they spend together they cherish. Who knows if she'll even come back to life? This may be their last moments together.

Then the phone rings. Peter picks it up and soon dropped it. The phone going down thundered in her head. Without a word said the both head out the door. Laura holds his hand and with her other hand holds onto his bicep. The last time she'll feel his muscles under her touch. The last time she'll hold his hand. Last night will be the last time she'll make love to him. She doesn't know if she'll come back. It hurts more knowing that she didn't the chance to say 'I do' and didn't get the chance maybe have little wolverines or spider babies running around. Everything she would have dreaded a month ago is now dawning on her that even if she wanted it now, she can't have it.

Every footstep became a loud thud. Every heart beat could be heard and their breaths were fully audible. They couldn't tell who was shaking more. All Peter knows is that the closer they get, the more Laura's skin color changes. She's usually white but with a tint of a tan to her skin. Now she's as pale as a ghost and if it continues she may just become transparent. They make it to the door and know they this is where they part ways. Peter isn't allowed in there as it happens. The both stare at the dark grey door that says laboratory. Both are shaking and nearly the same skin tone now. None of them wanted to move.

"I love you." Peter's voice cracked and was just above a whisper. Laura opened her mouth to say something but couldn't. Peter watched as she tried to say it but couldn't. Tears just streaming down her face. This is the first time she's ever been this scared in front of him. He knows it's not the first time though. His mind roams to the first time the fought together at the school. He knows that she's been this fearful around him but that time it was him who was dying. Now he knows how she feels. He lets go of her only to close this space again with a kiss. Their last kiss. It was longer than any other kiss they've ever had. When they pulled away they lean their foreheads together. His hands are still placed on his cheeks as he looks into her eyes one last time.

Then the gray door opens. "Ms. Kinney." a male said as he walked out in scrubs. "I love you Peter Parker." Laura whispered as she let go. She made it to the guy and turned one last time to look at Peter. He has the look of his heart being completely ripped out. It hurt Laura so bad that she had to look down. She turned and walked in the door. The door closed with a loud thud that echoed in the empty hall. Peter stared at the door for quite some time. He stood there long enough to where his mind was playing tricks on him. His brain was so numb that when he snapped out of it, he was hoping it had been along enough amount of time to where his beautiful Laura would walk out that door and jump into his arms. But it had only been 15 minutes. At this point they were only prepping her body to rewire itself so it would hopefully bring her back. But no guarantee.

He finally decided it was time to move. His feet felt like lead and he felt heartless now. Everything he ever wanted, gone. Peter didn't even want to be an Avenger anymore. What was the point of being on anyway? Everyone he loved except Tony is now dead. Tony is who he had left. But that doesn't help for the fact that he's the leader of the Avengers. He's lost so much  and now he's lost himself. Later that day Peter packed his bags and heads to the one place where he knows he can be truly alone, Queens.

What do guys think Peter's going to do in Queens and how long do you think Laura will be gone for IF she does come back?

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