Part 38

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Is she going to die?


Nah! They just drugged her.


Laura's eyes slowly fluttered open only to close because of the brightness in the room. She opened them once more and looked around the hospital room. "She's awake!" Gabby said excitedly. "Is he dead?" Laura asked in a rough voice. The room was silent for a second and had Laura wondering if she was unsuccessful. "Yes he is." Gabby sounded upset.

Laura placed a hand on her cheek. "I'm sorry." She said. Gabby looked up with tears in her eyes. "I'm not upset with you killing him. I'm glad you did. I hated him. It's just... I almost lost you." A tear escaped Gabby's eye. Laura wiped it away with her thumb. "I'm here now. I'm not going anywhere I promise." She gave a weak smile. Gabby smiled and turned to Wade. Laura looked shocked that he was there and honestly did understand why he was there. "I'm here because my dearest young friend wanted to see her mother." Yes... we know. "Wade?" Laura questioned. "I'm not here for you I'm here for your kid." He said to confirm her suspension.

"He came as moral support. He even gave me a present!" Gabby said. "PAUSE! May I tell the story of this sweet but rabid animal?" Yeah sure whatever. "Put me as the narrator." No. "Yes." No! "Do it or I'll turn myself into Ryan Reynolds and tweet Tom Holland about your creepy obsession with him!" FINE! For fuck sake! Go for it. ALRIGHT YOU EQUALLY OBSESSED HOLLANDERS! Is it Hollanders? I don't really care anyway. So this said present came when we made it to this shitty hospital in the middle of nowhere. Gabby as you could see was extremely upset. My sort of sinful heart couldn't bare seeing her like that.

Ok then... anyway. Gabby showed her new found pet to Laura who didn't enjoy it as much as Gabby, but she didn't protest since it put a smile on Gabby's face. "Oh Wade I have a gift for you." Gabby said cheerfully. She walked over to the table with what looks like a stolen needle box. Wade was a bit confused but felt happy about the dark humor behind the box. He thought it was maybe a drug joke. "Hell yeah I am. It would be a wonderful gift even if it just an empty box." She doesn't know the dark humor about drugs Wade. "Right. She used to be caged up. Still funny though."

Gabby handed the box to Wade and he opened it. "No!" He gasped as he stared at the severed finger. "What is it?" Laura asked confused. "She gave me the finger!" Wade was excited. "What?" Laura sat there still completely confused. "She doesn't feel pain. She heals." He MARVELed the finger. "You're pathetic." Shut up Wade. It was a good pun... I think. "She HEALS. So she gave me her own finger in a box." He turned around showed Laura. Laura gagged at the bloody finger. For once Wade started to shed a tear. "It's like you can stare right into my soul. I will treasure this forever."

Wade bent down to Gabby's level. "May it insult you forever!" She said with a beaming smile. "You're incredible." He smiled. Wade usually never does hugs but for her he would. Which in fact is what he did. His heart warmed up from its icy closure. Laura watched the heartfelt moment felt a ping of guilt. She wasn't wrong about Wade but seeing this side of him made her shift her judgment a bit. Maybe he wasn't as bad she thought he was. "Oh she's so wrong." Way to ruin the sweet moment. "Way to ruin this shit story even more." I really need to get rid of you. "If you don't put in a Wham reference in the next part of this story then you don't have to worry about writing me out."

ANYWAY! Laura spent a couple more days in the hospital but of course under Tony's control. He eventually apologized to Peter who was beyond furious. "You're writing a shit ending aren't you?" Yes. Yes I am. "Have to wrap it up? Don't you dare make a sex joke." Says the one who's going to say it any. "You're right. Like a sexy, steamy Penis Parker." Ok we're done here.

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