Part 20

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Laura was back to training today and she'd be lying if she said she wasn't nervous. Yes her crazy night of love making to Peter proved that she still had her strength and her libido was heightened (they had sex at least 4 months to be more exact), but what about her fighting skills? Was she still the fierce Wolverine she used to be or did years of being a hero finally come to an end? She was dead after all and her body completely shut down as a dead body should. Laura didn't know if being dead had a negative effect on her fighting skills. But there's also the fact that she came back to life. Laura has died a couple times before but not like that. Usually when she died it was from being stabbed or a bullet to the heart or brain and she'd be back within a few hours. This was 7 months, 7 mother fucking months!

Laura slipped into the bulletproof suit for training. She didn't miss the skintight leather suit that she had to wear for it. Her actually suit wasn't even this tight so why should her training suit be? But Laura never argued with Stark. The man was smart and she'd give him that but when it came down to training suits, she questioned if he was thinking straight or at all. Laura walked down a hall that had dull weapons that are in display cases because they were used by one of the original Avengers. She's never seen this this hall before and doesn't know why. One display case caught her eye though. You couldn't miss the shining gold in the light that beamed down on them. Laura's heart skipped a beat when she saw them and a smile crept on her face.

She carefully placed a hand on the glass as she saw her reflection in the golden cuffs. The little plaque read "Iron Spider web-shooters. Used in the battle against Thanos and the fight against Hydra to save a student of Avengers Academy from the clutches of their danger." The memory of the heartbreaking day came to mind. Laura gave herself up to Hydra for the safety of the Academy but also because she loved Peter more. Within the couple of days that Hydra interfered with the Academy, it was as if Peter and Laura saved each other. She saved Peter from Hydra's wrath and he saved her from being another weapon for them.

She replayed the moment in her head as she stared at the web-shooters. The door at the end of the hall opened causing her to snap out of her daze. "We're ready for you Laura." Shuri smiled. Laura smiled and made her way through the door. It's a training room that she's never been in before and it's a lot bigger than what she's used to. It was the same dull grey color though with a variety of weapons she'll likely be testing. "Laura, good to see your living." Tony's voice came over the intercom. "Never been better Stark." Laura laughed. "Oh trust me the entire building knows." He referred to last night. Laura felt her cheeks start to burn up. "It's good to know you two can still keep it alive but unfortunately I'm going to ask you to kill the test dummies with your skills." He said.

Laura nodded her head and mumbled "if I still have any." She headed over to to the guns. Why would she need swords if she has 5 of them? Laura grabbed the first assault rifle she saw and loaded it. The targets started out fairly close to her and then got further away. Every shot hit in almost the same exact spot. Of course they weren't going to hit in exact same spot every time but they were so close that from a distance you'd think it was the same spot. This accuracy enticed and frightened Stark. What the hell happened when she was dead? Now it was swords. Laura refused to use their swords and they let her be.

She stood in the middle of the room with nothing but herself. She felt a little nervous but her confidence went up with how well shooting went. Laura closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Goosebumps crept on her and a rush went through her body. Before a sound was even made she ran to a secret door in the room. The dummy came out seconds after she made her move. Claws out, she sliced it in half. It was like a fire ignited in her. Every dummy that came out met their doom in seconds and were sliced with such precision. The cuts were clean. When was younger they were jagged and bits of where she would cut would hang or fly off. Not now. Tony's heart raced. He looked at Shuri as a way to ask what she put in Laura's cure. She shrugged. Shuri had no idea that this would happen. She's a genius but sometimes science is out of her control.

Tony's admiration turned into complete fear. What else could she do? Did he have Shuri creative a weapon? A monster? He didn't know. Her mental state seemed stable enough though and no traces of the serum was in her system anymore. Of course she still had all her mental health issues but they wouldn't be controlled by the serum. Tony had to leave the room. He couldn't watch anymore. He wanted to run to Peter and tell him everything he just saw but he knew that Peter was still fragile and hearing this would devastate him. Little did Tony know, he didn't create a monster, no. He created another great hero. Him, Laura and Shuri have yet to figure out the hidden safe that was unlocked.

When Laura was done with training Shuri went over the intercom. "Laura, that was incredible. I have no idea what happened when you were dead but it's like you were born into a different body. Great job!" Laura gave a thumbs up and headed out the door she came through. A proud smile was plastered on her face. She totally kicked ass and it felt great. But the smile went away quickly. Her head shot up. She felt a mental tug in the direction of one of the displays she didn't want to look at. The tug became painful and Laura closed her eyes to see if that would help. It didn't. Eventually her body gave in and she dragged her feet to the display.

There shined another golden artifact but it had colorful stones on it. "Fuck." Her heart dropped. This couldn't be happening. Yes she was stronger than ever before but was really able to...? "No. Not a fucking chance." She said through gritted teeth. All the stones were dull except the bright blue stone. The Space Stone. The one that gave Loki's tesseract its power. Why would this be glowing for her? She's never had a connection to an Infinity Stone before and surely she would have been had this connection with it sooner right? Or was there something about her past that no one bothered to tell her about? Laura's breathing quickened and she felt panicked. She had to get out of there but it felt like her feet were cemented to the ground. Her eyes filled with tears. Only thing she could do is scream. "Shuri! Tony!" She yelled. Tears streamed down. Her fear built up as she realized that it wasn't fear keeping her there. "PETER!"

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