Part 7

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"Fuck off!" Laura yelled but instead of attacking she backed away slowly. "You really think you can get away again this time Laura? Are you really that stupid?" Donald's menacing voice said to her. "I've done it twice before haven't?" She retorted. "You stupid bitch. You're not going anywhere now." He had many guards go after her she able fight off some and steal a gun but it ran out of amo. All she hand was her claws. Unfortunately this was nothing like prom where she was able to fight them off. No they just kept coming.

Eventually she weakened and the held her down. They beat her senselessly until she knocked out. Laura then woke up strapped down on a gurney. "This is what you get you stupid bitch." Donald's voice came onto the intercom. She struggled to get free. Laura let out her claws, that didn't work. She used all her strength, nothing. She gave up but studied the metal. "Fuck it's vibranium." She thought.

Soon a tingling feeling was at her wrists. Then a massive shock that left her screaming in pain. It stopped and she audibly inhaled. Then another one. This time it was stronger. Her entire body was shaking. Then a pause again. This continued until she was not only screaming out of pain but out of fear. She smelled her flesh burning and her hair frying off. Her eyes watered and the salty tears stung her skin. She looked around her body as it turned dark red and looked like Wade Wilson had a sunburn.

She was completely hairless now and her skin bubbled as she held onto her life. But soon everything started blur. She looked up at the ceiling and hoped that it was all a dream. The pain had become numbing to her mind and body. This had to be a dream. Haelyn shot up as the dream ending. She wheezed as she try to gain composure from reliving the pain of Hydra. Laura had tried to escape them again but clearly they were stronger.

"Laura it'll be alright." Peter tried to wrap an arm around her but she flinched thinking her skin was still burned. But she soon realized that it wasn't and leaned into him as she sobbed. Laura started to rub a particular spot on her arm. It was a spot that didn't heal the way body used to heal. She used to get away scar free after she healed in seconds. But all the damage from Hydra left her cells out of whack. A jab from a knife would heal in seconds but a paper cut would take days to heal.

Often bigger things like a knife or burn would leave scars after they healed. It was terrifying knowing that if something huge like a burn or stab wound could leave something like that behind now. Laura continued to sob to Peter as she tried to explain the dream. He caught bits and pieces, especially the scarring part. He rubbed the area that she talked about. "Everything will be alright babe. I promise. They won't ever hurt you again. They'll have an entire army after them." He said soothingly.

Laura nodded her head. She hugged Peter as she continued to cry. Peter started crying himself. Seeing her in this much pain hurt him to that extent. It also angered him. He regrets ever letting her go that night. He regrets not making her stay with him. Peter feels partly responsible for her pain. He knew that night that if he let her go it would end terribly. Sure enough it did.

Laura is still a shell of a woman though she has love in her. But love doesn't fill an empty shell. It only fills it a fraction. If it isn't balanced out with ever emotion known to man, then she's just a fairly empty shell still. She has only 4 emotions out 32 recorded emotions. Nothing else. Peter wants to change that and if it took till death do they part then you better bet that he will. That is his Mrs. Parker and no one fucks with his Mrs. Parker.

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