Part 16

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"Felicia?" he nearly whispered. "You got it big boy." she grinned. Peter's mind was now swirling. The sexy girl he's been hooking up with the past few months is the same girl that just failed to kick his ass. Maybe this was a ploy. A way to get him up in a fight to distract him so she can win. A way to get him to fail at being Spider-Man. Well it slightly worked. After today he doesn't know if it will work. It may just work. He doesn't want to fight someone that he's sticking his dick in. The only pain he wants to cause her is the kind that leaves her limping as she leaves his apartment. Oh fuck it now he doesn't even want to stick his dick in her. Peter is now screaming in his head. "YOU'VE BEEN FUCKING A CRIMINAL YOU MORON!" he yelled at himself.

Peter quickly stood up and backed away. The sweat is now building in his suit. His mind continued to swirl as he walked away. He couldn't run. His feet felt way too heavy to do so. Peter felt light headed and needed to get his mask off. Once Peter was out of the building and out of sight the mask came off. He didn't even realize how heavy he had been breathing. Peter just stood there with his head hanging and arms keeping balance against the building. "You're fucking moron Peter Parker." he whispered to himself as the heaviness of guilt was on him again. "What have you done?" he asked himself.

He realised that is was the same alleyway that he had gotten changed in. He decided to get dressed and call into work. He was already a half hour late and clearly he wasn't in the mindset to go anyway. Peter headed back to his apartment and changed again into his pajamas. Afterwards he grabbed a "crystal" glass and poured a bit of Scotch in it. He then walked over to the recliner near his window. His mind and body numb from the day's events. The Scotch was helping with the numbing process. Peter was furious with himself. He used to think with his actual head not the one aching to be touched by vaginal walls.

He refuses to blame his way of thinking on Laura's death. That would be wrong of him to do. This was his fault. Peter wanted a way to get over her death and chose sex with the first girl he laid eyes on since she died. Peter knew something was sketchy but his dick spoke first. She blinded him. His jaw clenched as he watched the sky go completely dark. No stars showed in the sky. The smog was too thick to see them anymore. The darkness mimicked Peter's ora. The dim lamp was only lit so he could see where he was going. If he had night vision, that light would be off. He hated himself in that moment. Peter's eyes started to well up and single tear rolled down his cheek. "So this is how Laura always felt, huh?" he asked himself as he looked down at the nearly finished drink.

The pain and frustration. Considering herself a monster due to past mistakes. Sure Peter sleeping with someone isn't as terrible as murdering people but it feels like he killed someone. Actually he did. He killed himself. Peter didn't even know himself anymore. The person he used to know would've thought everything through including the repercussions. He wouldn't have just gone and slept with her 3 times. Maybe just that night when the alcohol was in the mix but definitely not the other 2 times. Peter was fully crying now. Sadness and anger boiled in his body.

He let his emotions get the best of him and he threw the glass. It shattered as it hit the wall. The last drops of Scotch dripping down the wall. The glass now represented his heart and mind. He leaned forward and placed his head in his hands as he sobbed. "FUCK!" he screamed. Peter tugged at his hair wanting to rip it out of his head. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" he said over and over. He got up and started pacing, tears still rolling. He only hoped the neighbors won't call the cops. "I'm sorry Laura." he whispered as tears flew off his lips. "I'm so, so sorry. If you can hear me I'm so sorry." he got down on his knees in front of the window.

He closed his eyes in hopes for her voice to speak saying everything will be ok. Peter needs to hear her sweet voice again. He needs her to come over and and hold him as he begged for forgiveness for being unfaithful. Her telling him that she understood. Her telling him that she will always love him. He just needed her. "I love you. Please just come back to me." he whispered as his head hung. "Please." it was silent except for his sniffing and huffing as he cried. Then there was a knock at his door. He got up to open the door and dreaded opening it the moment he saw who was standing there. It was Felicia, tits fully ready to be played with.

I will be posting a lot on here for the next couple days days because I'm leaving for my vacation on Friday and I won't have time to post. Please enjoy!

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