Part 21

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It felt like hours before all 3 showed up but it was really only a minute. "Laura? Baby what's wro-" Peter paused staring at the glowing stone. He too felt her fear. Laura couldn't speak. She just stared, jaw hanging, and blinked. Tears continued to stream down her face as flashbacks of Thanos's wrath played in her head. She was only 16 when nearly everyone at Xavier's was wiped out by him. The same tears ran down her face. She stood there unable to move like right now. She watched as bodies burned to the ground not even leaving a cast like Pompeii. Everyone just turned to ash. Laura at least found a place to hide before being unable to move. Scott Summers place a hand on Laura's shoulder that she didn't even feel. She was so numb.

"Laura come on we've got to go!" He yelled as more people turned to ash. Laura just barely heard him. Everything was muffled. It got to the point where Scott realized she wasn't moving so he lifted her over his shoulder and ran off. Laura watched as Thanos took out the last of the standing mutants that dared to fight him. Her body went completely limp. As if in slow motion, she saw the glow of the gauntlet and then down to the ground where her vision became blurry and she passed out. After that they settled in Montana for a bit while the New York mansion was rebuilt.

A good handful survived and stayed, she being on of them. No one would ever be the same though.  It was the same for Peter but he watched as heroes he looked up to from a young age were murder by him. Captain, Bucky, Vision, it was all traumatizing and knowing that the gauntlet was in the same building he now lived in scared and angered him. Peter's hands balled up into fists and his jaw clenched as he fought back hot tears. "Why do we still have this?" He said through gritted teeth. Shuri started to back away from fear and not knowing they still had it. She thought the Guardians took it with them to give to Nova core. Peter turned to Tony who stood there.

He was terrified of all of the wrong things in that moment. He thought about what Laura could do with the stone rather than why did he keep it. Tony repeatedly said in his head "I created a monster." That wasn't the problem here. The problem was that gauntlet still existed on Earth and now was connecting to one of the Avengers who had zero clue as to why this was happening. "Tony," Peter said louder. "Why the fuck do we still have this?" Peter emphasized 'fuck'. He turned to face him. Tony couldn't speak. He looked like deer in head lights and a fish gasping for air. His color turned almost as white as his hair. "Tony, answer me!" Peter shouted. Tony was taken back but understood where Peter was coming from.

"B-because we were, uh, um doing more research on the, uh gauntlet and how it's power works." He stuttered. "We didn't need to do any research on it because we knew what it was capable of. What's the real reason?" Peter asked with a terrifying stare. Tony thought for a moment, not for an excuse but for a way to word his answer. "Why think keeping it here will keep it out of the hands of someone dangerous." He answered then looked at Laura. Was she now a threat again? "No. No, no, no! Laura is not a threat again! She didn't even know she had a connection to the goddamn stone in the first place. Do you see her right now? She's unable to move!" He shouted.

Shuri stood there shocked as to what was going on and wanted to say something but didn't know what to say. "So much pain, so much death." Laura whispered into the tense silence. Peter's attention went back to Laura. "Ashes, ashes, we all fall down." She whispered again as the tears came faster. Peter's heart raced. Laura has never acted like this with traumatic moment. Especially to the point of quoting a sick, twisted children's nursery rhyme. It was almost as if she could feel the wind of the blast again. The bright light blinding her as she watched them perish. She felt like the hairs on  her hand were being singed off again from how hot the best was. Just like Scott, Peter placed a hand on Laura's shoulder. But he didn't say anything. Peter knew nothing he said would help her. Instead he got closer to her and bent down a bit. "Let's go hun." He said as he picked her up bridal style.

Laura just nodded her head slightly. He walked them back to their room and Laura leaned her head against his chest. The entire time she replayed the horrific moment. Once in their room he placed her on the bed. She laid there for a moment before speaking up once more. "Peter," She said just above a whisper. "Shower?" She questioned. Peter nodded his head and got everything ready, Laura remembered prom night and how taking a shower helped. She walked into the bathroom and stripped to nothing. Peter followed behind her. Once in, Laura leaned her wet body against Peter's. The feeling of being in his arms, skin to skin, soothed her terrible thoughts. Peter ran his hands over her wet curves and left sweet kisses on her shoulder. She let out a a sigh of relief as she felt everything she felt before go away.

Laura turned around and hugged his naked torso. Peter hugged back and kissed her wet hair. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you too." She said back. His hands rubbed her back until they were low enough to touch her ass. He held a cheek in each hand and Laura let out a different sigh this time. Her eyes closed and she bit her lip. Opening her eyes again she looked into those brown eyes that would make you melt. "Yes babe?" He asked with a small grin. Ever since they were 18 he has never been able to figure out what that look meant. He didn't know if she was in a good mood or a bad one. Laura's one hand travelled from his beautifully sculpted peck down to his chiseled abs.

She admired every curve and scar his body had. Even the ones she gave him when she was under the power of Hydra. Peter watched as she did the innocent act. Even though they were in hot water he still got goosebumps from her touch. Laura looked up at Peter one more time. This time the innocent look turned sultry. "Peter," she placed a hand on his cheek and took in his features and wet hair dangling off his forehead. "I need you. I need you in more ways than one." She said and Peter smirked. He can definitely help her with one of those needs.

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