Part 41

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Pain, fear and exhaustion. That's all Peter was thinking about. Laura had to numb her mind. She refused to think of anything. If she did she wouldn't be able to function at all. She'd be an emotional mess. As much as it scared people, Laura was thinking about how she wished she could go under the influence of the serum. Then she'd completely black out and not remember a thing. But who actually knows if that would help ease the pain from the coming events. Wade agreed to taking Gabby as far away as he could. It was for the best.

Every few minutes Peter would zone out and think of what's to come. Will they ever see each other again? Will they see each other die? Who knows at this point. Thanos could very well be surrendering. But then again it is Thanos. He never really surrenders. Laura unfortunately had to break her numbness to snap him out of it. Every time they made eye contact they'd quickly look away in fear that it might be the very least time they do so. This goes for anything intimate. They just couldn't do it.

Fear escalated in them when they saw the vehicle that would be bringing them and their army of heroes to the location of the battle. There's no numbing their minds now. It was a useless technique at this point. They both knew what was coming from this whether they walked out dead or alive. "Time to go." Tony said softly. We all know Tony, outspoken and cocky as hell even when he feels like he's lost everything. But this time fear took over everything. The once hard headed person was now emotionally weak.

Both Tony and Laura had Infinity Stones on them but Thanos has four. What he can do with just four was terrifying. Even though they were letting off that they could do this with only two, Thanos still has the upper hand if he chooses to use it. "Breathe Laura." She told herself. "You've got this." The entire way there Peter and Laura held each other. All numbness was broken and if they were going to spend what might be their last moments together, this is what they're going to do.

Sooner than they would've liked, the vehicle slowly rolled to a stop. Both Laura and Peter let out a breath that they didn't realize they were holding. Slowly but surely everyone got out. Everyone's knees were weak with fear but their faces remained emotionless. It was best to look this way. It was eerily quiet amongst ever hero there. All Peter and Laura could do is hold each other until given the signal it was time to move. Laura took in his scent. The scent she'll miss. Axe body wash, iron and stench from the last time he used his Iron Spider suit.

Then it was feeling each other. Though he was wearing metal, the cool touch and his arms around her put her nerves at ease for a bit. Peter could say the same about her light grip around his waist and the scent of hair oil mixed with strawberry from the last time she shampooed. They both could care less of the bed smells. If it was the last time they got to smell and hold each other then so be it. "Everyone." Tony paused. Everyone's hearts dropped. "It's time." His voice cracked from fear. Peter and Laura painfully let go out each other and got the front of the formation.

The closer they got the more they became numb from fear. There's definitely no turning back ever if they wanted to. Soon Thanos, the Black Order and his army of monsters came into sight. The color in everyone's faces drained and suddenly in the hot air of August they felt cold. A few more feet and they were close enough to each other to hear and nothing more. "You followed through." Thanos's voice boomed. "I never back down from a good fight." Laura came back quickly. "Oh it'll be good... for me." He smiled a grimacing smile. It sent chills down Laura's spine that she refused to let show on her face.

"You know you lost this game once. Who's to say you'll win again?" Tony added. Thanos's smile grew. "We're stronger than ever before. More powerful." The words nearly made half the heroes there collapse from fear. "Are you really?" Laura came back with. "Why are we hesitating? Let me show you." With a snap of his fingers that didn't have a gauntlet, his army was after theirs. Peter and Laura gave each other one last glance before charging. Within seconds this monster was webbed to death and the other a kabob. Everyone's hearts racing.

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