Part 32

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"Laura, I don't understand why you think Wade is so bad. He's just sarcastic. Aren't I sarcastic? And you love that about me." Peter protested. For the past week Peter has been trying to figure out why Laura hates Wade so much. It's true about Peter being sarcastic but it's not Wade Wilson sarcastic. Laura walks up to peter and wraps her arms around his neck. Peter places his hands on her hips and snakes his arms around her waist. "Peter, baby, I love you," Here comes the but." Peter interrupts. "BUT you just don't know him like I do. You'll see. I promise. Bigger picture though, where's Gabby?" Laura asks. Peter farrows his eyebrows and hums. They look around the room. Then it hit them. Gabby asked to go to training when they were going on about Wade being a jackass. "Training." Laura let go of Peter and headed out the door. She made sure to sway her hips a bit as she did so. Peter couldn't help but stare as she walked out, his mind going to many different places.

Peter caught up to Laura on the way and wrapped an arm around her waist. Laura went to lean up and kiss his beautiful jawline but was stopped when her back hit the cool wall behind her and his lips connected to sensitive neck. Her eyes slowly closed as her breathing hitched. Peter sucked and nibbled at the skin. "You know, we've been so busy playing super hero, we haven't had time to actually play." Peter's voice got deeper with lust as he said that. Laura bit her lip to keep from making any sound. His hand gently found a spot on her aching loins. He could feel the heat and what he was doing to her. He gave a cocky grin as he went up her neck to her lips. His tongue found a nice place in her mouth. The made out like they were teens skipping class. Peter's hand was about to sneak into Laura's pants when they heard someone clear their throat. They instantly pulled apart when they heard them.

"Well hello cunt face and Mr. McHottie, how are you fine children doing today?" Wade stood there acting like a sarcastic teacher who just caught them. Laura rolled her eyes and groaned in a way she didn't want to be. Peter's hands went behind him and then in front of him when he realized he had a prominent tent. "Oh is Spidey excited to see me?" Wade said with a cocky smile. "I uh, no. I mean I'm always excited to see you wade but this," he paused and pointed down at his dick. "This isn't because of you." he nervously laughed. Laura watched as the pathetic moment went on. "Oh that's a shame. I was really hoping it was for me because it would've been the best thing I've seen all day. Bet it looks just as good as your f-" "OKAY! That's enough out of you." Laura said. "Oh mama bear! You're little honey badger is in training right now." Wade pointed behind him. "What do you mean? You know where she is?" Laura started to sound concerned. "Yeah I actually met her. She's a real charmer you know. Nothing like you." he smiled.

Laura pushed passed Wade and opened the doors to training. "Good luck McHottie." Wade patted Peter's shoulder and then smacked his ass as he walked away. Peter jumped from surprise. Maybe he was seeing where Laura is coming from about Wade. "Gabby? Are you ok? Wade didn't damage your brain cells did he?" Laura asked her a bit panicked. "Hun I'm sure Gabby is fine." Peter placed a hand on Laura's shoulder. "Yeah I'm fine. I don't see why you don't like Wade. He's actually super cool and his superhero name is pretty badass." Gabby smiled as she squared up to punch the punching bag again. "No! No he's not. He's a menace." Laura huffed with frustration. "Laura he's really not. He and I got along just fine. He was calling me names like he does to you. Why does he do that?" Gabby stopped and looked at Laura. Laura took a deep breath before answering. "Because he and my dad didn't really get along and then he met me and well it was the same relationship. That's about it." Laura shrugged her shoulders. Of course there's more to it but they're not important details.

"Well not everyone has the same relationship with everyone else." Gabby said. Laura felt defeated. There was no way that she was going to win this one. "Fine if you want to hang out with Wade more often then do so. But the moment things become creepy back away." Laura was starting to sound more like a mother since Wade came and this is one of those moments where she could hear it in her tone of voice. She sighed and turned away as Gabby continued training. Peter stopped and held Laura's face in his hands. "Laura, everything will be alright, I promise. In time she'll figure it out." he said. They gave each other a sweet kiss and they both felt Laura's stress lessen. Peter gave a smug grin when they pulled away. "What?" Laura chuckled confused. "We have the room to ourselves for a bit longer. Want to go have some fun?" He said with his voice laced with lust again. Without answering Laura smiled and grabbed his wrist as she ran down the hall. Hopefully this time she groan the way she wants to.

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