Part 4

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*A week later*

Laura was having an examination for any physical issues that she may have gotten when she was in Hydra's control. "SO how did the other night go with Peter?" Shuri asked as she checked Laura's spine. "It was... rough. Like usual. What'd he tell you?" Laura took a deep breath. "Yeah I heard. He also told me that you may have told him that you love him." Shuri said looking at Laura. Laura had a blank expression and sat still. "I don't want to push you but is it true? Did you?" the room was silent for a moment. "Yeah but it was out of vulnerability and thinking for a second I could let love in. I regretted it after I said it." she admitted. "No offence but I don't believe you." Shuri chuckled. "Never have I ever heard someone say they regret saying they loved someone unless they got rejected." Laura sighed. "Are you scared of falling in love again?" Shuri asked. Laura sighed. "Yeah I am. I left him and never saw him again until I impaled him and left him for dead and somehow he still loves me."

She looked down at the ground. "He still loves you because he sees something in you that we all see in you. You were being mind controlled. You weren't you but a product that they wanted you to be. So they drugged you until you finally able to escape you mental prison. You're still the girl he fell in love with, just you know, a little more damaged from a past that you didn't ask for." Shuri was right. Laura still was that 18 year old who loved Peter Parker, just more damaged. But she's terrified to let that girl come back because she doesn't want to repeat the painful pattern.

Laura is known for running away from her problems. This is just another one she's running from but it keeps catching up to her. She's trying so hard to block it all out. But Peter knew how to catch up and break down those walls. He always has and always will. He knows her and how to make her vulnerable in a good way. All she's trying to do is protect him like she did when all of this started. She wanted to protect his innocence even if he has little left in him from the past 10 years of hell. Laura didn't know that she had been cry while she was in her trance. "Are you alright?" Shuri asked. "Uh yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Just a memory." Shuri shrugged it off knowing she shouldn't interject. She left and Laura got dressed quickly. She needed to find Peter. Laura ran through the halls of the massive building. She stopped at Tony's office.

"Have you seen Peter?" Tony looked up. He was shocked to see a new light to her already slightly sunken in face. "Uh yeah, laboratory." Laura nodded. "Thank you." she ran off to the lab. She finally made it and opened the door. He sat at a table with a white lab coat. "Peter?" he turned around and looked at her confused. He stood and started to walk up to her. She ran up to him. "Lau-" he was cut off when her lips collided with his. After a moment of shock he melted into the kiss and placed his hands on her hips. It felt good to be back.

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