Part 27

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Peter stared at Laura the whole car ride to this BDSM club that Zebra Daddy owned. It's not that he didn't like she was wearing, no. In fact it took everything in him not to pounce. But he was shocked that she still had the clothing items. He thought it was a part of her past that she would've gotten rid of. Laura's logic was maybe it would come in handy in a future relationship and that shit was expensive. Yes it's still a painful reminder but when she was broke but forced to pay for her own things, she didn't want to just throw them away and no one was going to buy waitress stripper clothes from a 15 year old. They'd probably question her and she didn't feel like dealing with that. So she kept it. Unfortunately it was coming in handy for something that she didn't think she'd be using it for. Oh you know, totally going to fight crime in the shortest skirt known to man with a lace almost halter top bra thing. Only a couple flower covered where her nipples are. Peter was in a leather jacket, denim button up shirt, and black pants. Tony gave him a stupid expensive watch that would make him look like he had money.

Since Laura knew the location, she drove. Shuri was able to get the "Spider Mobile" done before they left and it's every car lovers dream. In one light it would be a deep shade of blue and in another a deep shade of red. Rolling up to the club Laura's heart started pounding. She remembers the smell of this place. It's a scar in her brain. The heavy scent of weed and tobacco still burns in her nostrils. Drunk men who haven't gotten with their submissive yet smelt heavily of alcohol as she served them their 5th, 6th, 7th drink. Their hands roaming her body as she said "here you go sir. Enjoy!" Multiple smacks on the ass a night and sometimes if they were ballsy enough they'd grab a handful. If not that then they'd gab her boobs as she bent down to place their food and drinks in front of them. Then if a submissive didn't make it to work or got fired, she'd be forced to fill in. The joys of a BDSM club.

Peter went to grab Laura's hand as they walked in but Laura quickly shooed him away. "If this mission is going to be a success, we can't show any signs of affection towards each other. This means," she paused hating the idea of what she's going possibly need to do. "This means I may have to get comfortable with Zebra Daddy or one of his men. I'll walk in first. Then give if at least 5 minutes. Then you can come in." Peter swallowed any bit of nerves. The idea of Laura pleasuring any other man angered Peter but he knew that it was for the mission. Not because she's looking for other men. Laura takes a deep breath and steals one last glance at Peter before pushing the tinted windowed door open. The music was playing at its loudest. The smell was exactly how she remembered it. Still burns to smell it. The lights were dimmed with a faint hue of red. Zebra Daddy always loved the color red. Reminded him of his favorite liquid. Drunk men and some drunk women stared at her as she walked past. She was shocked that he was now letting women be the dominants rather than submissives. But then again who doesn't love a strong woman?

"Miss, who are you looking for?" a security guard caught Laura off guard and she held her breath nervously. "Oh, I'm here to see Daddy." she said seductively though she felt as if she was going to shit herself in that moment. "Do you have an appointment?" he asked. "No. I'm just here to pay a visit to my old... friend." she emphasized. Laura knew that Zebra Daddy loved having unexpected visitors especially those who used to work for him. At one point she was a favorite of his for reasons she's tried pushing to the back of her mind. They always resurface when she's giving Peter head. The guard moves out her way and she heads down the hall straight to the door with the word "Daddy" engraved in the golden plaque. She quickly took her phone out of her purse and text Peter to start coming in. She waited a minute and watched the door from where she was. Once Peter was in sight, she text him saying "going in."

Her heart was pounding but she made sure to steady her breathing. Any sign of unease will earn her a bullet it the head. Laura lifted her fist and knocked on the door. She heard murmurs and took that moment to take one last deep breath. The door flung open and showed the extremely muscular Italian mobster. Same stupid deep purple suit with a yellow shirt underneath. Same long, grungy hair that she swore he never washes. "Wassup, Daddy?" she said. A cocky grin spread across his face. "Hey baby doll, what brings you hear?" he moves out of her way to let her in. His room/office was like any mobster office you see in movies. It was cheesy in Laura's opinion. "I got tired of playing the hero. No one saw me as one so why be one?" she said. Laura caught movement out of the corner of her eye. "Come on out darling. If I bite then I'm just leaving my mark." she said to the girl she sensed in the corner.

Out came a platinum blonde girl with big tits and a nice ass. Laura was actually impressed. Usually when she sees a woman with fake boobs she's able to point it out right away. She must have had a great surgeon. The girl stood tall and made sure to flaunt her naked body off to Laura. "Who are you?" the girl asked in a snarky tone. Laura gave a cocky side grin. For someone that was nervous not 5 minutes ago, she was quite enjoying herself. "I'm Baby Doll. Who are you?" Laura said and rested her elbow on her hip as she looked at her nicely polished nails. "I'm Cat." the girl stepped further into the light. Her body was now completely lit up and Laura would be lying if she didn't find her attractive. Those blue eyes could murder anyone. But she wasn't there to hook up with one of Zebra Daddy's submissives. She was here for the serum.

Laura turned her attention back to him. "I'm back because the X-Force were puny bitches and the Avengers had their heads up their asses." Daddy looked pleased with her answer. As long as she can get him to stay like that then the mission should be a bit easier than expected. Maybe only going to plan C. She debunked plan A the moment she realized they wouldn't be alone. Plan B is what she's going to do for right now. Hopefully it plays out. "I also have another reason. Rumors get out you know." Laura started pacing around the room. He had hundreds of books he's never even taken off the shelves, a mini bar with the finest wines and whiskeys. A bed draped with the most expensive velvet and silk. Lights that set the mood. "What's that rumor Baby Doll?" a side smile crept on her face as she stopped in her place. She wiped it off and turned back around.

"You have something that makes me stronger and more savage. Something that makes me a barbarian. I know you used to like sending me off in a rage and you liked how I got the job done. Recently I've become stronger than I was before and with that special something it'll be like the old days, just a bit cleaner." Daddy bit his lip. Laura took the cue to walk to him and seductively place her arms around his neck. "Don't you miss me Daddy? Miss your Baby Doll. I made a big mistake in trying to be a hero. Where's the fun in that?" he paused looking into Laura's eyes. Laura made her stare as believable as she possibly could. She needed him to believe that she was there for him and the serum. Not because Tony Stark sent her here to kick his ass. "Is there a price?" he asked. Laura shook her head. "Not unless you want there to be one. I have a couple ideas in mind." She turned her attention back to Cat who sat her still naked body on the Victorian style couch. He always had a thing for rich old school.

Cat looked at Laura as walked in front of her. Daddy sat next to Cat and they both stared up at Laura. Laura bit her lip and went to Daddy. She made sure to be as sexy as she could be as she straddled his lap. He placed his hands on her hips as she got comfortable. Laura looked over to cat who was now looking down at the ground, a bit disappointed that Laura didn't choose her first. Laura put a finger under Cat's chin and lifted her face so they were making eye contact. "Let's have some fun shall we?" all three of them smiled knowing exactly where this is going.

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