Part 29

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"Laura, baby, please just talk to me." Peter begged as the exited the elevator to their room. Peter had to meet Laura in the back since she was still covered in blood. Laura was refusing to talk though and didn't care if other people saw her covered in blood. "Things won't get fixed if you don't started talking." he said as he opened the door. As per usual Tony booked an extravagant room for them to stay in. Laura went straight into the bathroom and started stripping. She tossed the dirty items in the bathtub and started the water. She left the door open and Peter just stared at her. "Just get out." Laura said loud enough for him to hear it and get the hint. Peter sighed and closed the door. He got changed and laid on the bed. He knows that this is definitely because of Felicia rather than her killing a bunch of men. It just felt like a completely different ignorance.

Laura watched as the blood ran off her body into the drain. Slowly but surely tears began to fall mixing with the water and blood. Just like when she was having shower sex with Peter she tried gripping the wall to steady herself but she couldn't so she just put her palms flat. She made sure not to make any noise as she cried. She didn't want Peter coming in there to try to comfort her. Peter stared up at the ceiling wondering how he was going to approach this. So we slept with the same woman? No that wouldn't a good way to start a conversation. Maybe the traditional I have some explaining to do will be the best approach. He heard the water stop and instinctively his head turned in that direction and he waited until she appeared from around the corner. Once she did he couldn't help but admire her. She was only wrapped in a towel and wet hair draped over one shoulder.

Peter got up and went behind her. He looked into the mirror and noticed her eyes were sad as if she had been crying. He gently placed his hands on her biceps. The gentle touch made Laura want more but she knew she had to stand her ground. She walked away from the mirror. Peter had the stinging feeling of hurt. Laura went over to the bags that were left for them and pulled out some clothes. She dropped her towel to the ground. Though she was standing her ground that didn't mean that she couldn't tease Peter. She stood there for a minute though, not moving. "Why did you do it?" she said softly. She was referring to sleeping with Felicia. Peter hung his head. The question he never wanted to hear. "Truth is I was a stupid drunk thinking that if I slept with someone else the pain would just vanish." he said just as soft. Laura turned to him and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I need more. Why did you do it?" she asked again, louder this time. Peter looked up and sighed. "I did it because I thought the pain would just vanish after one time of having sex with her. Like I thought it would give me hope that I could move on from the pain and be happy again. Content and excepting the idea of you never coming back to life. That you were gone for good and maybe just maybe once I was happier you'd come back to life and it would make my whole world spin again. But then again this isn't some cheesy movie and I was an idiot for believing that it could work. I just..." he paused looking for more words to say. Laura stood there waiting for the rest of his response and thought about what he just said. She believed every word because of how hopeful Peter has always been. It was definitely like him to think something like that. 

"I just thought that if I kept having sex with her that it would finally all come true. But it never did and we just kept having sex, over and over again until I realized found out who she really was. She was the criminal that I had been trying to stop and when I found that out I.." he paused again not wanting to say what came next. "You had sex with her again didn't you?" Laura asked with hurt filling her words. Peter didn't say anything else and it confirmed her question. "Of course." she said just above a whisper. She turned back around and started getting dressed. "It didn't mean anything to me." Peter said and a deep tone. "Are you sure about that because you literally just confirmed you fucked her even after you found out who she really was. "If the sex didn't mean anything to you then why didn't you just kick her out when you found out?" Laura spat at Peter.

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