Part 17

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"Hey big boy. Why the tears?" she asked with a concerned look. Peter's jaw clenched as more tears ran down his face. "Go away." he said through clenched teeth. "Woah what's with the attitude? Did I not put up a good fight today?" she chuckled. "Not that." he had stopped crying and he stared with so much anger in his eyes. "Let me in and then you can continue to be a dick." she said. He gulped and let her in. of course she went straight to his room and sat on his bed. She purposely sat to where her boobs were sticking out. "What's the issue?" she asked. Peter stood in the doorway. All Felicia could see is his silhouette.

"Let's start with this, were you ever going to tell me you are a criminal?" he asked. There was a pause for a few seconds. "No." she said softly. "Second question, how the fuck are you here? Didn't you get arrest 3 hours ago?" he asked , this time sounding more angry. "Yeah, I did. But I have my ways of getting out of things." she said as she looked at her fingernails. "Give me one good goddamn reason why I shouldn't report you right now?' he asked in such a bitter tone that Felicia was taken back a bit. "Because I'm all you got for any sort of emotional support and if you do you'll be completely alone with no one to give you any sort of attention." she spat back at him.

Peter sighed. She was right. Ever since Laura died he shut everyone out. Everyone that helped him stay on the right track. He doesn't understand why he chose her of all people to be his emotional support. What if Laura comes back? How's he supposed to explain all of this shit to her? He knows he fucked up so bad. Peter hung his head defeated. If she's here for sex then she might as well get it and then get out of his life. He has that feeling she'll make his life a living hell if he doesn't bang her one more time. "One more time and then we're done here. No more." he said sternly.

A devilish grin crept on her face as Peter made his way to her. Felicia took her sweatshirt off revealing just a bra. Peter bent down and kissed her. The kiss felt so fake in that moment but he didn't stop. Felicia grabbed his face and leaned back. Soon they became tangled in his sheets. She made to rub her purring loins against the bulge in his pants. She had a mission to make this the most memorable sex he's ever had. she doubted that Laura would be able to fuck him this good if she ever came back to life.

Felicia sat up from the fiery makeout session to take her bra off. Just like in the fight earlier, he tits were out in the open for him to see. "Look at that, deja voo." he smirked. "Yeah I feel like this has happened once today. At least this time you don't have to worry about anyone trying to kick your ass." she said back with the same devilish grin she always gives. "You're right," Peter took her by surprise and flipped her over. "But you're also wrong." he took his shirt off and then got up and got fully naked. Felicia admired his sexy body as he got undressed then her eyes quickly shot to his pulsating member that would be penetrating her very soon.

"Come here." he demanded. She wasted no time getting down on her knees. She knew exactly what he wanted and she was going to give it to him. No need to ask. She looked up at him and bit her lip as she slowly moved her hand up and down his shaft. Peter bit his lip from cursing at her. Felicia knew exactly what she was doing. She decided to go a bit slower to see if he'll break. Sure enough he did. "Fuck. Just go fucking faster or do something else!" he begged. Felicia giggled and decided it was time. She placed his head in her mouth and slowly swirled her tongue around. Peter's head flew back by the wet warmth of her mouth.

He let out a deep moan as she put him in further. She was going to prolong this. She wanted to see him beg. Peter wasn't going to leave her without a good time. Felicia kept swirling her tongue around him until he was in as far as she could get him. The base would be worked by hand. Felicia slowly pulled him out of her mouth again and then slowly back in. She repeated this until his hand flew to the back of her head and pushed her onto his dick. When she pulled back, she fully took him out. "What the fuck?" Peter asked a bit irritated.

"Someone's eager." she giggled and bit her lip. "Yeah I am. Come on!" he motioned towards his dick for her to suck it some more. Felicia placed him back in her mouth and went a bit faster this time. She couldn't tell which was hotter, him being so impatient to get sucked or his deep growls. she felt her wetness has soaked completely through her jeans and knew she had to hurry up before she became the one begging for him. As she went faster Peter placed his hand on the back of her hand again, pushing so more of his member would go into her mouth.

"Fuck, I'm going to cum before we even fuck. Your choice." he huffed. Felicia stopped abruptly and stood up. She quickly got rid of the rest of her clothes. Peter lightly pushed her on the bed and crawled on top. Felicia put a hand on his chest and he looked at her confused. "Nuh, uh, uh, I'm in charge. Not you. " she said. Peter rolled his eyes. he just wanted to fuck her already. She flipped them to where she was on top now.  She smirked as she grabbed his dick and rubbed it again her aching core slowly.  Peter started bucking his hips in hopes to make it in but it was no use. His head fell back against the pillow in defeat. She laughed at him.

Felicia wasn't going to admit it but she reached her breaking point. She then put him in her slowly. Peter sighed in relief as he felt her wrap around him. Felicia then started to bounce her hips at a steady pace. It felt good but Peter wanted so much more. He started to buck his hips. Her eyes widened with the sudden change and then her head dropped. Felicia became a moaning mess on top of him. Peter pushed her hips down harder onto his causing their skin to smack. Beads of sweat built up on his forehead. Felicia had to lean forward and place her hands on his chest to stay balanced. He slammed into her as hard as he could but made sure not to hurt her... too much. The slight pain that Felicia was feeling only made it better for her. She loved how rough Peter can get.

She lost all dominance and now wanted Peter to take control. He got the hint and flipped them over. Peter lifted her his and went faster. He watched as her tits bounced all around as they fucked. Adding to the pleasure he smacked her ass which surely left a red mark. She yelped in pain but moaned it off as it only made the pleasure better. "Stop." she said all of a sudden. Peter was confused but still stopped. "Put the mask on." she said. "What?" now he was really confused. "Just fucking put the mask on." she hissed. Peter pulled out and went to his bag. He pulled out the mask and told Karen to turn herself off. Karen obeyed because which AI wouldn't? Peter knew he'd have difficulty breathing because without Karen on, his mask is like a plastic bag over his head. He got back on the bed and inserted himself again. "Much better. Role play is my favorite." she said as he started thrusting again.

Felicia grabbed his hips to push in her more. Peter gave a deep groan. "You like that Spider-Man?" she smiled. He replied with a moan. "I don't think I heard you correctly. I said do you like that Spider-Man?" she said a little more sternly. "Yes" he hissed with a grunt to end it with. It was getting harder to breathe. "Show me how good it feels." she said. He fucked her harder and the bed started to squeak. Her high was building up in her stomach and her moans nearly turned to screams. His grunts got louder as he was getting close himself. His thrusts getting sloppy.

Soon they were moaning, grunting messes as they came hard. Peter nearly collapsed onto Felicia when he released. He rolled off her and threw his mask off. Now he can breath properly. He thought it was weird how she wanted to role play but didn't put her mask on or hell even started the night off as their alter egos. But he didn't question it. Peter didn't even speak to Felicia for the rest of the night. He just laid there as he listened to her fall asleep. He eventually fell asleep himself, his mind on Laura.

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