Part 28

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The scent of the room went from fruit and alcohol to the strong scent of sex. It wasn't even coming from Laura. Instead of pleasuring Zebra Daddy first, Laura decided to give Cat the action. She crawled off his lap over to Cat, making sure he could still see up her skirt. Cat gave seductive giggle as Laura sat on her lap and moved her hair to one side. "Is Baby Doll going to make the Cat purr?" she asked. Laura bit her lip and nodded her head. She placed a hand on the side of Cat's face and gently kissed her making sure to tug at her lip when she pulled away. Her hand went to Cat's enormous breast and started fondling them. She leaned over and sucked on the sensitive skin on Cat's neck. Cat's hands found a nice spot on Laura's ass. Laura kissed her way down till she found a nipple and started sucking it. Cat was heavily breathing and holding back moans. Laura got the hint that she's one of the ones that is under oath to never moan unless it's under Daddy's control.

But that's not how Laura rolls. She got down on her knees and spread cat's legs open. Cat's eyes went wide with excitement and fear for Daddy punishing her later. He did have brutal punishments. Laura slowly kissed up her thigh until she was close to Cat's most desired spot. She smiled when she saw Cat's womanhood glistening in the dimmed lights. Laura bit her lip and looked up into those sexy blue eyes as if to ask for permission to pleasure. Cat bit her lip in response and Laura took it as an ok to go for it. Laura kissed Cat's skin as she entered two fingers into her. She slowly moved them in and out. Cat was trying really hard to keep still but she wanted so much more. Laura picked up on it right away and licked up and down her womanhood. Soon Laura replaced her fingers with her mouth and definitely got half a purr out of the Cat. Cat stifled a moan that got her a nasty look from Daddy.

Daddy didn't like the idea of someone else pleasuring the one spot he desired so much. "Over here Baby Doll. Daddy's turn." he said as he removed his trousers and boxers. On the outside Laura looked aroused, excited by an old friend. Inside she was so repulsed. She stayed down her knees and braced herself. Here goes nothing. She grabbed his pulsating member and slowly moved her hand up and down his shaft. He let out deep groan. This was Laura and Daddy's first 3 way. Laura silently gulped for what she was about to do next. Her heart rate went up and she can feel her under arms perspiring. "Keep your cool Laura." she said in her head. "One wrong move and you'll have a gun in between your eyebrows." she reminded herself. She took him in her mouth and slowly did all of his favorite things that had become Peter's favorite things. The licking with her tongue, adding suction as she pulled back. 

While Laura was sexually convincing Zebra daddy to give her the serum, Peter sat at the bar with a half full glass with barely anything sipped. He was extremely nervous especially with setting. He's been to a strip club before but nothing like this. People were literally having sex in front of him. Peter has been waiting 25 minutes and still nothing from Laura. He worried that Zebra Daddy did something to her and he so wanted to go back there. But he wasn't a current or former submissive of Zebra Daddy so even if he was there for business, he'd have to wait till morning. Laura told he all about the way Zebra Daddy works. In a way he questioned how this mission would work. He's a tricky pimp daddy with a reputation beyond what Peter has come encounter with. How Laura knows what she's doing he doesn't know.The waitresses were noticing something was up and notified someone to tell Zebra Daddy that they had "company".

A loud slam of a door and people running to take cover gave Peter the hint that he blew it. He was the only person there not groping or penetrating someone. He was a dead giveaway. Zebra Daddy pointed straight at Peter. "Oh fuck." Peter said to himself. Out from behind Zebra Daddy came two woman. Peter's heart dropped to the floor. Cat gave a devilish smile while Laura gave a "you're an idiot" look. The music had been turned down and everyone was silent. "Hey big boy, long time no see." Cat said. Laura looked of at Cat with a confused look then to Peter and back and forth till all the dots connected. "Felicia?" she asked almost terrified. Cat then it hit her harder. She just fucked the same woman Peter did when she was dead.

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