Part 23

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"What does Stark want?" Laura asked annoyed. She's always a bit cranky when her sleep is interrupted. "Um, uh, how do you feel about kids?" He stuttered. "What? Shut up. Let's just go." Laura groaned. Her being cranky didn't help with the news he was just given. Peter feared about what's to come. Will she be shocked or will she be so pissed that she'll lose her mind? He had no idea. Laura put some clothes on and stormed out of their room. Peter scrambled to catch up with his fiery other half. Laura's hands went into fists but she quickly let go. She's trying to make sure old habits die in the past. Except her almost ripping the door off the hinges when she got to Tony's office. "Laura wait up." Peter groaned as he jogged up to the door before it slammed in his face.

"Miss Kinney, please take a seat because you're going to need it." Tony said taking a deep breath. Peter took a seat next to her and rubbed his hands on his pants. He was starting to sweat with nerves. Laura's pissed off look didn't help. "Trust me I wouldn't have called you down here in the middle of the night if it was something unnecessary." Tony started. Laura rolled her eyes. It doesn't matter to her if it was something stupid or something important. Why the fuck did it have to happen right now? "Laura, are you aware that Hydra has your eggs?" Her irritated demeanor now turned to being concerned. "My eggs?" She asked leaning forward. "Yes as in without your knowledge they went inside of you and cut your ovaries open to steal some of your eggs." Laura leaned back now feeling confused. Then she looked over at Peter as if he'd have the answer. Peter shrugged. He's not Hydra. He won't have the answer.

"When did this happen? The first time I was caught by Hydra, second time or third?" She asked. It was dead silent in the room. They all felt the awkwardness that was just caused by that question. "Forget which time it was, just tell me when." Laura said wanting to get over that awkward moment. "It happened 11 years ago." Tony said a bit lower. It happened when Hydra randomly showed up to the Academy and Laura sacrificed herself. "But how exactly do you know it was 11 years ago?" She questioned not really believing him. Tony sighed and without saying a word he turned the computer on. Up came real time footage of a young girl who looked a bit frightened. When she looked at the camera Laura's heart dropped. She was the spitting image of her. Laura's jaw dropped and she started acting like a fish.

"W-what's her name?" She asked as more of the blood drained from her head. He wasn't kidding about any of it. Laura let her claws out. "Laura what are yo-" Peter started to ask but then stopped because she did something that was terrifying. She made a small slit on her wrist and watched as it healed. Feeling the pain of it confirmed all of this was real and not a dream. Peter and Tony sat there terrified. "I had to make sure this wasn't a dream." She said still shocked. Does this mean? No it can't be! "Are you sure they didn't just recreate my DNA like they did for my dad to create me?" Laura asked. This had to have been what happened. No way was Hydra smart enough to cut inside her. "No they didn't. We already did the DNA testing and the Y chromosome is 100% yours and not a modified." Tony stated. Laura put a hand on her mouth. She still didn't want to believe that this random little girl they just found is in fact her daughter that she never knew about. She also feared the shit they may have done to her.

"Who's 'the father?" She asked. Tony gulped. He knew his answer will certainly throw her into a frenzy. He then cleared his throat. "It's uh, it's Donald, Laura." He said immediately regretting admitting who it was. Tears sprang to her eyes. "No. Please tell me that's a fucking lie." Tears threatened to fall. She did not want to have a kid with that monster. It was hard enough to except the fact that she has a kid. "Unfortunately it's not. I'm sorry." Tony looked down. It wasn't his wrongdoing, but he still felt ashamed. He knew deep down that the little girl went through hell. Especially if she was raised by Hydra. The tears finally fell. "This is just some fucking nightmare. This is just a dream." Laura said through gritted teeth. She lifted a fist and put it to the side of her head. "Aye! Woah!" Both men shouted, stopping her from doing what they think she was about to do. "What? This has to be a lucid dream. Killing myself in it will wake me up in the real world!" She shouted.

"I can assure you Laura this is not a dream." Tony said frightened. "Shit!" She spat. She lowered her fist as the other two took a breath. The room stayed silent for a minute. Laura thought things through as she chewed on her bottom lip. A habit she has never broken since she was a kid. "So, what's her name?" Laura asked. She wanted to know if they gave her a weapon name or an actual name. "Her name is Gabriella. Weapon name is Weapon X-27." Tony said. Laura let out a small sigh of relief but then became confused. "27?" She asked. "I'm not sure how she's 27 but she is. Do you have any other unknown siblings?" Tony asked. Laura thought for a moment. She only had her sister who was now dead because of her. "Only the one sister which you both know I killed 8 years ago." She said. Tony and Peter looked at each other. "There's more of you out there then that we don't know about. Hopefully someday we'll find them." Tony said slightly determined.

"So Gabriella huh? She's what? 11?" Peter asked finally speaking up. "Yes. Gabriella Kinney or Gabby as she likes to be called. When we did all the DNA testing we were shocked to have found zero traces of the serum in her blood." Tony said pulling up the results. Laura chuckled. "That's because I'm half human, half mutant. That makes her 75% human, 25% mutant. I remember learning about mutant and humans at Xavier's. If they put that serum in her she would've been dead in seconds." Laura stated. Anyone that is born with mutant blood in them automatically have a different type of DNA in them, obviously, thus causing their powers. This means that Gabby now has more human genes than mutant since her grandmother and father were both human. "How many claws?" Laura asked. "One in each limb." Tony said. Laura nodded her head as if it were confirmation on her daughter's DNA.

"When can I see her?" She asked. "Whenever you'd like Miss Kinney. She's your daughter. My question is, are you ready to become a parent? I don't want to start anything but I know you two have talked about having kids." Tony said. "Does it look like we have a choice?" Laura laughed. "Got a point." Tony says. "So where's OUR daughter?" Peter asked.

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