Part 26

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"Alright lovers, you're needed for a mission." Tony had called Peter and Laura into his office once again. The two were honestly getting sick of being called into his office. They felt like two teens that kept getting in trouble in school. "What is it?" Peter asked trying not to sound annoyed. "The serum that Laura has been prone to having rampages on is in the hands of the pimp daddy Zebra Daddy-" "Oh fuck me." Laura cut Tony off and placed a hand on her forehead. "I know you've had run ins with him Laura. I want you to go because of him already knowing you, it may just make the mission a bit easier." He finished. Laura squeezed her eyes. Did he really want to send her back to the man who sold her into sex slavery? Zebra Daddy did know her and it may just make things easier. "Run ins Tony? The asshole sold me into sex slavery and then bought me back." Laura said sharply. She hated the idea of even thinking about him. In her eyes he's second place next to Hydra. Rich scumbag with the libido of a rapist and the mindset of the Italian mafia and Jeffery Dahmer put together. 

"Tony this is extremely dangerous. He knows me yes but we're not sure if I'm prone to having any rampages anymore." Laura protested. Tony sighed knowing that she's right. "What about Shuri? Can't she come?" Peter asked. He didn't like the idea in the slightest. He would much rather have Shuri there for this one. "No we need her here just in case trouble strikes here. She can just pick you up in a car." Tony leaned back in his chair. Laura gave a look of disbelief. "Tony, she'll be here in Rochester and we'll be in Manhattan. How the hell will she be able to pick us up by a car?" Laura doesn't know about Shuri's car that can just show up anywhere in the world. "She has a special car that can just come get you from any place in the world. It's quite spectacular." Tony said with a smile. "Ok but didn't she have a car in the works for Peter?" Laura is trying to find other options with everything. It feel like Tony didn't think things through at all.

"Yes. That's how you're getting there. Show up with Happy you'll be dead in seconds." Laura raised a brow. "Ok Peter will be." Peter's jaw dropped. Tony was thinking was he? "I'm kidding. You won't as long as you're careful. But you two will need to step out of your comfort zones. The way you act and dress will be the a way that this mission won't fail. Laura I know this is sore territory but you have a fair advantage over everyone else." Laura pondered the mission in her head and thought about what could go wrong and then ways that it could go right. She knows Tony has a set plan of how things will run but she knows Zebra Daddy and his men. They're unpredictable so you have to be 10 steps ahead. If you're not then you're down for the count or worse, down for eternity. They're ruthless but not reckless. They murder someone, they get rid of any evidence that exists and wipes everything down with stolen chemicals from the FBI. They're the cleanest criminals in all of New York.

Knowing that Tony won't listen to her, she's secretly come up with plans A-D. Hopefully she won't need anymore than that. Laura agreed and Tony went on with his plan. Peter noticed how Laura had been calculating things in her head as Tony spoke. In a way it turned him on to see Laura so engaged. He hasn't seen this side of her a bit. When the meeting was down Laura almost sprinted to the room. Peter had to catch up to her. She didn't say a word. All she did was go into the closet and pull out a dufflebag that Peter's never seen before. How did she hide that from him? She unzipped it and pulled out pieces of jumbled fabric. "Honey?" Peter questioned. She looked up. "Yes dear?" she said in an enthusiastic tone. Peter was a bit taken back. What the hell just happened to his woman? She saw the confusion on his face and gave a low chuckled. Laura then held up a shirt that in Peter's eyes is really lingerie. He's about to meet a side of her that will shock the hell out of him.

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