Part 37

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"Don't tell Peter."
"He'll follow you and we need him here"
"I have to fight along side you though Laura!"
"Come on, stay strong for me, please"
"I love you."
How did Laura get there? Well she decided NOT to tell Peter where she was going. So let's just jump back 24 hours shall we?

Laura had been called to Tony's office yesterday morning. It was early enough to where even a phone call didn't phase Peter. Donald was back in action and Tony was done with his bullshit. The only person he could trust to think straight was Laura so that's who he sent. But he should've thought about it more before sending her. Like who would be listening in to their conversation. Sure enough Wade had been listening in which only means one other thing. He told Gabby. The devious pair snuck onto the truck that was bringing Laura to the nearby S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

The ride was quiet. Laura thought about all the ways she could handle the situation but all of them seemed irrational. Donald was smarter than this or that. There was only one way that would work but it called for many casualties. She hated it but she has to rid the earth of that scumbag. "Alright we're going to drive you to the edge of the nearby forest where he'll be. This is a mission that will be like walking on eggshells." Fury exclaimed. "One wrong move and the whole thing breaks to pieces." He pauses. "So don't fuck up." Laura nodded her head and headed towards her next truck.

All while Fury was giving his speech, Wade and Gabby snuck onto the next truck. "Come get to the good part already!" No Wade. Not yet. Laura entered the truck and they headed on their way. The ride was short but felt like hours. "Ms. Kinney, we're here." The driver said. Laura nodded and got out. She headed towards the edge of the woods. Wade and Gabby quietly hopped out of the back once they knew they were out of Laura's sight. "Speed it up now!" Shut up! "Who do you keep talking to?" Gabby asked. "She still hasn't mastered this skill yet. That's why she'll continue to be my little protégé until she can do it on her own." Good to know?

Anyway, they followed far behind and when they got to the edge they ducked behind trees. They communicated through made up hand gestures. Laura stated out into the distance as she looked for little black dots. Once she caught them she headed in their direction. Gabby watch with fear building up. Eventually it over flowed. "Laura wait! You can't go! They're going to kill you!" She ran and hugged Laura. Out of fright she let her claws out. "Jesus you scared me and also what the hell are you doing here?" Laura said.

"I take full responsibility for this one. Just figured you'd need back up." Wade said, trying to be decent for once in his life. "Aye watch yourself missy." Ok whatever Wade. The vehicles were completely visible now. The nerves built up more as Gabby wouldn't let go. "Gabby! Come on! You have to get out of here!" Laura screamed as a bunch of large vehicles came towards them. "I have to fight along side you though Laura!" Gabby protested. "No you don't. Not this time." Laura said a bit calmer.

Laura could see in Gabby's eyes that she wanted to protest more but knew she couldn't win. Gabby's eyes filled with tears as she gave Laura one more hug before running off to Nick Fury and Agent Wen. Laura blinked away tears that threaten to fall as the large vehicles rolled up to her. "My oh my. Who do we have here?" Donald gave a cocky smile. "You have an ass whooping." Laura glared. "That our kid that just ran off?" He asked. "That's MY kid that just ran off." She spat at him.

Donald looked down and chuckled in frustration. He knew that she would say something like that. "Last time time I checked she has both of our DNA." He said getting up in her face. "But she only acts like one of us." She said with such anger laced into her words. "Remember honey, we're both monsters. Why don't you cut the hero act and go back to who you really are." He said moving his face closer to hers. She could smell the foul scent of his mouth and wanted to vomit all over him. His piercing blue eyes held her gaze with such anger. She gave the same glare back.

"Give me my child or-" "or else what? You'll kill me and everyone else?" She mocked knowing that even if he did kill her she'd still come back to life. Donald lifted his fist and hit her hard enough to fall back. She was quick to her feet though. Laura didn't miss a beat. Every punch and kick thrown her way she dodged. Eventually he became weak enough. Soon he looked like Peter did when the Avengers stopped, or so they thought, Hydra. But Laura made sure to move upwards and slice his body to bits. Blood covered her as bullets pierced and popped out of her skin.

She felt dizzy as she killed each man. It wasn't until she looked up that she realized they were releasing the disease into the air. It took everything in her to climb the vehicles to kill them. Unfortunately she was too weak. Her eyelids fluttered shut as her breathing slowed. Everything went black as her body plummeted to the ground. The men died instantly but Laura's body fought for consciousness. She faintly heard cries from Gabby in the distance but could open her eyes. She took one last breath and the full submerged to darkness.

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