Part 12

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It's been 4 months since Laura's death and Peter has met his major down fall. He went back to Queens but he went back as Peter Parker. Spider-Man hasn't been a hero in 5 months. He sits there at the counter made of cherry wood and is glossed over creating a scratched up shine form years of use. Outside mimicks how he feels inside, dull, lifeless and gray. He rubbed his thumbs on the side of the tiny glass that held straight vodka. It's his 5th one tonight. His vision is completely blurred and his mind is numb. He doesn't want to stop though. It's his only way to feel at least a little bit better. He knocked it back and slammed the glass down as the liquid burned his throat.

Peter knocked on the bar again for a refill. As he waited he stared into space. He knows Laura would be disappointed in him for turning to alcohol to cope. But she also understand because she has done the same. Another shot, another painful memory whisked away for the night. Six, seven, eight, nu-nu ninnnnne. His thoughts became a blur. The thought of Laura left his mind the more drunk he got. The thought of uncle ben, gone. The thought of Mary Jane, gone. The thought of Aunt May, gone. All of it was gone. Peter wasn't Peter anymore. He just became this lonely drunk at the bar. One that anyone would manipulate and you'd see sleeping next to a dumpster in the morning.

Peter could barely sit straight and definitely couldn't see. He just barely felt the hand on his back. "Hey there big guy. You good?" a sweet female voice checked in with him. "Iieeeee uh YEAH ummmmmm yeeeeah immfine." he slurred. "Here, let's get you out of here. You clearly need to go home. What's your name and address?" she asked. "I'mmmm Peter Parker. I livvvvvv twhenny twho rockofewer appartmn complex." she luckily understood him enough to know where that is. "Was your nmmmm?" he asked. "My name darling? I'm Felicia Hardy. Let's get you home." Felicia wrapped an arm around him and wrapped his around her shoulders.

She felt bad for Peter. The last time she saw someone this drunk they had lost someone they loved. But they weren't as hot as Peter was. The whole walk there she was hoping he'd sober up a bit so maybe should get his mind off his losses in a different way. It was just her luck that he did. Peter also told her his life story including being Spider-Man and what recently just happened. "Yeah this guy totally needs another way to get his mind off her that doesn't involve alcohol." she thought.

"You're pwetty too." he said to her giving a pouty face. Felicia giggled at how adorable he was right now. "You are too Parker." she said back. "You know my niname in highssschool was Penis Parker." he said. "Oh yeah? Was there a reason why?" she asked hoping it was because he was packing and not anything else. "Peter is anther word ferrr penis." she sighed. "I'm sorry about that babe." she said."BUT I thin I'm purdy packin." Checkmate for Felicia. "Oh really? You are now?" Peter hummed in response.

"Mind if I hang out for a bit then?" she gave a mischievous grin that Peter returned as he opened the apartment door. "Ladies first." he said eying heras She walked in. She purposefully swayed her hips as she went in. He was drunk but damn was she hot. A tiny part of him felt guilty but right now he had no hope that Laura was going to come back. It's been 4 months. She should have been alive by now. As she walked in he lightly smacked her ass and she jumped with a low yelp. He felt his dick starting to grow before she could actually hang out. Felicia turned around and noticed. "Wow you weren't kidding, you really are packing." she bit her lip and slowly unzipped her sweatshirt. She was wearing a very low cut tank top. Peter's eyes darted to her chest right away.

"Well are you going to stand there or are you going to do something about the growing issue in your pants? I know how to fix it for you. You just have to come over here." she said placing her hands on her hips. Peter walked over and pulled her body to his, placing a sloppy kiss on her lips. "Now show me how the Amazing Spider-Man is in bed." she whispered seductively. He gladly took her to his room.

Oh boy what is Peter getting himself into?

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