Part 34

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What is a normal day? Is it going to work, coming home and repeat? What about a normal week? Well for any super hero, a normal day is never actually a normal day. Especially when one is nearing that time of the month. Gabby had gone to "training" so Laura wasn't paying much attention to where Gabby was. Instead she was eyeing something much more appealing in the moment. Every line and curve made her heart beat. When they tensed and involuntarily flexed she felt her temperature rise. The sweat made her mind race with desire to see them wiped away by her finger tips as she raced them down his back and his chest.

Those biceps that bulged as he swiftly punched the bag. She imagined them holding her as she bounced up and down. Those hands that loved to graze over her body were covered by red and navy blue boxing gloves. His floppy hair had strands sticking to his forehead has sweat dripped down to his jaw. Oh that jaw line. Laura bit her lip as she watched it clench. Her breast swelled and she had to cover her chest for her nipples were showing through her sports bra. She's supposed to be working out not sitting on the side fantasizing about getting fucked senselessly. Laura couldn't help it though. It's becoming a routine of not having sex for 2 weeks and for times like this she's really hoping that she doesn't have to wait much longer.

What Laura didn't know is that Peter's spidey senses went off. He decided to start showing off. Peter knew he'd feel it in the morning but anything to get her going crazy. Personally Peter was enjoying sex every two weeks. He feels like it helps build up the want for each other. He started sweating and he could feel his senses become overwhelmed. She was losing her goddamn mind and he was loving it. If only there was a way to tap into her mind and see her dirtiest fantasies about him. He knows it won't be like 50 Shades of Gray but what does know is that his shorts will become a bit tighter. Laura held her legs closed in hopes of easing some tension but it was no use. The pressure only made it worse. She could almost taste the blood coming as she bit her lip harder. Just watching him made her want to moan. In fact she didn't even realize that she did.

Peter heard and immediately stopped. A cocky smile crept onto his face. "You alright babe?" He lightly chuckled as he turned around. Her cheeks turned bright red realizing what she did. "Oh uh yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Just uhhhh..." her thoughts wondered as he less than a foot in front of her seat. "Just what?" He leans forward to where his face is centimeters away from hers. Laura's eyes darted back and forth across his face. As if that would help her find the answer. Overwhelmed with want she couldn't take it anymore. She quickly connected her lips to his. Peter grabbed her hips and started to lift them up. Laura pushed Peter back and scoped out the room until she found a pile of mats.

Quickly they ran across the room to the mats but not before stopping half way to make out.  Peter's hands slid under Laura's bra and slipped it off. The cool air and being already aroused my her nipples rise a tiny bit more. Peter's hand grabbed on and massaged them gently as they continued to walk towards the mats. All of their care was out the door. They needed each other. Before they even laid down on the mats any item of clothing was stripped. "You know, watching you work out like that was one of the sexiest things I've ever seen you do." She huffed against his lips. "Oh yeah? What's one of your favorite sexy moments of mine?" He asked. "You're Head in between my legs." She felt slight ping of regret as she realized how blunt that was.

Peter only smiled and whipped her legs open. Before she could actually correlate what he was doing, his tongue swiped her woman hood. Laura let out a drawn out moan as her head fell back on her shoulders. She closed her eyes as he continued to go to town on her aching core. A hand found his locks and tugged. This made him growl. The vibration made Laura moan even louder. Peter smiled against her skin. He pulled away with a smile. Laura groaned at the sudden loss of contact. "I want to try something." He said in a deeper tone than usual. Laura was slightly confused but didn't stop him.

Peter inserted two fingers in her and she expected him to start pumping in and out but he didn't. Instead he moved his hand in an up and down motion rather than in and out. He started slow but picked up speed. Eventually Laura was a moaning mess. With every moan her moved faster. Laura was almost screaming now from the intense pleasure he was causing with his fingers. He was going full speed now. Laura's breath was nearly taken from her and what happened next she couldn't control. Fluids started flying as she reached her high with a yelp and moans following. Peter smiled as he knew that he succeeded at making her squirt.

"Parker you better get in me before I com-" before she could say "down" he was pounding into her. She gripped the mats as her body shook. Her moans echoed in the training room. They secretly hoped no one could hear them but there's no actual way of knowing. His grunts mixed with hers as if they were singing a love ballad. But this might just be considered screamo music or whatever it's called. Peter was grunting dirty things into Laura's ear as she scratched his back. She was his and only his. His dirty little girl. His toy. His everything. Each sentence came with a deeper and harder thrust. With each thrust came a deeper scratch. She hoped he didn't have training tomorrow because there's no way in hiding his back.

Laura felt like she couldn't breathe. This had to be their best fucking yet. By the way both their bodies were tensing, they are both so close. Laura held onto Peter for dear life. As if she was about reach a near death experience. Peter's eyes shut tight as he was so close. Oh so- "oh fuck! Shit!" He yelled as he released into her. Upon hearing him curse she let herself go. Laura practically saw stars. She wondered if she was dreaming and that when she came to she'd be in bed. But that wasn't the case. The stayed in there position for a few more minutes until Peter started chuckling. Laura looked at him confused. "Look around." He chuckled. She did as he said. Her eyes widened. "We made a mess." He laughed into chest. Then the humor set in and Laura laughed with him. That was absolutely crazy.

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