Part 6

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"Good morning Laura. So how was last night?" Shuri asked a nudging tone. Laura gave her a confused look. "Shuri what are you getting at?" she asked. Shuri laughed at how confused Laura was. Did she really not know? "You're funny! You really think you and Peter are the only ones in the section of the building?" then it clicked. "Oh fuck. You heard us fucking didn't you?" Laura covered her face in embarrassment. Shuri held her stomach from laughing so hard. "Of course I did. These walls aren't sound proof for reasons. One of them being if someone commits treason. So I'm guessing almost everyone in the building heard." Laura shook her head. "Shit."

Laura feels like she should've remembered that from the very first time they had sex and how Miles told them that he heard everything. Which makes her wonder how many of the other students heard their rendezvous. Just remembering that made her embarrassment grow. "Laura, why are you so embarrassed? Intimacy is a natural thing between humans... and even humans and mutants. It's natural for everything. If people heard you two then they should just keep to themselves. It's none of their business what you two do behind closed doors." Shuri reassured her as she stuck another tube in her arm.

Today they were doing another dream sequence. This time they hope it's the one that has the good serum. Don't need another moment where all of their lives could be in danger. Laura laid back on the cool, thin mattress. Soon enough her eyes closed. Laura woke up on a bench in a beautiful but casual red dress and navy blue flats. She sat up and looked forward. She saw the Hudson River meeting with the New York bay. The quiet of the park but with a soft roar of Manhattan behind her. She felt a sense of peace in the little area. Something she hasn't felt in really long time.

Laura also noticed something else. The city didn't look war torn from Thanos or any aliens. the sky was blue and not grey from smog. People were smiling and laughing versus looking glum or pissed off at the world. Everything was just so colorful and bright. Then again this wasn't reality. "It's beautiful isn't it?" a familiar Queens accent came from behind. Laura turned around and saw Peter dressed in nice clothes, hands in his pockets. "It is." Laura smiled. Peter took a seat next to and naturally Laura leaned her head on his shoulder. "If only it was real." Peter said. Laura nodded her head. She knows she's in her dream state. This is to beautiful to be reality. "If I asked you right now to marry me what would you say?" Peter asked catching Laura completely off guard.

"What?" she gave a nervous chuckle. "Yeah. I know this isn't real but pretending like it was, what would you say. He looked serious but not a gut wrenching serious. "Peter, even if this was reality I'd still say yes." she assured him. A smile was now on his face. "Good." he chuckled. She leaned in and kissed him. "I'm pretty sure ever since we were 18, I've always been secretly Mrs. Parker." Laura leaned her head on his shoulder again. "Till death do us part." Peter whispered and intertwined their fingers together.

Laura closed her eyes and then opened them to a bright light above her. She sat up with a small smile on her face. "It was obviously a good dream because no one is bleeding." Shuri joked over the intercom. Laura playfully flipped her off. Laura hopped off and headed out the door. She made it back to her and Peter's now shared room. "How did the dream sequence go?" Peter asks, noticing the smile on her face. "It was... great. This time it really was." she sighed. "Well that's great babe. What was it about?" he asked. "It was about you and New York looking less like Thanos and other worldly things didn't fuck it up." Peter walked over and gave her a kiss. Almost like the one in the dream sequence. Laura pulled away with a curious look on their face.

"What is it love?" he asked. "Were you in the lab when i was in the sequence?" she asked. "Yeah I popped in for a second to check in on you. Make sure it wasn't the bad sequence." he brushed it off. Laura didn't believe that he "just popped in". Something about that sequence felt too real. Laura wasn't going to push it anymore. Not that it wouldn't be safe. It's more of a test of if he'll confess to the dream or actually propose. Laura is secretly wanting the second one to happen. She could honestly care less of he admitted to interrupting the dream. She just wants to be Mrs. Parker.

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