Part 35

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"mmmm Hello?" Laura mumbled as she answered the phone. "Good morning Laura. I hope yesterday was fun because today will be quite intense." Shuri's perky voice came through the other end. Laura rolled her eyes as Shuri continued to tell her that today's training was extremely important. What training would be so important that she has to be up at 6:30 in the morning? She didn't ask for Peter to come but he came anyway. Maybe it's something that she'll need him for. At this point they can't be too sure. Luckily this time they weren't called into Tony's office.

"Good morning lovers, my office." Tony said as they both arrived to training. Laura's fist balled up. "Come on Wolfie, it's not bad." He said as he walked passed. He noticed that Laura's fist were balled and tried to stifled laughter. The short walk to the office was silent. Laura was cursing in her head and also begging to have this repetitive cycle end. What did Tony want now? "Take a seat." tony gestured towards the seats. "Oh usually when we come in here it's bad or so, so news. Why are you smiling like a little kid who drew a picture that they think is a master piece?" Laura asked with suspicion. She wasn't wrong and now he's smiling like a kid in a candy shop. "Well I have two great things to tell you. The first is... Pepper and I are expecting." He paused to let Peter congratulate him. Laura congratulated him too and then waited for the second half.

"Wolfie, you can control an Infinity Stone." the all too familiar fear came back. The painful memory started playing. The burn of the light coming from the blast was still too fresh. No serum, cure or even alcohol could make it go away. "Allfie." The screams play like music in her head. The music you beg to be shut off. "Wufie." Being carried away by Scott to hide from Thanos as he takes out any remaining Mutants. The faint call for Wanda as she tried to take down Thanos one last time. "Wolfie? You alright?" Tony's voice finally broke her memory. "I, uh, yeah I'm fine. More about the stone." She redirected the situation. Tony and Peter of course didn't buy it but they knew not to pry. "Alright, well. The stone is the Space Stone. We have no idea how you're connected to it but you are. Even Shuri tried to figure it out with DNA samples from a few weeks ago and nothing in your genetic database shows how you're connected to the stone." Tony explained.

"Ah yes because that totally eases the mind." Laura felt the pressure building. She now feels like she has zero clue on who she is. "We did some digging in Xavier's files. He knew all along that you can could control the stone and knew where it was. By the looks of it he kept you from the stone his own selfish reasons." Tony sighed remembering all the events that happened with Thanos and more importantly to him, what happened to Peter in those events. "Maybe he didn't say anything because he knew I was a threat to the rest of the world." Peter immediate grabbed Laura's hand. His look said it all. "You know that's far from the truth." She wishes that it wasn't true but when you hide something that huge from someone there has to be valid reason. 

"I hate to thrust it at you on short notice but I'd like you to play with it a bit to figure out what you can do with it." Laura just nodded with a nervous lip bite. With a deep breath she stood and followed Tony out of his office. "You've got this baby." Peter whispered and kissed her cheek. All she could think about is all the possible ways of screwing up and accidentally killing everyone. They lead her down a hall that she's never seen before. "How big is this place?" she asked herself. Laura slowly opened the door to a room with one window. She could see Tony, Peter and Shuri watching her. Shuri gave a small wave which Laura gave back. "The stone is coming in." Shuri said over the intercom. Laura nodded and turned to where the stone came in. For some reason someone was wearing a Hazmat suit, which didn't help her situation.

There it was, glowing in all it's glory. The Space Stone. Laura had to force herself to think of something other than the painful memory. She could think of anything in that moment but all she could think about is sex with Peter. Of all the times that she needs to think of something else, THAT'S what she could come up with. With one last deeps breath Laura reaches out for the stone. It starts to shake a bit as she gets closer. It was almost as if it were to have been pulling her at this point. She finally got a hold of it. As Laura held it in her hand her skin started to painfully separate from her body. She could help but scream. Then it was calm but she was floating. All shades of blue clouds surrounded her as she continued to hold the stone. Her skin went back to normal and the pain went away.

"Laura?" a deep, raspy voice called her name. She knew who it was immediately. "Daddy?" she whispered as she turned in the direction of him. But that's all Laura could do. The stone had her body stuck in one spot. Logan walked towards her and looked her up and down. "My how much you've grown." he said in a hushed tone. Tears formed in Laura's eyes. "Nearly 30 right?" he asked. All Laura could do is nod her head. "This is your destiny Laura. Run with it. Fight with it. The world needs you." Logan pushed a piece of hair out of the way. "I'm proud of you." with that he vanished and so did the rest of the illusion. Laura's eyes now glowed blue. She let go of the stone and it floated above her hand. She wiggled her hand. The stone fallowed her actions. For once in her life she felt completely at ease. A smug smile spread on her face as she watched the tone twirl. "Ain't we helluva pair." she chuckled.

Tony, Peter and Shuri watched with fascination. What Laura experienced was not what they saw. They watched as her body nearly ripped itself apart and then put it back together. Her screams nearly sent Peter down there but Tony held him back knowing that is he went down there it would be his permanent death. They watched as her skin fell back into place and her screams stopped. Her body started to float a little bit off the ground as she had her little sequence with Logan. They couldn't tell if she was out of pain or at peace. Then to the point where she's at now. Laura turned to the window and gave a small wave to the stunned three. The piercing blue of her eyes caught all of their breathes. Was she possessed? "I'm fine guys. If anything I'm more than fine." she smiled. The exhaled when they heard her laugh. It wasn't one from a creepy horror movie so they're good to go.

"Don't try any tricks. We didn't stone proof the room yet and if you try anything this entire place is going down including yourself." Tony said over the intercom. Laura gave him a thumbs up and put the stone back. The glow diminished as she set it down. All she could do is think about how peaceful she felt and how powerful she felt. It intrigued yet scared her a bit. If she can do that little bit, what else can she do?

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