Part 31

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Home. Well that is if you consider the headquarters of the Avengers home. Peter has never been happier knowing things are fixed. Yes it'll take a minute to fully heal but it'll be worth it in the end right? Well they'll have to see. So far it feels like a normal week. The lovers got up, went to breakfast and then training and repeat. It's now Friday and all has been going well. Well, that's what they thought. It's a repetitive thing you know. Once the storm calms down there's at least 10-15 minutes of it until the rain starts roaring on the roof again. Yet another call to Tony's office. "I swear to god if we're called to his office one more goddamn time this month I'm going to shank myself." Laura grumbled. "That won't happen because I won't allow it to happen." Peter rebutted. "I'll do it when you're not going to be around for a while so I have time to come back to life and clean up the blood." Peter just held his tongue knowing that if he said anymore she'd get even more pissed off. 

"well hello love birds. How are you?" Tony smiled with a clap of his hands. He took a look at their grumpy faces and no answer. "Ok obviously you're not happy. I know I'm getting sick of calling you two in here too. But this is good news in my opinion." almost as if they had practiced it, Laura and Peter's eyebrows went up at the same time. It freaked Tony out how in sync they were. "What's this so called good news?" Peter asked. Tony smiled like a crazy person. It was their turn to be freaked out. "Wade Wilson will be joining us." he said with a smile. Has Tony lost his marbles? "Again like every time I've been in here, are you fucking kidding me?" Laura said less than pleased. "Wade Wilson, the jackass in a red and black suit that yanks off to a stuffed unicorn, Wade Wilson?" she asked. "Ok, too much information about him but I'm going to go with yes." Tony said. Laura smacked her forehead. Her day couldn't get any better.

"He's a great fighter and I think he'd liven up the place." Tony expressed with his hands. "Liven up the place? He'll shish kebab the first person that pisses him off. He had a god damn hit list." Laura's voice cracked as she made her point. "And?" Tony questioned. What she wants to say out loud is "have you gone fucking mad?" but instead keeps it to herself. When the meeting is over they leave a bit stunned. Laura especially. "We're not allowing that jackass near Gabby. He's like the bad kid you fear your child will become friends with in school." Laura stated. Peter nodded his head. He is completely confused. Yes Laura said that he's trouble but is he really or is she being dramatic? They made there way to the entrance of the headquarters. Wade is already there. Laura in hales loudly which catches Peter's attention. He gives the "play nice" look. Laura rolled her eyes. There's no playing nice for her.

"Wade Wilson?" Peter asked extending his hand. Wade turns and smiles. Laura's face scrunches. He's still just as ugly as before. "I'm Wade. Wow." Wade paused. There was an awkward silence where they kept shaking hands and Wade took a long, hard look at Peter. "Have you ever heard of a three way relationship?" Laura's eyes pop out. Ok time to intervene. "Wade. So good to see you." Laura pushed Peter out of the way to block him. "Oh hello honey badger. How are you?" He sassed. "It's Wolverine and I'm doing great." she said through gritted teeth. "Doesn't sound like it. Is someone having a dry spell?" he asked. "NO! I'm not. I actually have a fiance." she said getting even more annoyed. "Holy shit! Someone actually wants to murder themselves." he said in a happy tone. Laura is about to shank him.

"No asshole they don't. in fact the one you asked about the three way relationship is my fiance." she huffed. Wade covered his mouth with his hand. "Oh my god damn! Mr. McHottie Pants is fucking you?!" he asked in mock horror. "Fuck off! And yes he is and he loves it!" she gave a saucy turn towards Peter who is completely stunned for all the wrong reasons. "Did he just say I was...?" Peter slowly said as Laura pulled him by his wrist away from Wade. "Yes now come on. We must use vibranium to hold Gabby down because I know that jackass will damage her." Laura said. "That's not how it works Laura!" Wade yelled. Laura threw her fist up and flipped him off. Oh this is going to be her living hell.

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