Sick Lance

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  Lance and Keith are dating in this. KLANCE FOR LIFE, MAN! XD


~Lance's POV~

  The team and I just got back from a mission. It was a success, but soon after we got back I started to feel sick. I walked up to my boyfriend, Keith, and fell dramatically in his arms, "Keeeeeeefffff I'm dyinggggggg,"  I whine with a hand over my forehead. I practically hear his eye roll.
  "Lance, what is it?" Keith replies while helping me get back up.
  I laugh before responding, "I feel really sick," I hug him before continuing, "it's really cold but my forehead is on fire. Give me your jacket."
  "But you have your jacket!" He says, "Do you want to ask Coran to check you out?" I nod as he takes his jacket off and gives it to me. I smile at him, but then a wave of nausea hits me, so I drop it and run to the bathroom. I hear Keith yell my name, but I'm kinda busy trying not to throw up my guts. I finally make it to the bathroom and kneel in front of a toilet. Long story short, I threw up.
  Keith came rushing in and started rubbing my back, "Are you okay?" He asks me after I minute.
  I wipe my mouth with my sleeve, lean against the wall, and nod. Keith helps me stand up and he brings me to Coran, who was cleaning the pods.
  "Hey Coran, Lance doesn't feel well." Keith says while holding my hand, "He just threw up and he thinks he's running a fever." He finishes and looks at me with concern and sadness in his eyes. 'Dang it, Lance, you're worrying him!'
  Coran turns to us and gasps, "My boy, you're  so pale! Come, come! Let me check you out." (Sorry, I don't really know what to make Coran say XD) I nod and sluggishly walk over to him. Coran takes my temp. with a weird Altean device before saying, "Yup. He's defiantly running a fever. In your Earth measurements he's 104 degrees  Fahrenheit, or 40 degrees Celsius." (Sorry if that's wrong, I just looked it up on google and trusted that it's right XD)
  Keith gasps, "That's really high! Lance come with me, I'll take care of you." Keith then grabs my hand and starts walking to his room. Since we just did a mission, I'm to tried to protest that it's fine and I can take care of myself.
  We got to his room and he apologized for a messy room.
  "Hey lets take off your jacket, kay?" Keith says to me with a voice filled with concern. I take off my jacket and flop onto his bed.
  "Hey, I'll be right back. I'm just gonna go get a rag and cold water," Keith says before hurrying off.
  'I hate making Keith take care of me. I'm just being a burden!' I started to feel guilty that he had to take care of me, and when I'm sick I'm an emotional person, so my eyes teared up. Keith walked in and sat on the edge of his bed and started to soak a wash cloth in freezing water. He then put it on my forehead and noticed my eyes are teary.
  "Hey what's wrong? Are you in pain?" He asks with worry laced into his voice.
  I smile at him guiltily before responding, "I'm sorry you have to take care of me. I'm sure you would rather be training or hanging out with the rest of the team."
  He stares at me, "Lance, I'm your boyfriend. I don't care about doing anything else besides making sure you're okay. I don't mind taking care of you," he says with one of his hands on my cheek. I smile at him then pat the spot beside me, indicating I want him to lay with me.
  He lays next to me and I put my head on his chest. It calms me whenever I hear his heartbeat.

~Keith's POV~

  I was laying next to Lance, and his head was on my chest.
  "Hey Lance?" I ask him while stroking his hair.
  "Yes, Keef?" He replies, saying my name like a little kid would.
  I chuckle then respond, "Why do you feel guilty about me having to take care of you? I love spending time with you, even if that means one of us is sick."
  "Uh two reasons, I guess. For one, it's not fun taking care of a sick person. I always had to take care of my family when they were sick. We couldn't really afford any medication, since we were a big family, so I had to take care of them for awhile. Oh sorry, I brought up my family.. Second, I don't want to get you sick." He replies while nuzzling his head closer to my chest.
  "You're literally laying on me," I laugh before continuing, "And don't worry. I have a strong immune system." I sit up, causing him to whine, and gets his washcloth wet again. I lay down and he puts his head on my chest. I think it calms him if he can hear my heartbeat. I start to hum a song, and, before long, he falls asleep.
"I love you.." I hear him whisper before he falls asleep completely.
  "I love you, too, Lancey Lance." I say while playing with his hair.

I kinda based this picture off this picture I found

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I kinda based this picture off this picture I found. Sorry, I don't know who the artist is! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I really liked writing it. I think it was super cute! Have a good morning/day/evening/night!! Byeee~~
Words: 947

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