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I really wanted to make a one-shot where Keith and Lance have an adopted new born baby. Idk. I hope it's cute. Btw, this is an AU!

~3rd Person~

Keith and Lance wake up in the middle of the night to their daughter, Laura, screaming and crying. Keith looks over to the time: 1:46 am.
'Great,' Keith though, 'not even a full 3 hours of sleep yet.'
"What are you waiting for? Go get the baby.." Lance grumbles.
"Why don't you get her? I got up last time!" Keith exclaimed back, a little loud.
"Keith.. I literally do everything around the house. Please, just calm her down.."
"You do nothing! All you do is ask me to ducking calm the baby!" Keith yells back. As soon as he did, however, he regretted it. Lance really does do everything around the house, and Keith just yelled at him. Even though Keith felt bad, he didn't want to apologize, so he just got out of bed and stormed off to Laura's room.
After a couple minutes of calming Laura down, Keith started to head back to the couples room. When he got in there, he saw Lance facing the wall, curled in a ball under the blankets, shaking. Keith laid in next to him.
No response.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean what I said.. I'm just tired," Keith tried to reason.
Keith heard sniffles, so he grabbed Lance's arm and turned him towards him. Lance's face was covered in red blotches, his eyes were blood shot, and tears were streaming down his face.
"Love..." Keith said, voice laced with guilt.
"What?" Lance asked coldly, trying to turn away.
"I'm sorry. You really do everything around the house, and I didn't mean to yell at you."
Lance just turned around and continued to cry. Keith wrapped Lance in an embrace, which caused Lance to try and shrug off Keith's arms.
"Love.. I'm sorry," Keith tried again.
Lance finally turned around after a few moments in silent. He wasn't crying anymore, so the tears were starting to dry. Keith ran his thumb across Lance's cheek, trying to wipe away the drying tears.
"I'm sorry," Lance suddenly says.
"Because we're both parents. We need to take turns. We're a team."
Lance yawned, so Keith spoke up, "Let's talk about this tomorrow, 'Kay?"
Lance nodded and put his head on Keith's chest. A few moments later, the couple was fast asleep.

When Keith woke up, he smelt.. burning? He shot out of bed, only to see that it was empty. 'Lance...' Keith slowly walked into the kitchen, for he was still tired, and saw Laura in her high chair.
"How's my little princess?" Keith asked in a baby voice, pinching his daughters cheeks. Laura giggled and waved her arms in the air, causing Keith to smile widely.
"Mornin' Babe" Lance yelled excitedly while cooking pancakes.
"Hey, I thought we were gonna start taking turns with this stuff," Keith said with his hands on his hips.
"We are. You got Laura last night, I cook breakfast. I tend to Laura between breakfast and lunch if you cook lunch. Well, if that's okay of corse," Lance replied while looking at the stove.
"Uh.. sure?"
"Great! Set the table, please?" Lance asked. Keith nodded and began setting the table. Lance put the pancakes on the plates and got Laura's food ready. Then he fed Laura and ate breakfast himself.
Halfway through breakfast, Laura started crying. Keith started to get up, but Lance beat him to it, "My turn." Is all Lance said before he grabbed their daughter and brought her to the changing station.
"Love, I think you're doing to much work. You cooked breakfast, fed Laura, and now you're changing her. I don't mind doing it," Keith stated while walking towards the two.
"It's my turn. I don't mind. Don't worry, if it gets to much I'll ask for help," Lance replied while smiling.
"Love ya, Babe!" Lance yelled after changing Laura.
"I love you too, love," Keith replied before crouching to Laura's hight, "and I love you too, Princess." Lance smiled and put his hand on Keith's shoulder, 'My family..' he thought.

Hope you liked it! I know, it's kinda all over the place. Ehhh
Word count: 716

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