Mr. and Mr. McClain

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Woo. Lance is a high school teacher. AU

~Lance's POV~

  I don't want to go to work today. Christmas break just ended, and I have to go teach high schoolers about science. I love my job, but I just want to stay home with Keith, my husband, all day, cuddling.
  Since I'm a teacher, I have to arrive at school before all the students. But I woke up late today. As I was rushing out of Keith and I's shared home, I grabbed a picture of the two of us.
  I drove to Voltron High, probably speeding, and arrived only 2 minutes late. Honestly, I feel like a high school student all over again. I burst into my classroom, panting, and holding a bunch of folders, a picture, and a book bag.
  "I'm.. so sorry class. I overslept.." I apologized, quickly putting my things down. A couple of students groaned. They most likely were hoping I wouldn't show at all, which would give them a free day.
  I sat the picture of Keith and I down next to my computer monitor. For a couple of minutes, I stood, staring at it without realizing. Well, I realized once a student cleared their throat.
  "Mr. McClain, what're you staring at? I've been raising my hand for, like, 5 minutes.." My favorite student, Dan, said.
  "Ah! Sorry," I felt my cheeks redden, "I was looking at a picture of my husband, Keith.." I apologized, picking up the picture, and showing it to the class.

" I apologized, picking up the picture, and showing it to the class

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  I heard a few people aw.
  "How long have you been together?" Dan asked.
  "8 years. We were high school lovers," and before I knew it, I was rambling about how I met Keith, "I used to get bullied by the principle's son. Keith was the 'emo'-" I said with air quotations, "who was always alone, but one day he stood up for me. For awhile we were just best friends. If you wanted Lance, you got Keith and Lance, and the other way around. Very quickly, I developed feelings for him. I decided to confess- in a way too complicated manner. I literally wrote him a song, composed a guitar part, and sang it for him. He loved it, and we've been together ever sense.." I said, admiration and love seeping through my voice. The class awed, and a voice rang through the classroom.
  "OoO, I like how you told our story, Love. You totally made me seem like a hero!" Keith yelled. He was wearing a red sweater, black skinny jeans, and red converse. I felt my cheeks flush.
  "What're you doing here?!" I asked, clearly surprised.
  He laughed, "You forgot your wallet, phone, house keys, lunch, and your daily planner." I then noticed him holding my lunch box, phone, and daily planner stacked on top of each other. My keys and wallet were in one of his hands. My cheeks flushed even more as my class laughed.
  I quickly walked up to him, kissed him on the cheek, and grabbed my stuff, "Thank you.." I said to him, embarrassment visible in my voice.
  He laughed again, "You're welcome. I gotta head to work now, but I'll see you at home! It's your turn to cook dinner, by the way."
  I groaned, "Could we just eat out?" I asked.
  He kissed my cheek, "Nope! Bye, I love you!"
  I smiled, "I love you too, Keith."
  The class awed as Keith ran out the door.
  "That's your husband?" Dan asked.
  I had a lovestruck smile on my face, "Yup.. He's great.."
  "Honestly, Mr. McClain, you're acting like a high schooler that just got their first boyfriend," Dan said, chuckling.
  "Well, he was my high school boyfriend. And now he's my husband! So, technically, you aren't far off," I said, pointing my finger. The class laughed.
  "You know what, I'm just gonna give you guys a free day," I said, not really in the mood to try and teach them. I totally didn't want to just stare at a picture of my perfect husband..
  The class cheered, thanking me.

  Later that night when I got home, I was exhausted. Sure, I didn't teach my students today, but if you give kids a free day, you're gonna get at least 20 crazy kids doing.. stuff.
  I pulled my car into the drive way, turned the car off, got my stuff, and went inside. Keith wasn't home yet, so I just threw my stuff on the table. He hates it when I do that, but I'll deal with that later. I groaned, realizing I have to cook dinner. My groan soon turned into a smirk. Running around the kitchen, I collected ingredients for one of Keith's favorite meals, spaghetti; I decided I would surprise him after a long day of work!
  I started the meal when my phone dinged.
  "Hey, Love. I won't be home for another hour or so. I'm sorry, but something is happening at work. :("
  I smiled. This is perfect; I can perfect the surprise!
  "It's okay! I'll make sure dinner doesn't get cold or anything. :3"
  "Thanks, Love. I love you!"
  "I love you too!"
  With that, I put my phone up. I then remembered I just dumped all my stuff on the table, so I quickly cleaned that up; which took about 5 minutes. Then, I sat the table up. There were wine glasses, plates, knives, forks, and glasses for water. Keith would now be home in 40 minutes, so I decided to start the spaghetti. Now, I don't like to cook with store made sauce. I like to make my own sauce. Usually, I would have made my own pasta, but I don't have time for that.
  I then chopped tomatoes and made the sauce, which took about 10 minutes. I then started preparing the pasta, which took 25 minutes. With 15 minutes left until he got home, I started lighting candles, spreading random rose petals on the floor from the front door to the dinning room, dimming the lights, pouring some wine, getting water, and, finally, preparing the spaghetti. I was putting the final touches on when I heard Keith's car pull up into the driveway. I hurriedly put the final touches, sat the plates down on the table, and sat down. My outfit wasn't anything fancy, just a blue polo shirt tucked into some black skinny jeans, and brown dress shoes, but I still felt pretty good about my appearance.
  Keith walked in the door, "I'm- home..?" He started out yelling, but when he said 'home' his voice died out. Clearly, he was confused. A few seconds later, he walked into the dinning room. I stood up, grabbed the stuff he had, and smiled at him.
  "Welcome home, Keith! I decided to surprise you!" I said enthusiastically while putting his stuff up. When I looked back at him, he looked guilty.
  "What's.. the matter?" I asked with a fearful and nervous voice.
  "I didn't do anything for you, though!" He exclaimed, still looking guilty.
  I laughed, feeling a little less nervous, "I didn't expect anything from you. I simply wanted to surprise you after a long day at work!" I responded, kissing his cheek, before pulling out his chair, "This is also a thanks for bringing me my stuff."
  He sat down and gasped, "You even made spaghetti? Thank you, Love!"
  I smiled sweetly at him, "I'm glad you like it. Now dig in, I'm starving!"
  We both laughed and started eating. The night went by fast. We talked about our day, about someday adopting kids, and someday getting a pet. When we went to bed, we were cuddling.

  I woke up late. Again. I quickly changed, grabbed my book bag, which actually had all my stuff in it today, my phone, wallet, and keys. I then drove to school without realizing I skipped breakfast and coffee.
  Today, I actually got to school in time, though.
  "Mornin' class! Today won't be a free day; I'm actually teaching you. We're currently on the space unit. You're seniors in high school though, so I'm just gonna put on a video about the planets, sun, stars, and all that stuff. Then, we'll talk about it and take notes! I suggest you take notes during the video if you want to pass the test, by the way!" I said to the class. Just as I was about to turn on the video, Keith barged into the room.
  "Keith? I thought I remembered everything?"
  "You forgot the most important meal of the day and your coffee. I already know you'll be very upset later without coffee, so I went to Starbucks and got you your usual: a venti caramel mocha, a blueberry muffin, and an egg sandwich! Plus, I decided to surprise you since you surprised me with dinner last night!" He yelled excitedly.
  The class awed as I kissed him on the cheek. He pouted as he handed me my breakfast, "That's a sucky kiss, Love."
  "PDA, Keith," I laughed, "I love you. Thank you for the breakfast and coffee."
  He smiled, "Love you too! See ya later, Lancey!" He yelled, running out of the room. I blushed at the use of my nickname as the class laughed.
  "Lancey!" Dan yelled.
  "Only he gets to say that!" I exclaimed with red cheeks. I walked up to my computer and started the video.
  I wasn't paying attention to the video. I was eating, drinking my coffee, and staring at Keith and I's picture..

Bad ending. Sorry. That was also all over the place, but I hope you liked it? I thought this was super cute :P
  Word Count: 1611

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