I Am Damaged

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HEATHERS WOOO XD I don't own this song!! (Original Colors) btw, if you haven't listened to Heathers, I highly suggest it!

~3rd Person~

  It was a normal day before the Galra attacked. Keith and Lance were cuddling on the couch, Hunk was cooking, Pidge was trying to find her family, Shiro was training, Allura was playing with the mice, and Coran was cleaning. Then, cannons, gun shots, and screams were heard. All the paladins immediately ran to their lions, Keith and Lance kissed quickly before the parted, and flew outside. The sight they saw was horrendous: Battle cruisers everywhere, ships being destroyed left and right, Galra fleets stretching out for what seemed like forever. It was terrible. And the team was terribly out matched. The team fought hard, they really did, but eventually all the lions were lured into the main ship. No one knows how it happened; they just know they were there. Hagar was walking in front of them.
  "Hm.. look at what we have here. The paladins of Voltron, the pleasure is mine.. Now, of corse, one of you won't leave this ship. Who will it be, I wonder?" She spoke to herself. Keith and Lance grabbed each other's hands instinctively.
  Hagar then stopped in front of Lance, "I'll pick you, Blue Paladin!" She exclaimed.
  "No!" Keith yelled, holding onto his hand tighter. Hagar simply chuckled, grabbed his arm, and yanked him towards her. Keith reached out for him, but Shiro pushed his hand down. Keith glared at the leader, but he simply gave him a look saying, 'We'll figure something out..'
  "Now, Blue Paladin. Who do you value more: you or your team? Who's more important: you or your team? Would you die to save your team?"
  Lance gulped before responding, "I value my team more than my own life.." Hagar smirked and handed him a gun.
  "Shoot yourself."
  "No!! Lance, don't do it!" Keith yelled.
  "Do it or your entire team dies," Hagar hissed.
   Lance put the gun against his head. Tears were falling down his cheeks, his hands were shaky, but yet he looked like he wanted to do this.
  "Lance, no!" Keith yelled. He started to cry at this point as well.

  "I am damaged, far too damaged, but you're not beyond repair. Stick around here, make things better 'cause you beat me fair and square.." Lance started singing, knowing Keith loved this song.

  "Please stand back now.. Little further. Don't know what this thing will do. Hope you'll miss me. Wish you'd kiss me Then you'd know I worship you. I'll trade my life for your.." Lance continued singing.

  "Oh my god.." Keith said, tears spilling down his cheeks.

  "And once I disappear.."

  "Wait, hold on!" Keith cried, reaching his hand out.

  "Clean up the mess down here.."

  "Not this way!" Keith was staggering forward, trying to get to Lance.

  "Our Love is God.. Our love is God.. Our love is God.. Our love is God.." Lance sung, his finger slightly pressing down on the trigger.

  "Say hi to God.." Keith cried.


  "LAAAANCE!" Keith screamed, rushing forward to his limp boyfriend. Keith was sobbing, but he managed to put his index and middle finger on Lance's neck. He checked for a pulse. There wasn't one.
  The blue paladin was no more..

That was dark holy popsicle sticks.. I hope you liked it? Sorry if this seems like it's copy someone else's work; there's a lot of one shots like this one out there.
Word Count: 585

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