Who You Are

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(Original Colors) The team just went to the space mall, and they got a pretty cheap piano!
(Don't play the song yet!)

~Lance's POV~

  I was always a musical kid. During my school career, I learned many instruments: the piano, guitar, bass guitar, ukulele, and the trumpet. My favorites, however, were the piano and guitar. Many nights in space, I lay in bed, pretending to play my favorite songs on a piano or guitar. So, when the team and I went to the space mall and got a piano, saying I was ecstatic was an understatement.
  It was around 4:00 am in US central time, so everybody was asleep, well, except for me. I needed to play that piano. After walking the halls, making sure everyone was in their rooms, I walked to the training deck. We decided to put the piano there since it was quite a big room, which, in my mind, makes no sense. What if something happens to it while we're training?
  I sat on the piano bench, and I put my fingers over the familiar keys. I pressed middle c down, making the beautiful tone ring throughout the air. A smile found its way onto my face; I've missed this sound.
  Delicately, I placed both hands on the keys. I only remember one song completely, so I decided to play that. I hope I don't wake anyone up..
  I cleared my throat, and began to play..

(Play the song)

~Keith's POV~

  I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of a piano ringing throughout the castle hallways. Angrily, I threw my blankets on the ground and marched out of my room. I stomped to the training deck and stopped suddenly. Lance was playing the piano, singing. At first, I was mad, but he actually sounded.. amazing. I stood there for a minute before the rest of the team, including Allura and Coran, joined me.
  We all stared at each other in astonishment. He was singing with such passion and emotion; kind of like he related to the song. His fingers flew across the keys delicately; he looked like a professional who played their entire life.
"Woah.." Hunk mouthed to us.
  Pidge nodded in agreement. We all continued to listen to Lance until the end of the song. I saw him wipe his eyes with his sleeve before turning around. He saw us and screamed.
  "Jesus Christ, guys! You scared me!" He yelled before looking down, "Sorry, I woke you guys up," He chuckled.
  "Woah.." Hunk said.
  He looked up, "Hm?"
  "You sounded great, Buddy!" Hunk yelled, running forward and engulfing him in a bear hug. Lance awkwardly patted his back.
  "Uh.. thanks, Buddy.."
"You sounded very emotional singing that, Lance.." I added.
His cheeks flushed, "Uh.. yeah.." He said, rubbing his neck awkwardly.
"Usually people are emotional if they relate to something, don't you think?" I asked, interrogating him. I wanna know why he sounded so emotional.
"Uh, yeah.. I think that's what makes music great; the emotion. And yes, I can kind of relate to that song.."
"Why do you relate to it?" I asked.
"Well, when I hear that song I think the moral is to be yourself, and the artist singing the song has had trouble doing so. Uh.. I'm kinda at a confusing point in my life, I guess?" He said, sounding confused and embarrassed.
"What do you mean?" Shiro asked.
Lance took a deep breath, "I'm questioning my sexuality. I've always identified as a straight male, but.. I think I have a crush on a guy. And thinking back on all the girls I've liked, I don't really think they were.. crushes.. I think I just like their personalities, but not them romantically or sexually. I don't know.. I'm just.. confused.." Lance confessed.
"Oh," I said, blushing. I don't know why I was blushing, I wasn't embarrassed.
"Keith, aren't you gay?" Shiro asked.
"Uh, Yeah. But I never went through this; I've always liked guys and only guys," I responded.
"Wait, Keith is gay?!" Hunk yelled.
"Obviously!" Pidge responded.
"How is it obvious?!" I asked her, embarrassed.
"Dude, I've seen you checking guys out," She responded smugly.
"This isn't about me, this is about Lance!" I screamed, turning a deeper shade of red. Everyone else laughed, but I crossed my arms.
"Why don't you experiment?" Hunk asked.
Lance looked shocked at the question, "I don't want to use somebody just to figure out my sexuality!"
"But you aren't using them if you think you like them, right?" Hunk asked.
Lance opened his mouth to answer, but shut it. He clearly doesn't know what to think at this point.
Pidge spoke up, "Wait.. how does this relate to the song?"
Lance shrugged, "I dunno. I just really wanted to get that off my chest," He laughed.
Hunk put a hand on Lance's back, "Well, Buddy, we'll support you no matter what!"
Lance smiled, "Thanks.."

Word Count: 831 (I'm doing the word count first cause I wanna go on a little rant. You don't gotta read the rant if you don't want to, it's not important to the story!)
I kinda based Lance off of me for this chapter. I've always identified as a straight female, but I recently I've developed a huge crush on one of my female friends. I know I like girls, I think I've had crushes on girls in the past, but thinking back on it, I think all the guys I've had "crushes" on aren't.. real. I think I just liked their personality? So now I don't know if I'm bisexual, a lesbian, or pansexual. I've been attracted to trans people before too! Like, it didn't develop into a crush, but you know how in the movies high school guys are attracted to girls because of their looks? I've felt like that around a trans boy at my school. And I'm too young to experiment, so I don't know how to figure out what the heck my sexuality is! I also don't know if this is just a "phase." I hate it when people accuse others of their sexuality as just a phase, but I'm going through puberty! I don't know if my mind is just confused, or if this girl is the only girl I'll ever like, or if I'm not straight, if that makes sense. Around guys, I think I've only felt admiration, but around this one girl, my heart speeds up, I start to sweat from nerves, and I feel so happy around her. Also, I hate hugs, but I will gladly hug her (and my best friend, but she moved so I never get to see her XD). Also, if she gets nervous, she likes to hold somebody's hand, so I let her hold my hand sometimes, which makes my heart speed up so much I don't think it's healthy. I'm so freaking confused! And, to make matters worse, it's summer, so I can't see her! I honestly will find myself sometimes getting my yearbook and just staring at her picture, which is creepy! Ahh sorry, I just needed to get that off my chest. XD There are a lot of people at my school in the LGBTQ+ community, but, again, it's summer, so I don't know who I could talk to. (I hope nobody who knows me in real life sees this; I've only told my twin sister and my bisexual friend about this XD) Also, I was gonna go to my mom about this, but she started talking about how she doesn't "understand bisexuals?" She said that if you're a bi female and you marry a female, you're automatically a lesbian, and if you marry a guy, you're automatically straight.. so.. I didn't wanna go to her about that.. XD Ah, Sorry, this rant is really long! I just really, really needed to get that off my chest!
New word count: 1326

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