The Fight

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I saw a picture of Keith and Lance both crying, and an idea came to my head: imma make a one shot where Keith and Lance are fighting. Sorry XD (Modern AU)

~Lance's POV~

  My boyfriend, Keith, and I are having a fight in our kitchen. We've been dating for 5 years now, but it's never been this bad..
  "All you do is think about yourself, Lance! Your so selfish! Do you ever think about me? Our relationship? Or do I not matter to you?!" He yelled at me. Tears were streaming down my face. I can't even remember what we're fighting about, all I know is that Keith is infuriated.
  "K-Keith, all I ever think about is y-you! Everything I do is for you! Our relationship means the world to me!" I cried.
  "Oh really?! When was the last time you did anything for me? When was the last time you planned anything?! When was the last time you did anything?!"
  "Huh?! Are you just gonna trip over your words?!"
  "Answer me, dang it!" He yelled, pushing me backwards. I ran into the fridge, knocking some stuff over.
  "Now you're knocking things over! Just great!"
  "I-I'm sorry!" I yelled, getting on the floor and picking the stuff up. Rivers of tears were streaming down my face, I was hiccuping, and my hands were extremely shaky. I'm surprised I haven't had a panic attack at this point.
  "How are we supposed to have a future if you don't do anything, Lance?!" He yelled after I finished picking everything up.
  He wouldn't break up with me, right?!
  "W-What do you mean..?"
  "You dang we'll know what I mean!"
  "Keith, what are we even fighting over anymore?" I cried, clearly frustrated.
  "..I can't remember.." he admitted, looking down.
  I just started crying more. Was he fighting just to fight?!
  "I need some time to cool off.." I stated, walking into our room and locking the door.
  When I got in our room, I jumped on the bed, grabbed Keith's pillow, and started sobbing.
  I guess I never do anything...
  Am I just useless to this relationship?
  Is he even happy with me anymore?
  He.. can't break up with me.. I need him..
After a minute of me sobbing into Keith's pillow, he knocked on the door.
  "..Lance? I'm so, so sorry.. can I come in?" He spoke in an extremely sad voice.
  I stayed put, but I started sobbing even more.
  Now I'm making him sad!
  "Lance? Are you okay?" He asked, his voice starting to fill with worry.
  "Y-Ye-eah" I stumbled over my words, my voice cracking multiple times.
  "Lance?! Please, let me in.."
  I started to get up, but when my feet hit the floor I fell. When I cry, I become extremely weak.
  "Lance?!" Keith called out worriedly.
  I got up again, this time a little slower, and started to carefully walk to the door. Eventually, I made it and unlocked the door. My knees buckled again as soon as Keith opened the door. I sat there, and started to sob into my hands. Keith rushed forward and hugged me.
  "I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry, Lance.." Keith said sadly.
  Keith picked me up and sat me on the bed. He then started to rub circles on my back while hugging me, but I was still hunched up, sobbing into my hands.
  "I'm sorry.." I said after a minute. My sobs finally stopped, but I was still crying.
  "I'm so sorry, Lance. I'm so, so sorry.."
  Keith pulled away from me, took my hands out of my face, and started to wipe my tears. I finally got a good look at his face, and I noticed his eyes were filled with tears. That made me cry more.
  I made him upset..
  "Lance, what's wrong?" He asked me, his voiced filled with concern.
  "I-I upset you.. your eyes are filled with tears.."
  Keith pulled me into a tight hug, "I love you, Lance."
  "I love you too.."

That was bad. Sorry XD
Word Count: 685

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